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Memorials of Captain Hedley Vicars, Ninety-Seventh Regiment (London, 1856), pp. x, 216–17.


Quoted in Markovits, The Crimean War, p. 92.


M. Lalumia, Realism and Politics in Victorian Art of the Crimean War (Epping, 1984), pp. 80–86.


Ibid., pp. 125–6.


Ibid., pp. 136–44; P. Usherwood and J. Spencer-Smith, Lady Butler, Battle Artist, 1846–1933 (London, 1987), pp. 29–31.


Mrs H. Sandford, The Girls’ Reading Book (London, 1875), p. 183.


See e.g. R. Basturk, Bilim ve Ahlak (Istanbul, 2009).


Genelkurmay Askeri Tarih ve Stratejik Etüt Bakanlıı, Selçuklular Döneminde Anadoluya Yapılan Akınlar–1799–1802 Osmanlı-Fransız Harbinde Akka Kalesi Savunması–1853–1856 Osmanlı-Rus Kırım Harbi Kafkas Cephesi (Ankara, 1981), quoted in C. Badem, ‘The Ottomans and the Crimean War (1853–1856)’, Ph.D. diss. (Sabanci University, 2007), pp. 20–21 (translation altered for clarity).


A. Khrushchev, Istoriia oborony Sevastopolia (St Petersburg, 1889), pp. 159–6.


L. Tolstoy, The Sebastopol Sketches, trans. D. McDuff (London, 1986), pp. 56–7.


N. Dubrovin, 349-dnevnaia zashchita Sevastopolia (St Petersburg, 2005), p. 15.


A. Apukhtin, Sochineniia, 2 vols. (St Petersburg, 1895), vol. 2, p. iv. Translation by Luis Sundkvist and the author.


M. Kozelsky, Christianizing Crimea: Shaping Sacred Space in the Russian Empire and Beyond (De Kalb, Ill., 2010), pp. 130–39; R. Wortman, Scenarios of Power: Myth and Ceremony in Russian Monarchy, vol. 2: From Alexander II to the Abdication of Nicholas II (Princeton, 2000), p. 25; O. Maiorova, ‘Searching for a New Language of Self: The Symbolism of Russian National Belonging during and after the Crimean War’, Ab Imperio, 4 (2006), p. 199.


RGVIA, f. 481, op. 1, d. 27, 1. 116; M. Bogdanovich (ed.), Istoricheskii ocherk deiatel’nosti voennago upravlennia v Rossii v pervoe dvatsatipiatiletie blagopoluchnago tsarstvoivaniia Gosudaria Imperatora Aleksandra Nikolaevicha (1855–1880 gg.), 6 vols. (St Petersburg, 1879–81), vol. 1, p. 172.


S. Plokhy, ‘The City of Glory: Sevastopol in Russian Historical Mythology’, Journal of Contemporary History, 35/3 (July 2000), p. 377.


S. Davies, ‘Soviet Cinema and the Early Cold War: Pudovkin’s Admiral Nakhimov in Context’, Cold War History, 4/1 (Oct. 2003), pp. 49–70.


Quoted in Plokhy, ‘The City of Glory’, p. 382.


The conference papers are online: http://www.cnsr.ru/projects.php?id=10.

Select Bibliography

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