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No one moved for a moment, and then the baron said, “Of course, Your Majesty. Forgive my impudence.” He nodded to a soldier who pulled a coin from his purse and flipped it toward Hall. “Now, Your Highness, shall we be going?”

“Yes,” Alric replied. “I hope you have a carriage for me. I have had my fill of riding, and I am hoping to sleep the rest of the way back.”

“I am sorry, Your Majesty, we do not. We can commandeer one just as soon as we reach a village, and hopefully some better clothes for you as well.”

“That will have to do, I suppose.”

Alric, Myron, Trumbul, and the troops left the inn. There was a brief discussion only partially heard through the open door as they arranged mounts. Soon, the sound of hooves retreated into the night.

“That was Prince Alric Essendon?” Hall asked, coming over to their table and trying to see out their window. Neither Royce nor Hadrian replied.

After Hall returned to the bar, Hadrian asked, “Do you think we should follow them?”

“Oh, don’t start that. We did our good deed for this month, two in fact, if you count DeWitt. I’m content to just sit here and relax.”

Hadrian nodded and drained his mug of ale. They sat there in silence while he stared out the window, drumming his fingers restlessly on the table.


“Did you happen to notice the weapons that patrol was wearing?”

“Why?” Royce asked, irritated.

“Well, they were wearing Tiliner rapiers instead of the standard falchion swords carried by the Medford Royal Guard. The rapiers had steel rather than iron tangs, but unmarked pommels. Either The Royal Armory has upgraded their standards or those men are hired mercenaries most likely from eastern Warric. Not exactly the kind of men you’d hire to augment a search party for a lost Royalist king. And if I am not mistaken, Trumbul is the name of the fellow Gwen pointed out as being suspicious in The Rose and Thorn the night before the murder.”

“See,” Royce said, irritated, “this is the problem with these good deeds of yours; they never end.”

-- 3 --

The moon was rising as Arista placed the dagger on her windowsill. While it would still be sometime before the moonbeams would reach it, all the other preparations were ready. She had spent all day working on the spell. In the morning, she gathered herbs from the kitchen and garden. To find a mandrake root of just the right size had required nearly two hours. The hardest step, however, had been slipping down to the mortuary to clip a lock of hair from her father’s head. By evening, she was grinding the mixture with her mortar and pestle while she muttered the incantations needed to bind the elements. She had sprinkled the resulting finely ground powder on the stained blade and had recited the last words of the spell. All that was required now was the moonlight.

She jumped when a knock on her door startled her. “Your Highness? Arista?” the archduke called to her.

“What is it, Uncle?”

“Can I have a word with you, my dear?”

“Yes, just a minute.” Arista drew the curtain shut, hiding the blade on the sill. She placed her mortar and pestle in her trunk and locked it. Dusting off her hands, she checked her hair in the mirror. She went to the door, and with a tap of her necklace, she opened it.

The archduke entered still dressed in his black doublet, his thumbs hooked casually in his sword belt. His heavy chain of office shimmered in the firelight from Arista’s hearth. He looked around her bedroom with a critical expression. “Your father never did approve of you living up here. He always wanted you down with the rest of the family. I actually think it hurt him a bit that you chose to separate yourself like this, but you have always been a solitary person, haven’t you?”

“Does this visit have a point?” she asked with irritation as she took a seat on her bed.

“You seem very curt with me lately, my dear. Have I done something to offend you? You are my niece, and you did just lose your father and possibly your brother. Is it so impossible to believe I am concerned for your welfare? That I am worried about your state of mind? People have been known to do…unexpected things in moments of grief…or anger.”

“My state of mind is fine.”

“Is it?” he asked raising an eyebrow. “You have spent most of the last few days in seclusion up here, which cannot be healthy for a young woman who has just lost her father. I would think you would want to be with your family.”

“I no longer have a family,” she said firmly.

I am your family, Arista. I am your uncle, but you don’t want to see that, do you? You want to see me as your enemy. Perhaps that is how you deal with your grief. You spend all your time in this tower, and when you do step out of this stronghold of yours, it is only to attack me for my attempts to find your brother. I don’t understand why. I have also asked myself why I’ve not seen you cry at the loss of your father. You two were quite close, weren’t you?”

Braga moved to the dresser with the swan mirror and paused as he stepped on something. He picked up a silver-handled brush laying on the floor. “This brush is from your father. I was with him when he bought this one. He refused to have a servant select it. He personally went to the shops in Dagastan to find just the right one. I honestly think it was the highlight of the trip for him. You should take more care with things of such importance.” He replaced it on the table with the other brushes.

He returned his attention to the princess. “Arista, I know you were afraid he was going to force you to marry some old, unpleasant king. I suspect the thought of being imprisoned within the invisible walls of marriage terrified you. But, despite what you might have thought, he did love you. Why do you not cry for him?”

“I can assure you, Uncle, I’m perfectly fine. I’m just trying to keep busy.”

Braga continued to move around her small room, studying it in detail. “Well that’s another thing,” he said to her. “You’re very busy, but you are not trying to find your father’s killer? I would be, if I were you.”

“Isn’t that your job?”

“It is. I have been working continuously without sleep for days, I assure you. Much of my focus, however, as you should know, has been on finding your brother in the hopes of saving his life. I hope you can understand my priorities. You, on the other hand, seem to do little despite being the acting queen, as you call yourself.”

“Did you come here to accuse me of being lazy?” Arista asked.

“Have you been lazy? I doubt it. I suspect you’ve been hard at work these last few days, perhaps weeks.”

“Are you suggesting I killed my father? I ask only because that would be a very dangerous thing to suggest.”

“I am not suggesting anything, Your Highness. I am merely trying to determine why you have shown so little sadness at the passing of your father and so little concern for the welfare of your brother. Tell me, dear niece, what were you doing in the oak grove this afternoon returning with a covered basket. I also heard you were puttering around the kitchen pantry.”

“You’ve had me followed?”

“For your own good, I assure you,” he said with a warm reassuring tone, patting her on the shoulder. “As I said, I am concerned. I have heard stories of some who took their own lives after a loss such as yours. That’s why I watch you. However, in your case, it was unnecessary, wasn’t it? Taking your own life is not at all what you have been up to.”

“What makes you say that?” Arista replied.

“Picking roots and pilfering herbs from the kitchen, sounds more like you were working on a recipe of some kind. You know, I never approved of your father sending you to Sheridan University, much less allowing you to study under that foolish magician Arcadius. People might think you a witch. Common folk are easily frightened by what they don’t understand, and the thought of their princess as a witch could be a spark that leads to a disaster. I told your father not to allow you to go to the university, but he let you leave anyway.”