Canrobert, General François (1st Division, later commander-in-chief) follows Napoleon III’s instructions at Inkerman leadership questioned plans of assault in Sevastopol shelved until the sping protests to Menshikov about Inkerman atrocities disagreement with Raglan over the field plan (1855) the Kerch raid and resignation
Caradoc, HMS
Cardigan, Maj-Gen Thomas Brudenell, 7th earl (Light Bde commander)
Cardwell, Edward, Lord, army reforms
Carmichael, George (Derbys Regt)
Castellane, Pierre de, Comte (ADC to Bosquet)
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount
casualties: at Alma British overall Chernaia river battle (allied) Chernaia river battle (Russian) injuries from artillery and rifle fire at Inkerman at Kars Malakhov and the Redan the Mamelon overall cost in lives Russians overall Sevastopol (Russians) treachery by and mistreatment of Turkish overall
Cathcart, General Sir George (4th Division)
Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia
Catholic Church: anti-Eastern Orthodox polemic in France Church of the Nativity Grotto France’s historic interest in Palestine pretext for war rivalry with Orthodox Churches in the Holy Land Russian Orthodox persecution Ruthenian (Uniate) Catholics solidarity with Poland
Catholic nuns: in French military hospitals the ‘Nuns of Minsk’
Caucasus Christianization of conquest of by Russia debated at Paris Peace Congress (1856) Mehmet Ali of Egypt inspires rebels Muslims ejected Palmerston’s plans for proposed attack by Indian Army support for Muslim tribes by Britain test for Russian army reforms Turkish army attacks (1853) Turkish forts captured (1829) see also Chechnya; Circassia; Georgia
Cavour, Camillo (Prime Minister of Piedmont): agreement with the Odessa Shipping Company Italian unification and Paris Peace Congress (1856) and support for a wider war with Russia war with Austria
Central Asia, Russian conquests
Cetty, Antoine (quartermaster of French Army)
Champoiseau, Charles, French agent in the Caucasus
Charlemagne (French steam warship)
Charles X, King of France
Chartists, solidarity with Poland
Chavchavadze, Prince, wife and her sister carried off by Shamil’s forces
Chechnya see also Caucasus
Chekhova, Ergenia (mother of Anton Chekhov)
Chenery, Thomas (Times correspondent)
Chernaia river, battle (August 1855)
Cherniaev, Gen Mikhail G.: conquest of Turkestan pan-Slavism with Serbian army
Chernyshevsky, Nikolai (editor: Voennyi sbornik) What Is to Be Done
Chesney, General Francis
Chikhachev, Pyotr, report on the Turkish army
China: Anglo-French expedition (1857) Sino-Russian Treaty of Beijing (1860) see also Opium Wars
Chios, massacre of Greeks
Chodasiewicz, Lt (later Capt) Robert Adolph (Tarutinsky Regt), at Inkerman
cholera: after Alma victory after Evpatoria landings cholera nursing cholera victims in the ship Kangaroo in Danube delta inside Sevastopol at Varna winter (1854 – 55) see also medical treatment
Chopin, Frederic
Christian Science Monitor (newspaper)
Christie, Captain Peter RN (principal agent for transports)
Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem): conflict over roof repair Easter 1854 Orthodox and Catholic rivalry Paris Peace Congress (1856) and pilgrims presents from Catholic governments
Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem): Catholics given right to hold a key 104; Paris Peace Congress (1856) and squabbles between Catholic and Orthodox
Churchill, Winston S. (later Sir Winston), war correspondent
Circassia British gun-running debated at Paris Peace Congress (1856) French mission to Sukhumi Palmerston’s plans for rebels ask for British military help Russians eject Muslims Urquhart and see also Caucasus
Clarendon, Lord George council of war with allied leaders (1855) in favour of war with Russia and the Franco-Austrian peace ultimatum instructions from the Queen Napoleon III and Palmerston and Paris Peace Congress (1856)
Cler, Col Jean (2nd Zouave Regt): examples of combat stress at Inkerman
Clifford, Henry (Staff off. Light Div) drinking culture in allied camps letter home opinion of William Russell second attack on the Redan
Cobden, Richard
Cocks, Col Charles (Coldstream Gds), letters home
Codrington, Admiral Edward
Codrington, Maj-Gen Sir William John (Light Division, later C-in-C) suspends action at the Redan departure and hand over to Russians Tatars ask for help in leaving Crimea
Cold War (1945 – 91)
Colquhoun, Robert (British consul in Bucharest)
combat stress
Community of the Holy Cross (Orthodox nursing order)
Concert of Europe Russia humiliated Tsar Nicholas and
Congress of Berlin (1878)
Congress of Paris (1856) Article V and Crimean Tatars European commission to settle Russian-Ottoman border
Congress Poland: Czartoryski and persecution of Catholics under protection of Tsar Alexander I see also Poland
Congress System, in Europe see Concert of Europe
Connolly, Lt Arthur, the Russian threat to India
Constantine Pavlovich, Grand Duke (briefly Tsar Constantine I) visit to France (1857)
Constantinople: almost reached by Russian army (1878) atrocities against Greeks (1821) attempts at Westernization of dress and domestic culture capital of an Orthodox empire? costume balls attended by the Sultan fall of to Turks (1453) pro-war demonstrations religious riots over Vienna peace terms Russian dream of ‘Tsargrad’ Russians build an Orthodox church to be a free city
Constantinople University, built by Fossati brothers
Contemporary (Russian journal)
Convention of Kütahya (1833)
Convention of London: (1832) (1840 & 1841) see also London, Treaty of (1827)
Corn Laws, Repeal of (1846)
Coronini[-Cronberg], General Johann (Austrian army)
Le Correspondant (newspaper)
Cossack Mountain see Mount Inkerman
Cowley, Henry R. C. Wellesley, Lord Cowley (British ambassador in Paris)
Crete, to go to France