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The Crozier Pharohs

Gladys Mitchell

Bradley 66

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chapter 1: mainly for dog-fanciers

chapter 2: eccentric patient

chapter 3: a thief in the dog- watches

chapter 4: dead in the river

chapter 5: theories and speculations

chapter 6: the poacher’s story

chapter 7: trouble at crozier lodge

chapter 8: kennel-maid

chapter 9: poacher and doctor

chapter 10: dead in the valley

chapter 11: scalpels

chapter 12: information from crozier lodge

chapter 13: brother and sister

chapter 14: full marks for artistic impression

chapter 15: watersmeet again

chapter 16: exhumations

chapter 17: judgement suspended

Also by Gladys Mitchell

speedy death

mystery of a butcher’s shop

the longer bodies

the saltmarsh murders

death at the opera

the devil at saxon wall

dead man’s morris

come away death

st. peter’s finger

printer’s error

brazen tongue

hangman’s curfew

when last i died

laurels are poison

the worsted viper

sunset over soho

my father sleeps

the rising of the moon

here comes a chopper

death and the maiden

the dancing druids

tom brown’s body

groaning spinney

the devil’s elbow

the echoing strangers

merlin’s furlong

faintley speaking

watson’s choice

twelve horses and the hangman’s noose

the twenty-third man

spotted hemlock

the man who grew tomatoes

say it with flowers

the nodding canaries

my bones will keep

adders on the heath

death of a delft blue

pageant of murder

the croaking raven

skeleton island

three quick and five dead

dance to your daddy

gory dew

lament for leto

a hearse on may day

the murder of busy lizzie

a javelin for jonah

winking at the brim

convent on styx

late, late in the evening

noonday and night

fault in the structure

wraiths and changelings

mingled with venom

nest of vipers

mudflats of the dead

uncoffin’d clay

the whispering knights

the death-cap dancers

here lies gloria mundy

death of a burrowing mole

the greenstone griffins

cold, lone and still

no winding-sheet

Michael Joseph LONDON

First published in Great Britain by Michael Joseph Ltd 44 Bedford Square, London WCl

1984 Second impression February 1985

© The Executors of the Estate of Gladys Mitchell 1984

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Copyright owner.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

Mitchell, Gladys

The Crozier Pharaohs.

I. Title

823'.912[F] PR6025.I832

ISBN 0 7181 2472 3

Photo-set by Colset Pte Ltd, Singapore

Printed in Great Britain by Hollen Street Press, Slough and bound by

Hunter & Foulis Ltd,


To Ishma and Crispin


The author gives grateful thanks to Dr Monica Still, hon. secretary of the Pharaoh Hounds Club, for her invaluable information regarding these splendid dogs.


The hounds in this my story

Are overmatched in glory

By those whose names they carry,

Yet here Nile gods may tarry.

Isis, Osiris, falcon-headed Horus,

Nephthys, Anubis, Amon, bay in chorus.

Gods named these hounds, for better or for worse,

For dog, heaven bless us! — god is…in reverse.


Mainly For Dog-Fanciers

^ »

I’ve been looking them up while I was in London, ’ said Laura.

‘Friends of yours?’ asked Dame Beatrice.

‘No. I’ve never met them.’ Perceiving a look of innocent enquiry on her employer’s yellow countenance, Laura hastened to add, ‘Oh, I see what you mean. In saying I’ve been looking them up, I was referring to a spot of research I’ve done into the history of those hounds the Rant sisters told us they keep. Very interesting. Do you know that the breed has remained true to type for more than five thousand years?’

‘Dear me! Then the Pharaoh hound must be the oldest domesticated dog in the world. I see that you are bursting with your newly acquired knowledge. Share it with me while I get on with my knitting. ’

‘What’s it supposed to be?’ Laura looked critically at the shapeless mess of wool which cascaded from Dame Beatrice’s wooden knitting needles.

‘Well,’ said its creator, regarding her handiwork with toleration, ‘it began as a pullover, but it seems to have lost its way. ’

‘Haven’t you got a pattern?’

‘No. I hoped my innate genius would suffice. ’

‘Who is the pullover meant to fit?’

‘I have no idea. I thought I would knit it and then bestow it when I saw what size it turned out to be. ’

‘One way of doing things, I suppose.’

‘Tell me about these Pharaoh hounds. They will distract my mind from this disastrous attempt at improvisation.’

‘Don’t worry. I’ll take it back to its stitches of origin after dinner and knit it up again to fit Rory. He’s the only one of your relations who would be seen dead in that colour. Tell you about the Rant Pharaohs? Right.’

Laura’s account of the hobby of the Rant sisters was given with conviction and enthusiasm. The Pharaoh hounds came originally from Egypt, as, with such a name, they could scarcely fail to do. They were the hunting dogs of Egyptian kings and nobles, although there was a bas-relief with hieroglyphics from the reign of Amenemhet the First which indicated that wealthy farmers used the hounds as herd dogs for cattle. The picture showed a man in a rather inadequate lower garment followed by an alert-looking dog. The man, flourishing a stout stick, and the dog, with tail in air, were advancing towards two fighting bulls which had managed to get their horns interlocked. The dog had a collar with two loose ends which reminded Laura (she said) of the bands which eighteenth-century clergymen used to wear. ‘I say,’ said Laura, breaking off, ‘I wouldn’t do any more of that knitting until you’ve let me see to it. The length of it is beginning to make me think of Eternity, a concept I can’t absorb.’

‘I feel the same about what the astronomers tell us of Outer Space,’ said Dame Beatrice, obediently laying aside her knitting.

‘Time and Space, and we’re back to Einstein, I suppose,’ said Laura. ‘Do you think jet lag comes into it somewhere?’

‘Go on about your visit to London, ’ said her employer. ‘You appear to have filled in your time well.’

‘Oh, the Pharaoh hounds, yes. Of course I did see quite a lot of Gavin while I was there. ’

‘It has always intrigued me that you call your husband by his surname, even to his face.’

‘Well, Robert is the rather facetious name which used to be given by students and other semi-educated persons to the bobby on the beat. As you know, Ian is Gavin’s other name, but I don’t use it for fear of confusing him with my brother. That’s all there is to it. As for my researches, there were hieroglyphics with the picture of the farmer, the dog and the bulls and I was given a translation of the name of the dog. It was “Breath of Life of Senbi”. I think it must be Breath of Life who has been adopted by the Pharaoh Hound Club as their badge.’