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Lenorin puffed out his cheeks and blew hard at the suggestion.

"What title would be more fitting? Lord Anglhan? Chieftain Periusis?"

"I was thinking King Anglhan would be fitting," said Magilnada's lord. Lenorin's breath escaped him explosively, pitching him into a coughing fit. "You think king is too strong? Why not, am I not king of these lands now? Ullsaard calls himself king and half his people would gladly see him dead. Aegenuis calls himself king and he commands about as much loyalty and respect as a turd in a bucket. I think that my power, and my responsibilities, are adequately akin to kingship."

"It would be a bold move," Lenorin managed to say, face red, one hand clasped over his mouth as his convulsions continued. "Certainly the chieftains would be amused."

"I've got three legions and the ability to finance at least that number again, so the chieftains can suck my cock and thank me for the privilege," Anglhan snapped. "Any of them that want to argue are quite happy to."

"Which brings me to why I have been looking for you, er, king," said Lenorin. "I received word this morning from the First Magilnadan on the Ersuan border."

"I'm wondering about that name as well," said Anglhan, not at all interested by the interminable messages his commanders had been routinely sending since their patrol of the border had started. "First Magilnadan was a bit of a compromise for the sake of unity with Ullsaard. I much prefer the First Perusiun Legion; it speaks more highly of my role in their creation."

"You can call them Anglhan's Best Boys for all I care," said Lenorin, his patience finally snapping. "Whatever the name, a runner arrived this morning bringing the news that two Askhan legions have crossed from Ersua."


"Do I need to repeat myself?"

"Shut up," said Anglhan. He waddled to the window and stared down at the city. "These two legions, did they break the blockade? Is this an attack?"

"There was no battle," explained Lenorin. "They slipped through the foothills of the mountains on the coldwards edge of the gap. It would appear they headed further into the mountains, as they have not been seen since.

"Since? Since when?" Anglhan rounded on his chancellor, jowls wobblingly, spittle flying. "How long ago did they cross?"

"Five days."

"This is intolerable!" Anglhan clasped his hands to his head, astounded by the incompetence of his underlings. "They could have been at the city by now. So much for having good warning!"

"The runner is awaiting your orders," said Lenorin. "Are the legions to move coldwards to protect the city?"

Anglhan thought about this, trying to understand the import of the development. It was unlikely Magilnada was the target; Ullsaard would never order such a thing and if the objective had been the city, they would already be at the walls. Was Ullsaard trying to spook him into making a move? Was this a bluff?

"Why the mountains?" he asked aloud. "It's a terrible place to launch an attack from."

"I would assume that the army hoped to keep their whereabouts unknown, perhaps to await further orders."

"It could be a distraction," Anglhan spoke his thoughts as they came to him. "Ullsaard might have some kind of relief force organised, with supplies to launch a fresh offensive. If I move the legions out of position, the bastard could walk a hundred thousand men through the gap and I wouldn't know about it. No, that has to be the explanation. The legions are to maintain their vigil and allow no column or caravan to pass except to Magilnada."

"Very well, is there anything else?"

"This news disturbs me, Lenorin, disturbs me a lot," Anglhan admitted. "I think the time for being nice is over. Ullsaard is up to something, and I need to remind him of his responsibilities. Have his wives arrested and brought to the palace. We'll keep them at my convenience for the time being. I'm sure Allenya will be only too happy to write to her husband, decrying such treatment."

"I did recommend that you did such a thing from the outset," said Lenorin. "I have no idea why you thought it would be beneficial to let them wander around at will."

"You can be an arsehole, Lenorin," said Anglhan. "I have nothing against Allenya and Meliu; they are lovely ladies whose company I enjoy. They were watched and guarded without bars just as easily as with, so why not allow them what comfort I could? I expect them to be properly accommodated here; I'll not have them thrown into some dank room out of sight. They are queens, Lenorin, and should be treated as such."

"As you wish," Lenorin said with a nod. He left with short, quick steps, shaking his head.

Anglhan walked back to the map and returned to his study of it. There was so much still to be done. Magilnada could barely contain the people living there already, and as the city's power and influence and wealth increased, it would have to find room for more. Anglhan was no architect, but looking at the map he could see where a few simple changes could be made in the short term. In a year, perhaps two, they would have to think on a larger scale.

He had thought about the options for some time. He could extend the city walls to hotwards, perhaps doubling the size of the city. It was the simplest solution and for that reason the least satisfying. His preferred course was the settling of a second city of the Free Country, in the Ersuan Mountains on the hotwards side of the Magilnada Gap. That was a statement of intent that every person could understand. It was the sort of thinking that had created an empire for Askhos.

Caught up by his own idea, he rifled through Lenorin's records until he found a chart of the Free Country. Various tribal lands were marked on it in different coloured paints. Anglhan looked at various possible sites, running through a list of features that would be needed; rivers for water, hills for defence, close to woods and good farmland for supplies and trade. He snatched a rod of charcoal from Lenorin's desk and started marking areas for further investigation.

"Should I keep my seat here, or move it?" he wondered. "I think that if it is to have the best start possible, Anglhanada would need me there. What a way to start a new era, with the founding of a proper, modern city. It will be the envy of Askh."

He engrossed himself in mental preparations for this leap forward in the Free Country's fortunes. He had once discussed the name with Ullsaard, but now he had a different view on the matter. Anglhan considered various options but was broken from his thoughts by the sound of running feet on the wooden stairs.

Wondering who could be in such a hurry at this time of day, he stepped towards the door of the office, to be met by a breathless Lenorin. The chancellor ran into Anglhan and rebounded hard, falling to his backside. He looked up at his master with fear-filled eyes.

"They're gone!" he said, voice breaking.

Anglhan pulled the man to his feet, straightened his shirt and guided him towards his stool.

"Who is gone?" he asked.

"The queens, and even Aluuns!"

Anglhan's grip failed in his moment of shock, leaving Lenorin to fall to the floor again. A cold sweat ran down his back.

"Are you sure?" he said, fighting back panic. "Aren't they just out shopping?"

"Three of your men have been combing the city for them since this morning," confessed Lenorin. "One of the servants has confirmed that Noran Aluuns is no longer in his bed."

"Well, let's not do anything too hasty," said Anglhan, whilst trying to think of something hasty he could do. If Ullsaard found out about this, it was all over. "It's only been a few hours, they cannot have got far."

He looked at Lenorin, who was white as a cloud. He was shaking his head, seemingly in disbelief.