Ambrose, Stephen E., 221
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 17 Anderson, Frank, 274
Anderson, Judith, 11
Anderson, Martin, 48–49, 177
Andreas, Dwayne, 153
Andropov, Yuri V., 146, 185, 188, 205, 206–8
grooming of Gorbachev by, 220, 221 Arbatov, Georgi, 264, 280
arms race, 64–65
fiscal impact of, 240–42
Geneva summit and, 246–49
reaction of Gorbachev to RR’s, 242–46 role of, 237–40
SDI and, 242–46
Arnold, Eddie, 11
Avrakotos, Gust, 274
Azeem, Mohammad Ashraf, 309–10
Boland, Edward, 269
Boldin, Valery, 299
Boren, David, 259
Borovik, Genrikh, 99, 211
Bovin, Aleksander, 187
Bradley, Bill, 259
Bradna, Olympe, 68
Brezhnev, Leonid, 46, 146, 160, 170, 209,
Babiuch, Edward, 90
Bailey, Norman, 116, 121–22, 149, 157, 166, 190
Baker, James, 81, 190
Bandar, prince of Saudi Arabia, 256
Barrett, Laurence, 108
Barry, John, 275
Barrymore, Ethel, 22
Barrymore, Lionel, 11
Battaglia, Phil, 32
Bearden, Milt, 233, 234
Belafonte, Harry, 23
Benny, Jack, 22
Berlin, Germany, 40–41
Berlin Wall, 34–36, 292, 314
Bernstein, Carl, 134, 136, 139
Bessmertnykh, Alexander, 261, 300
Bishop, Joey, 36–37
Bishop, Maurice, 191, 192
Bogart, Humphrey, 11, 239
on détente, 47
invasion of Poland and, 93
Reagan’s letter to, 104–5
response to RR’s letter, 105–6
Brezhnev doctrine, 46
Brock, William E., 221
Bronson, Charles, 22
Brown, Archie, 219, 220–21, 295
Brown, Pat, 32
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 136, 288, 290
Bujak, Zbigniew, 112
Burger, Warren E., 73
Bush, George H. W., 74, 129, 137, 191, 299, 307
Bush, George W., 307
Caldicott, Helen, 205
Callahan, Bob, Sr., 68–69
Cannistraro, Vincent, 259
Cannon, Lou, 34, 64–65, 143, 147, 242, 301
Carter, Jimmy, 53, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 80, 82, 159, 205, 209, 236, 238
Iran hostage crisis and, 56–57
knowledge of invasion of Poland, 92–93
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and, 58
Casaroli, Agostino Cardinal, 136
Casey, William J., 121, 199
Afghanistan and, 231, 234
decision to deploy Stinger missiles in Afghanistan and, 259–60
as director of CIA, 74, 118, 119–20
Farewell Dossier and, 124–25
Saudi Arabia and, 250–51, 256
support of Poland and, 290
Vatican and, 136, 137
Collingwood, Chris, 35
Communism, 11
end of, in Eastern Europe, 292
RR’s 1950s crusades against, 12, 18–20
SDI as factor for fall of, 300–302
Communists in Hollywood, 25–26
tactics of, 19
Conference of Studio Unions (CSU), 10
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 59–60, 117
Containment doctrine, 159
RR’s rejection of, 42–43
Cooke, Alistair, 22
Cooke, Terence (archbishop of New York), 76
Cooper, Gary, 16
Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (COCOM), 161, 163, 280
Cotten, Joseph, 22
CPAC. See Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
Cronkite, Walter, 9
Crusade for Freedom (1950), 18
Dickinson, Angie, 22
Displaced Persons, RR’s speeches on behalf, 14–15
Dixon, Illinois, 3
First Christian Church of, 8
Lowell Park in, 3–6
Dobriansky, Paula, 116
Dobrynin, Anatoly, 146, 294
Dolan, Anthony R., 140
Donskiy, Alexander, 300
