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Gary found some old rags in the garden shed back of the garage. He wiped himself as best he could, still seeing in his mind every detail of the incredible spectacle he had witnessed between his father and Wanda. It wasn't fair! His father had his mother to fuck. Why the hell did he have to fuck Wanda too? God damn it, the bastard had just committed adultery with his own sister-in-law. Didn't he know that?

Wanda was his own age. He should have been the one giving it to her. He trembled at the prospect. Oh Jesus! He had to find a way to do it. If she put out for his old man… then why not for him too?

He slumped down on the floor of the shed. A sudden thought hit him like a blow. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. Did his mother know? She couldn't. No, she was too trusting. It would never occur to her that his father was such an unmitigated bastard. What would she do if she found out? Would they get a divorce? Or would Wanda be kicked out of the house or what?

This was going to take some thinking. Wanda couldn't be, kicked out yet… not till he had a piece. She was his only hope. He was too shy to make it to first base with any of the girls at school. They were all balling the big football types anyway. There wasn't a chance for him. But, God damn, if he could get it into Wanda just once. Those dudes and their big talk. Hell there wasn't a girl in school who could measure up to Wanda. If he could get into her pants, nobody could ever laugh at him again. He'd be a man, by God! A real man!

On the other hand… Jesus. He didn't want his folks to split up. He knew kids who only had one parent. It made you feel shitty. They all said so. What was he going to do? What if his father and mother got a divorce and his father married Wanda? Christ, she'd be his step mother! Then he'd never have a chance at getting any. There had to be some, way out of this screwy mess. What the hell kind of girl was Wanda anyway, screwing her sister's husband who was old enough to be her father? A bitch, a first class horny bitch, that's what.

Hell and damnation! There'd never been such a mess! Gary put his head down on his bent knees. Think! He had to think of a way out. But nothing came and he sat huddled in the airless garden shed, miserable and confused and furious at the whole world.

Suddenly he heard his father start up the truck in the garage behind him. He was leaving now. He'd gotten his fill and was going back to work now. The greedy bastard!

Gary waited till he could no longer hear the truck's motor dying away down the street. He got up and stretched. His eyes checked the front of his jeans. Hell, they were wet with his cum. A big spot blotched the denim. There was only one thing to do. Sneak into the utility room and find a clean pair and throw these in the dirty clothes before his mother came home or Wanda saw him. God damn it! What a shitty day! Nothing was ever going to be the same again and Gary felt as he had as a little boy… that tears were going to come streaming down his face no matter what he did to try and stop them and the thought of that filled him with such fury that he ached.

Wanda showered luxuriously after Lester left. Drying herself in front of the big mirror in the bathroom, she posed, making faces, twisting a lock of her hair into a strand while looking up under her lashes the way the movie stars did when they wanted to look sexy, thrusting one naked thigh forward in the classic model's stance while her lower lip pouted provocatively. She threw back her head then and laughed at herself in the mirror. Old Lester sure fell for everything. He came home every day now when he knew Bette Jean was going to be out. The days she didn't go anywhere, he was so crabby he bit everybody's head off.

She helped herself to some of Bette Jean's good dusting powder and puffed it over her naked breasts, buttocks and belly. It wouldn't do her sister any good. Wasn't anybody to even smell it with Lester banished to Donnie's old room. She smoothed the powder all over her naked flesh until she was as smooth as silk. Old Lester would eat her up again if he were here to see. Wouldn't be long now till he'd do anything she told him to. He was as single minded as a dog after a bitch and as impossible to distract.

Pretty soon he was going to get tired of having to sneak home to lay her. He'd want her in his bed every night. Bette Jean was going to find herself replaced, the cold nag. She deserved it, too. Almost every day she made cracks about Wanda finding a job. If Lester was around he made her shut up about it. He knew that their little play parties would come to an end if Wanda went to work during the day and he wasn't about to let that happen.

Wanda whistled softly to herself as she carried the bundle of dirty clothes to the utility room. She felt clean and euphoric, well fed, well fucked and content. Clad in clean navy bell bottoms and a red sweater, she walked noiselessly over the carpet barefoot. Her breasts jiggled as she walked and the soft nylon sweater scraped her nipples taut with every step. Bette Jean had spoken to her privately about that too. It was indecent to go without a bra. Wanda had laughed and told her she was old fashioned. All the girls went without bras these days. Lester liked to look at her bounce around the house and after all he was the one she had to please, she thought smugly. Besides it drove that silly mama's boy, Gary, out of his gourd.

The whistle died on her lips when she opened the utility room door. Gary was standing at the dryer with his bare ass hanging out while he rummaged through a stack of clean clothes folded on the porcelain top. His shirt tail poled out a little in front of him where his young cock stood half hardened. The thighs and buttocks looked strong and young, the legs hairier than she would have imagined. Hell, he seemed like such a kid despite the fact he was only a year or so younger than she was… but maybe he wasn't that much of a kid after all.

His face flushed beet red as he turned away from her, clutching a towel to him and then trying frantically to wrap it around his naked buttocks. He looked pitiful and pathetic, as though he was about to bust out crying.

"Don't you ever knock when you come into a room! Get out of here! Can't you see I'm changing!"

"Well, where did you come from?"

"I got out early. Thought I'd change before I do my homework," he said harshly. He was still feverishly trying to hide himself and getting more hopelessly tangled up every minute.

Wanda looked him over from red face to sock feet. His mouth was working soundlessly like a fish out of water and he kept fumbling and hiding behind the wads of clothes he'd dragged over himself. She put her own bundle of clothes in the dirty clothes hamper and leaned against the washer, looking right into his face.

"You need some help, honey?" she said slowly, measuring every word.

His hands stopped fumbling and he stood terrified, his tongue coming out to wet his lips. "What… what kind of help…" he whispered desperately.

"What kind do you need? You look like you're in trouble of some kind. Maybe old Aunt Wanda could help you… s'pose?" Leaning on one elbow, her hip thrust out, Wanda slid her hand suggestively down over one hip and thigh. "You're the one's in trouble!" he burst out, dropping the clothes and grabbing her by the arms to pull her to him, tears of desperation standing in his eyes. He kissed her awkwardly, not knowing where to put his nose.

"Well… well!" she whispered. "Aren't we affectionate all of a sudden!"

Her mouth was still inches from his and her green eyes bored into him mockingly. Gary felt his naked cock jerk and he was shuddering as though he had a chill. He knew if he fumbled this now he may as well die! There might never be another chance… ever. His father would go on scaring him and being disappointed in him because he wasn't athletic, his mother would go on spoiling him and he'd wind up a virgin and a pain in the ass to everybody. He didn't know how he knew this… but he knew it more certainly than he'd ever known anything. He had to fuck this girl who was his aunt or he could give up forever right now! If he made one false move she'd laugh at him and he'd dissolve in tears. Gary felt as though he were being made to walk the plank and only death awaited him if he didn't do it and do it now!