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wicked Scarecrow. I should prefer that Sir Harry’s party had that honor, though for our own safety we must do what

we can to prevent it. Tomorrow night we will ride out to the hidden stables and consult with our friend the


For five days and nights the party of Dandy Sleuths, as the Captain persisted in calling them, went out and about

upon the Marsh. They visited all the ale houses and were lavish in their hospitalities. For free drinks the yokels

were induced to talk, and made good use of their imaginations. The Dandies carried back with them more

information than they had ever dreamed of getting, and as they discussed it over their wine in the Ship Inn they were

of the

opinion that the Scarecrow was not so popular amongst the men of Romney Marsh as they had been given to believe

by reports in London.

Since Captain Blain refused to speak to any of them after his warning, Doctor Syn, out of regard for his guests,

had to entertain the Dandy Sleuths for dinner at the inn, while the Captain was served in his house by the old Mrs.

Fowey. It was during this meal on the second day of their stay that the Vicar showed them another threatening letter

he had found upon the pulpit cushion of his church. It was written in the familiar scrawl of the scarecrow, and told

him in plain terms to have no dealings with the town gentlemen staying at the ‘Ship’. The old Vicar assured the

gentlemen that he was not afraid.

Meantime Major Cullund kept to himself, and the Dandy sleuths were not aware that he was watching them. But

the old Vicar went to the ‘Tavern’ and confronted him. Cullund told him that he hoped to take the Scarecrow

himself, and so have the laugh against the men who had affronted the Bucks’ Club. Doctor Syn, who owned that the

Major had been in his opinion definitely affronted, gave his clerical word that he would not betray his presence in

Dymchurch to the five gentlemen at the Ship Inn.

“As far as I can see,” stated the Major, “there is small chance of anyone capturing the Scarecrow, since the

inhabitants are so mortally afraid of him. So, Reverend Sir, I shall still get my thousand guineas, since Sir Harry has

only to borrow the sum from his companions.”

Doctor Syn told Mipps that his dislike for the Major increased.

Though the five from the ‘Ship’ worked according to their lights, indefatigably, they were bound to confess

amongst themselves that after four days and nights of watching, listening and seeking, they were no nearer in

finding out anything concrete to help them. And then, while supping late one night the door of the coffee-room

opened and a tall man entered unannounced and closed the door quickly but quietly behind him. Placing his finger

to his lips he tiptoed towards the table, motioning to Sir Harry Sales and Lord Strathway to give him room as he

picked up a chair and placed it between theirs. In whispered tones he apologized for his intrusion, said there was no

need to give his name, but instead could impart information which they would be glad to get, since it concerned the


“His safety had always been that of fear amongst his men,” he expla ined. “I know you gentlemen wish to get

him from under the nose of Captain Blain. Well, I can help you to it. His men are tired of his tyranny and I know

there is a plot to kill him after the next run on Friday night. Even for the sake of the reward his men dare not betray

him, knowing he could inform against them all in the Law Courts. Therefore when the last keg is safely put to

hiding they are binding him, and gagging him safe beneath his mask, and placing him in a disused oast house, which

they intend to fire. At the first flame the conspirators will fly for their own safety, but if you dash into the oast

house before the fire gets him you may carry him off alive. For myself I ask nothing, though a poor man, except

that I hate the whole gang of them. I have reason, which only concerns me.”

Closely questioned, and fortified with good wine and Lord Strathway’s filled purse which was pressed upon him,

the stranger gave them further details. The gentlemen, if hidden by the oast house, would see the landing on

Littlestone Beach. The Captain had lapped up secret information that a landing was planned beyond Dungeness, and

the Revenue cutter would be patrolling that water, where they would be delayed by a decoy of three harmlessly

loaded luggers. Apparently the Night -riders had been cheated of many guineas for some time and were determined

to appoint another leader. All of which information delighted the five gentlemen, who on the departure of the

stranger became hilarious with joy, knowing that with a little dash and risk of burning they could win the almost

impossible wager.

Hearing their laughter, Mrs. Waggetts remarked to Mipps in the tap-room that they were hardly the breed to score

off the Scarecrow. The gentlemen, however, continued to drink and be merry, knowing that they were.

On the Friday afternoon Captain Blain , from information received, marched his men through the sea mists which

were encircling the Marsh some two miles beyond Dungeness, closing in towards the promontory as darkness fell.

They heard the signal gun of the cutter ordering the luggers to heave-to. For two hours they waited for the

revenue boat to report. At last it came grinding on to the shingle, and they learned that the luggers had nothing

aboard but stinking fish shipped for manure. The had heaved the stuff overboard expecting to find brandy kegs

beneath the cargo, and were now liable for heavy damages.

Meanwhile, Major Culland had seen the five gentlemen pass along the sea-wall, but when he tried to follow them

found that he was locked in his room, and his casement was too small to squeeze through. His hammering and

shouting were to no avail. For some reason he was being held from going after his club mates.

The five meantime saw much to astonish them. Their informer had been a man of his word. Hidden near the

oast house they heard the distant gun of the cutter echoing across the water from miles away. They saw the signals

from the landing-party flashed in the darkness, and then the string of pack-ponies, guarded by the wild Nightriders.

Then they saw the Scarecrow himself ride up on his great black horse and give his orders, which were dutifully

answered by many “Aye, aye, Scarecrow’s.”

In half an hour back came the loaded ponies from the beach, and then the Scarecrow himself. But this time,

instead of leading his men he was led by them. Bound and gagged beneath his hideous mask he was dragged from

his horse and hustled into the oast house. Out came the men again, and threw lighted torches into the building which

began to blaze. Then away they galloped, laughing.

Into the flames dashed the five, saw the Scarecrow tied to a post, freed him, and carried him out. They took him

up to the sea road, where a coach and riding horses were waiting, and putting him inside, under guard, with sir Harry

on the box seat and two others riding by the windows, they dashed back through Dymchurch, making for the

London road.

The next morning Doctor Syn was not at the Vicarage when the Squire called round to see him. The housekeeper

could give no information of where the Vicar was.

“Been out all night amongst his sick parishioners, no doubt,” thought Sir Antony Cobtree.

Now the news of Sir Harry’s wager had not been kept secret. Major Culland had seen to that, for he wished Sir

Harry and his friends to look foolish after so much boasting, and so at nine o’clock the card-room of the Bucks’