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"Well, you fucker, I told you I could do it. Now, is there anyone else here man enough to last more than 30 seconds with my mouth on his cock? Huh? I bet not!" she growled defiantly at them. They seemed almost awed by her behavior. "C'mon, you shitheads, here I am. Show me what you've got, I'm here with cum all over my face and tits, waiting for you to come up and give me more. Let's see just who's the fuckingest bitch around here. I bet your pussy girlfriends won't do this for you, eh? Hey, you!" she motioned with her head at a young man watching with rapt attention, his hand massaging the lump in his jeans. "Your cunt girlfriend ever let you blow off in her face like that? Huh? Bet you'd like to do that right now, wouldn't you? Better ask your chick, though, wouldn't want her to get all jealous now, would we?" she taunted. She smiled inwardly as she saw the young black-haired girl next to him blush deeply and dig her hands into the boy's arm she was holding. Linda continued.

"Hey, babe, ever had him jerk off in your face? Ever get that wet feeling between your lips? Ever get cum up your nose from a stiff cock? I bet not! I bet you would never let him see you with cum on your tongue, would you? Ahhh, you're all alike, just a bunch of strutting young jerks who don't know a thing about fucking and sucking. Think you know it all, though."

Linda glanced over at Kate. She was watching all this wide-eyed, scarcely believing what she was hearing. Suddenly the leader spoke up again.

"Ok, bitch, you want cum, you'll get cum. Alright everybody, lissen up! There's gonna be some fucking going on here, right now. I want everybody to line up. Darla, you get on that fucking mattress over there and spread your legs. Guys, fuck ol' Darla there, but don't cum in her. When you get ready to shoot, whip it out and feed our little lady here. She seems to really dig eatin' cum, well, we'll give her enough cum tonight to float a battleship." He motioned to a scraggly looking bleached blonde with huge tits, evidently Darla, who shucked her clothes off as the mattress was brought up next to the kneeling wives. She quickly lay down on it, caressing her hairy pussy, getting it ready for the fuckings to come.

"Hey, shithead, if you're gonna do this, at least untie my hands. My fucking arms are gonna fall off in a minute. We ain't going anywhere fast!" Linda spoke, anxious to get her hands free and relieve the tension in her cunt as best she could. She also needed to wipe some of the cum from her eyes and nose. John pointed to her arms and nodded at one of the guys, who stepped forward and untied Linda and Kate. The women massaged their aching arms, thankful for the respite at last. Other guys stood around them, waiting to intercept if the wives should try to bolt out the door or anything. Linda reached up and smeared the masses of cum from John's cock that had spread over her features around, cooling the heated skin. She pulled cum from both eye sockets and slurped it into her mouth noisily, smacking her lips. Kate did the same, her face was quite wet from the half-dozen boys who had not been able to contain their ejaculations. Linda grinned a white-painted smile at Kate.

"Having fun, ducks?"

The boys began to line up to begin fucking the young slut. First up was a gangly red-haired boy, who began grabbing her tits as he knelt down between her thighs. Darla reached down and pulled his rapidly hardening cock towards her slit, moaning with anticipation. The boy slid forward, feeding his shaft into her wet tunnel. Darla reached around his hips, grasping his ass and pulling it into her. She cried out a little whimper.

"Oh god yes, Jerry, fuck me hard, give it to me!" she cried. The boy, Jerry, started pumping his young butt in and out of her, thrusting deeply as he could. His ass rose and fell in the age-old rhythm. The crowd could hear the slurping noise his cock made in the young girl's dripping wet cunt already.

"Jeeze, listen to her, she's flooding already!"

Jerry suddenly slowed his pumping, fighting back against Darla's efforts to urge him on and on. He pulled his cock nearly all the way from her clutching pussy.

"Oh God I'm gonna cum real soon, God that feels so fucking good in there." he grunted.

"If you're gonna cum, get over here and spray it on Miss Cumface there, she's the one that's gonna get it tonight. Sorry, Darla, you'll have to wait for the next guy!" cackled John.

Jerry pumped into Darla a few more times, then suddenly scrambled to his feet. He grabbed his reddened cock with his right hand and rushed to present it to Linda. He jerked it a few times, and suddenly, with a grunt, he ejaculated a stream of thick cum right into her waiting face. The rope of sperm splashed wetly across her lips and nose, dripping into her hair. Linda opened her mouth wide, giving the young boy a target to shoot for. Again he jerked, sending another full stream of semen at her. This one disappeared into her mouth, splashing wetly across her tongue and soothing the young woman's mouth.

"Yeah, baby, take that cum, I'm cumming in your face, bitch, take it!" he groaned at the release he was enjoying. Two more spurts of cum exited his cock, landing wetly with a plop on Linda's cheeks and forehead. He shook the last drops off his now-shrinking cock and raveled it back into his jeans, swaggering away.

Linda groaned and swallowed noisily, gulping down the wet semen. Another boy was already busy fucking the squealing Darla. For the next twenty minutes the same scenario played out – boys would fuck the young slut girl for several minutes, then hurriedly exit her clasping pussy and stand proudly in front of Linda, ejaculating streamer after wet streamer of semen onto her face and hair, and into her open mouth whenever possible. After several minutes, her face was a mask of white lines, criss-crossing themselves all up and down her face, across her forehead and cheeks, laying slickly and wetly in her hair, lips and eyes. Linda darted her tongue out as far as she could, licking at the cooling sperm as it collected on her features. She swallowed eagerly each drop of semen blasted into her mouth by the fresh young penises.

Kate couldn't believe the look of her friend. She gazed at Linda in a mixture of lust, awe, and disbelief. Linda's face was totally covered with semen trails. There was barely a square inch of skin that wasn't covered by the mixed ejaculations of the boys. It tangled in her hair and across her shoulders. By now, cum was dripping heavily from her face almost as fast as it was being deposited there. Trails of white lines led down her slim neck and across the upper slopes of Linda's heaving breasts, coating her erect nipples and dripping down. Cum trickled down her shoulders and over the tops of her arms. She looked as if someone had poured a gallon of melted vanilla ice cream over her head.

Suddenly Kate heard a boy grunt and groan while fucking the slut Darla. He pushed into her grasping hips and came loudly, to the groans of dismay from the audience.

"OHshit I can't help it I'm cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmminnnnnnnggg!" he groaned as he emptied his lust into the girl beneath him. He pushed repeatedly into her loins, pulsing stream after stream of cum into her waiting cunt.

"OK, man, OK, don't worry about it. I've got an idea how we can get our other friend here her fill of cum. You want to drink cum too, don't you?" John leered, looking at Kate. "Darla, you let some guys cum in your fucked up pussy. In fact, I want the next ten guys to shoot off there, I want her cunt swimming in cum in the next few minutes. Darla, dear, don't squeeze any of it out if you can, keep it all in there. You guys, prop her ass up with some pillows and keep her pussy hole up in the air. I don't want that shit leaking all over the floor."

Two boys did as he bade, hoisting Darla's sopping snatch in the air, containing the copious load just deposited there snugly pooled at her cervix. Another boy slipped his cock into her slit as they finished and pounded away. John walked over and grabbed Kate by the arm, firmly but not violently.