on Islam, 118–119
and Kiev protests, 53–54
on McCain, 53–54
popularity of, 35, 47, 143, 168
protests against, 33–34, 59
Yalta visit of, 106
Pyatt, Geoffrey R., 53, 55–56, 57
Rasmussen, Anders Fogh, 142, 165
Remnick, David, 169
Roberts, Paul Craig, 158
Rogers, Mike, 165
Romania, 137, 138, 141
Romans, in Crimea, 67
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 90
Roth, Andrew, 131
Roxburgh, Angus, 46
Rumer, Eugene, 166
Russia: Black Sea Fleet, 109–110, 136, 137, 139
and Black Sea gas reserves, 140–142
Black Sea naval bases of, 45–46, 64
Donbass invasion, 22, 129–132
energy exports of, 47–48
gas pipelines of, 6, 48–49, 141, 162, 163
and NATO expansion, 27, 30, 58
near abroad concept, 20–22
and Ukraine, shared history with, 37–41. See also Crimea—Russian annexation of; Russia, tsarist; Soviet Union
Russia, tsarist: Crimean resorts of, 79, 104–105
in Crimean War, 83–84, 107, 110–111
navy of, 109–110
occupation of Crimea, 78–86
and “Third Rome” concept, 74–76
Russians in Crimea, 85, 88, 89, 90
Saakashvili, Mikheil, 134
Sachs, Jeffrey, 166
Said, Edward, Orientalism, 100
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 168
Saitvaliev, Ruslan, 148–149
Sakharov, Andrei D., 33, 114
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 130
Saunders, Paul, 160
Schroeder, Gerhard, 48, 162
Serbia, and Kosovo independence, 27–30
Sevastopol, 2, 8, 68, 78, 86, 89, 106–109
as naval base, 46, 58, 64, 137
religious significance of, 108–109
and Russian annexation, 121, 123
in Russian civil war, 102–103
sieges of, 84, 107, 108, 110–111
Shany, Yuval, 154
Shevchenko, Taras, 41
Shultz, George P., 160–161
Sikorski, Radoslaw, 57
Silk Road, 6, 68
Simes, Dimitri K., 160
Simferopol, 78, 89
Sinan, Mimar, 72
Sivash, 1, 2
Slashchov, Yakov, 103
Sochi Olympics, 34, 59–60
Sophia Palaeolog, Princess, 75–76
South Ossetia, 30, 165
South Stream gas pipeline project, 49, 141, 162
Soviet Union: collapse of, 10, 21, 43, 45
Crimean republic, 88
Donbass region in, 128
naval bases of, 45, 46
republics of, 42–43. See also Russia
Spain, 157
Spivakov, Vladimir, 122
Stalin, Joseph, 9, 42, 43, 71, 76, 90, 91, 108, 111
Stavridis, James G., 129
Steinmeier, Frank-Walter, 57
Stern, David, 133
Stettinius, Edward R., 90
Stoltenberg, Jens, 165
Stone, Oliver, 159
Subtelny, Orest, 40, 43
Syria, 137, 148–149, 169–170
Talbott, Strobe, 24, 28, 35
Tatars, Crimean, 5, 66
deportation of, 90, 91
and Nazi occupation, 88–90
origins of, 114–115
in Russian revolution and civil war, 86–87
in Soviet republic, 88
“Third Rome” concept, 74–76
Tito, Iosip Broz, 135
Tolstoy, Leo: Anna Karenina, 130
Sebastopol Sketches, 84, 107, 145
Trianon Treaty (1920), 164
Truman Doctrine, 76, 138–139
Tsigans (gypsies), 81
Tsiskaridze, Nikolai, 122
Tsvetaeva, Marina, 96
Turkey: Black Sea dominance of, 137–138
Crimean Tatars supported by, 116, 149
in Crimean War, 83–84, 138
and gas pipeline project, 141
NATO membership, 156, 157. See also Ottoman Empire
Turner, Michael, 165
Twain, Mark, 104, 105, 107
Tyahnybok, Oleh, 55, 57, 133
Tymoshenko, Yulia, 106, 134
Ukraine: anti-government protests in, 50–51, 52–53, 54–55, 57, 58
Crimea as part of, 43, 46, 64, 91–92, 112–114, 144
and Crimean Tatars, 116–117
and Donbass region separatism, 128–129
and European Union cooperation, 50, 51–52
as failed state, 133–135
and Kosovo independence, 29
and NATO membership, 56, 58, 64, 137, 157–158
navy of, 121, 139
Orange Revolution in, 31, 44, 57, 58
Polonization of, 38–39
regional differences in, 19, 37, 45
and Russia, historical roots, 37–38
Russian gas transit through, 48–49
and Russian invasion of Crimea, 63–64, 119–122, 154–155
Russian invasion of Donbass region, 22, 129–132
Russification of, 39–40
Sovietization of, 42–43
U.S. intervention in, 20, 30–31, 53–57, 58–59, 64, 170
U.S. policy debate over, 158–161
Ukrainians in Crimea, 85, 88, 89, 90
Ukrainka, Lesya (Larysa Kosach-Kvitka), 41
United Nations (U.N.), 43, 55
Convention on the Law of the Sea, 136, 140
and Crimean annexation, 127, 155–156
and Kosovo secession, 28, 29
United States: Black Sea missiles of, 139
and Crimean annexation, 127–128, 129, 157
and Kosovo intervention, 28, 30
and NATO expansion, 22–27, 30
Obama’s foreign policy principle, 168–169
sanctions against Crimea, 147
Ukraine, political intervention in, 30–31, 32–35, 53–57, 58–59, 64, 159–160, 170
Versailles Treaty (1919), 166
Vladimir, Prince, 108–109, 136
Volga Tatars, 118
Voloshin, Maksimillian, 94, 97–98
Weber, Max, 133
Weisman, Stephen, 47
Weiss, Andrew S., 129
Westernization, 16–17, 56–57, 167
Wheatcroft, Geoffrey, 28
Whewell, Tim, 130
Williams, Brian G., 66, 67, 88
Wilson, Andrew, 159
Wilson, Woodrow, 17, 42
World War I, 138
Paris Peace Conference, 18, 42, 135
Versailles Treaty, 166
World War II, 5, 7, 8, 88–89, 90, 108, 138, 155
Wrangel, Pyotr, 102, 103
Wyszyński, Stefan, 17
Yalta, 2, 7, 9, 86
Chekhov and, 105–106
Nabokov on, 94–95
as Russian Riviera, 103–105
Yalta Conference, 90
Yanukovych, Viktor, 30–31, 50, 51, 52, 57, 58, 117, 135, 160
Yatsenyuk, Arseniy, 55, 57, 134, 135
Yeltsin, Boris N., 25, 46, 47, 113
Yevpatoria (Goezleve), 68, 72, 78, 79
Yugoslavia, 27–30, 135
Yushchenko, Viktor, 30, 31, 44, 135
Zeman, Miloš, 164
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