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 38
D’Souza, Dinesh, 68
Duberstein, Ken, 81
Dudek, Joseph, 85
Dunckel, Earl, 67
Castro, Fidel, 186
Ceausescu, Nicolai, 292
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 119–20
Chamberlain, Neville, 36
Chambers, Whittaker, 117
Chebrikov, Viktor, 206
Chernenko, Konstantin, 137, 217, 243
Chiang Kai-Shek, 46
China, 46
Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, 19
Christian Social Association, 85
Churchill, Sir Winston, 42, 44–45
Clark, William P., Jr., 8
Afghanistan and, 234–35
on arms race, 248
blocking construction of Soviet pipeline and, 146, 148, 150
downing of South Korean airliner, 188–89
on “evil empire” speech of RR, 174–75 French relations and, 154
as gubernatorial aide, 32, 36–37
as head of National Security Council, 112, 113–17, 118, 119, 120, 121
NSDDs and, 125–26, 130, 156, 157, 160, 164, 166, 168
possible use of U.S. force to invade Poland and, 95–97
resignation of, 190–91
on RR, 313
on RR and Poland, 291
on RR’s preoccupation with Poland, 87, 89
SDI deception and, 210
as secretary of interior, 219
Strategic Defense Initiative and, 175–77
Vatican and, 133–34, 136, 139
Clay, Lucius, 18
Cohen, Richard, 275
Cold War, 35–36
RR’s rejection of policies of, 41–45
Coll, Steve, 233, 236
Collingwood, Charles, 33
economic policies, of Ronald Reagan, 79–81
Elliott, Ben, 67
Ellman, Michael, 202
Emmert, Lloyd, 306
Eureka College, 6, 23, 127
Evans, Colleen, 76
Evans, Louis H., 75, 76–77
Evans, M. Stanton, 46
Darman, Richard, 190
Davis, Bette, 11, 22
Day, Doris, 11, 68
Dean, James, 22
Deaver, Michael, 51, 67, 76, 81, 100, 190, 305
deGraffeinreid, Ken, 116, 190
de Haviland, Olivia, 11
Delchamps, Ollie, 68–69
DeMille, Cecil B., 12
democracies, 307
Democratic Party, RR’s views of, 28
deregulation, 80
Desert One operation, 56–58
Détente, 159
Brezhnev on, 47
RR’s rejection of, 43–44
Soviet view of, 46–47
Devine, Jack, 274
Fahd, king of Saudi Arabia, 251, 254, 256
Falin, Valentin, 183–84, 222–23, 264–65
Fanfani, Amintore, 185
Farewell Dossier, 123–25, 154–55
First Christian Church, Dixon, Illinois, 8 Fleming, Rhonda, 68
Flynn, Errol, 11, 68
Ford, Gerald R., 48–49, 53
1976 Republican Convention and, 51–53
Foster, Marion Emmert, 306,
324n6 France, construction of Soviet pipeline and, 122, 153–55
Gaddis, John Lewis, 221, 301, 313
Gamble, Doug, 201–2 Garland, Judy,
23M Garson, Greer, 22
Garthoff, Raymond, 302
Gaulle, Charles de, 154
Gelb, Leslie, 233
General Electric, RR as spokesman for, 22–25
Geneva summit, 246–49
Genscher, Hans Dietrich, 109
Gergen, David, 175, 180, 190
Gierek, Edward, 90
Gilder, Josh, 268
Glemp, Jozef (primate of Poland), 97 Goldwater, Barry, 28, 29, 278
Gone with the Wind (1939), 11
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 170, 227
Afghanistan and, 228–30, 275–77
Andropov’s grooming of, 220, 221
arms race and, 237–42
early career of, 218
on effect of declining oil revenues, 253
election of, 217–18
on free elections in Poland, 286–88
Geneva summit and, 246–49
historic changes of, 297–99
letter to Nancy Reagan on death of RR, 307