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RGVIA, f. 846, op. 16, d. 5855, 11. 36–7.


H. Bell, Lord Palmerston, 2 vols. (London, 1936), vol. 2, p. 125; Hansard, HC Deb. 21 May 1912, vol. 38, p. 1734; C. Bayley, Mercenaries for the Crimean: The German, Swiss, and Italian Legions in British Service 1854–6 (Montreal, 1977).


F. Kagan, The Military Reforms of Nicholas I: The Origins of the Modern Russian Army (London, 1999), p. 243.


RGVIA, f. 846, op. 16, d. 5496, 11. 1–4, 14, 18–19, 22–8.


C. Badem, ‘The Ottomans and the Crimean War (1853–1856)’, Ph.D. diss. (Sabanci University, 2007), pp. 182–4.


FO 881/1443, Clarendon to Cowley, 9 Apr. 1855.


FO 881/1443, Clarendon to Cowley, 13 Apr. 1855; Stratford to Clarendon, 11 June 1855; Longworth to Clarendon, 10 June, 2 and 26 July 1855; FO 881/547, Brant memo on Georgia, 1 Feb. 1855; L. Oliphant, The Transcaucasian Provinces the Proper Field of Operation for a Christian Army (London, 1855).




T. Royle, Crimea: The Great Crimean War 1854–1856 (London, 1999), pp. 377–8; B. Greenhill and A. Giffard, The British Assault on Finland (London, 1988), p. 321.


WO 28/188, Burgoyne to Raglan, Dec. 1854.


A. de Damas, Souvenirs religieux et militaires de la Crimée (Paris, 1857), pp. 149–50; NAM 6807–295–1 (Sir Edward Lyons to Codrington, March 1855).


H. Small, The Crimean War: Queen Victoria’s War with the Russian Tsars (Stroud, 2007), pp. 125–33.


V. Rakov, Moi vospominaniia o Evpatorii v epohu krymskoi voiny 1853–1856 gg. (Evpatoriia, 1904), pp. 52–6; E. Tarle, Krymskaia voina, 2 vols. (Moscow, 1944), vol. 2, p. 217; The Times, 14 June 1856, p. 5.


WO 6/74, Panmure to Raglan, 26 Mar. 1855; Royle, Crimea, p. 370.


FO 78/1129/62, Rose to Clarendon, 2 June 1855.


A. Kinglake, The Invasion of the Crimea: Its Origin and an Account of Its Progress down to the Death of Lord Raglan, 8 vols. (London, 1863), vol. 8, pp. 48–55; E. Perret, Les Français en Orient: Récits de Crimée 1854–1856 (Paris, 1889), pp. 287–9; The Times, 28 May 1855.


RGVIA, f. 846, op. 16, d. 5563, 1. 322; N. Dubrovin, Istoriia krymskoi voiny i oborony Sevastopolia, 3 vols. (St Petersburg, 1900), vol. 3, p. 179.


J. Herbé, Français et russes en Crimée: Lettres d’un officier français à sa famille pendant la campagne d’Orient (Paris, 1892), p. 337; Noir, Souvenirs d’un simple zouave, p. 314.


A Visit to Sebastopol a Week after Its Falclass="underline" By an Officer of the Anglo-Turkish Contingent (London, 1856), p. 34.


M. Vrochenskii, Sevastopol’skii razgrom: Vospominaniia uchastnika slavnoi oborony Sevastopolia (Kiev, 1893), pp. 77–84; H. Loizillon, La Campagne de Crimée: Lettres écrites de Crimée par le capitaine d’état-major Henri Loizillon à sa famille (Paris, 1895), pp. 106–7.


Herbé, Français et russes en Crimée, p. 199; RGVIA, f. 846, op. 16, d. 5452, ch. 2, l. 166; W. Porter, Life in the Trenches before Sevastopol (London, 1856), p. 111.


E. Boniface, Count de Castellane, Campagnes de Crimée, d’Italie, d’Afrique, de Chine et de Syrie, 1849–1862 (Paris, 1898), pp. 168–73.


Noir, Souvenirs d’un simple zouave, p. 313; E. Ershov, Sevastopol’skie vospominaniia artilleriiskogo ofitsera v semi tetradakh (St Petersburg, 1858), pp. 167–73; NAM 1965–01–183–10 (Steevens letter, 26 Mar. 1855).


H. Clifford, Letters and Sketches from the Crimea (London, 1956), p. 194; Porter, Life in the Trenches, pp. 64–5.


C. Mismer, Souvenirs d’un dragon de l’armée de Crimée (Paris, 1887), p. 140; Porter, Life in the Trenches, pp. 68–9.


F. Luguez, Crimée-Italie 1854–1859: Extraits de la correspondence d’un officier avec sa famille (Nancy, 1895), pp. 61–2.


J. Cler, Reminiscences of an Officer of Zouaves (New York, 1860), pp. 233–4; S. Calthorpe, Letters from Headquarters; or the Realities of the War in the Crimea by an Officer of the Staff (London, 1858), pp. 215–16.


Ershov, Sevastopol’skie vospominaniia, pp. 224–30.


Damas, Souvenirs, p. 265.


Porter, Life in the Trenches, p. 127.


WO 28/126, Register of Courts Martial; Clifford, Letters and Sketches, p. 269. For some of the many voluminous reports on drunkenness in the Russian army, see RGVIA, f. 484, op. 1, dd. 398–403.


Herbé, Français et russes en Crimée, p. 225; The Times, 17 Mar. 1855.


M. Seacole, Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands (London, 2005), p. 117.


A. Soyer, Soyer’s Culinary Campaign (London, 1857), p. 405.


B. Cooke, The Grand Crimean Central Railway (Knutsford, 1990).


Herbé, Français et russes en Crimée, p. 223.


RGVIA, f. 481, op. 1, d. 18, 11. 1–8.


V. Kolchak, Voina i plen 1853–1855 gg.: Iz vospominanii o davno perezhitom (St Petersburg, 1904), pp. 41–2; Vrochenskii, Sevastopol’skii razgrom, p. 113; Sobranie pisem sester Krestovozdvizhenskoi obshchiny popecheniia o ranenykh (St Petersburg, 1855), pp. 37–40; Ershov, Sevastopol’skie vospominaniia, p. 91.


Porter, Life in the Trenches, p. 144; Ershov, Sevastopol’skie vospominaniia , pp. 97–107; Sobranie pisem sester Krestovozdvizhenskoi obshchiny, pp. 49–55; N. Pirogov, Sevastopol’skie pis’ma i vospominaniia (Moscow, 1950), p. 62.


Vospominaniia ob odnom iz doblestnykh zashchitnikov Sevastopolia (St Petersburg, 1857), pp. 14–18; Ershov, Sevastopol’skie vospominaniia, p. 34.


H. Troyat, Tolstoy (London, 1970), pp. 170–71; Tolstoy’s Diaries, vol. 1: 1847–1894, ed. and trans. R. F. Christian (London, 1985), p. 103; A. Maude, The Life of Tolstoy: First Fifty Years (London, 1908), pp. 111–12.


Tolstoy’s Diaries, vol. 1, p. 104; V. Nazar’ev, ‘Zhizn′ i liudi bylogo vremeni’, Istoricheskii vestnik, 11 (1890), p. 443; M. Vygon, Krymskie stranitsy zhizni i tvorchestva L. N. Tolstogo (Simferopol, 1978), p. 37.


Vrochenskii, Sevastopol’skii razgrom, p. 117; N. Dubrovin, 349-dnevnaia zashchita Sevastopolia (St Petersburg, 2005), pp. 161–7; NAM 1968–07–484 (Gage letter, 13 Apr. 1855).


J. Jocelyn, The History of the Royal Artillery (Crimean Period) (London, 1911), p. 359; NAM 1965–01–183–10 (Letter, 23 Apr. 1855).


Mismer, Souvenirs d’un dragon, pp. 179–80; Mrs Duberly’s War: Journal and Letters from the Crimea, ed. C. Kelly (Oxford, 2007), pp. 186–7.