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"Katie darling, you don't have to tell me. I've swallowed enough sperm to float a battleship. It's still my favorite drink!" she giggled. "It's amazing how icky and gross we would have thought this was a few years ago, but God, now that I've done it, I just gotta say I love it! Hey! I've got an idea!"

"What now?" Kate knew her friend had some deliciously wicked thought that she was about to hear. "I know this is gonna involve sex and fucking, so you might as well spit it out!"

"Kate, I never spit it out!" Linda laughed. "No, what I thought was this. We go around and see in how many different ways we can drink sperm. You know, there's gotta be other ways than straight from the tap, so to speak!"

"Linda! What do you mean? Are you actually proposing that we suck other guys off and swallow their cum? Are you crazy!"

"No, no, listen, it's perfect. We turn the tables on the guys – you know, wham bam thank ya ma'am? Well, we'll make it wham bam thank ya mister! They don't have to know our names or anything, we'll just rustle up, drain 'em dry, and hustle off. They'll go crazy wondering who we are, but they'll never see us again! It's perfect!"

Kate stopped to think about it. It was the craziest idea she'd ever heard, even from the usually whacked out Linda.

"You mean just go up to some guy we like the looks of, tell him we want him to cum in our mouths and that's it?"

"No, silly. That'd be too easy. No, we get them to give us our favorite drink in strange and exciting ways! Oh hell, let's see…like having a waiter in a fancy restaurant jerk off in your coffee. Or the grocery delivery boy pop off real fast in your car in the parking lot. Stuff like that!"

"Hmmmm. Yes, that could been really hot!" agreed Kate. "And we could keep track of each of the ways that we get them to do it! Yeah, that's great!" she clapped her hands excitedly. "When do we start?"

"Right now, if you're game!"

Forty-five minutes later found the ladies strolling the local mall. They had changed into short skirts and very light sweaters. Linda had decided that they would alternate with the ideas for getting the cum from the men they eyed, and she would go first. She thought it would be exciting to try to seduce a shoe salesman into giving her a sip of his sperm. The girls walked into the first store they found with few customers and a likely looking guy. He as a tall, dark-haired man they both found attractive. Linda sat down in one of the fitting chairs, crossed her long legs, and inched her skirt up even more. The salesman hurried over.

"Yes, miss, what can I do for you today?"

"Well, I thought it might be time for a new pair of high heels, what do you think" Linda teased, stretching her leg out and twisting and turning it, showing off her long slim leg to great advantage.

"Um, well, I suppose so. What heel height did you have in mind, and what size are you?"

"I'm a size seven. And I just love a four or five inch heel, don't you? Don't you think it makes my ass stand out real nice?" And so saying, Linda quickly stood and turned around, thrusting her firm ass right in the salesman's face. He stammered and gulped, rising quickly. Linda checked. 'Yep, a boner. This one's gonna be easy…' she thought to herself.

"Just let me go check the back, see what we have." he said, blushing. He turned and walked through a door into the rear stock area. Turning quickly to make sure Kate had an eye on things, she followed him back there, and shut the door behind her.

"Hey, lady, you can't -" his protest was cut short by Linda lifting up her skirt.

"Like what you see, pretty boy? Well, this pussy belongs to my husband, and he's the only man who'll have it anytime soon, if I have anything to say about it. But I like your looks. Take out your cock."

The man simply stared at her. He didn't know what to do, and not wishing to waste any time, Linda walked over to him, threw one arm around his neck and kissed him full and hard on the lips.

"Ok, then I will." she said. She bent to her knees, and rubbed the rapidly growing bulge at the front of his pants. "Hey, feels like you've got a nice one here. Let's let it out to breath a bit."

She slid the zipper down and fished around inside his underwear, finally extracting a bona fide boner. It wasn't especially large or fat, but seemed adequate. 'Besides', Linda thought, 'it isn't going anywhere where size means anything!' She bent to lick at the head. The salesman groaned.

"Oh god lady, I don't know what you came here for, but that feels good, just keep on sucking…"

Linda stopped and looked up at him. "Honey, I want your most expensive pair of Italian leather high heels, right now and right here. Before I go any further." As if to accentuate her point, Linda straightened up and smoothed her dress back down. The salesman hurried down the aisle, finally finding the shoes Linda demanded.

"And while you're there, an nice pair of suede boots, too!" He grabbed a large box from the shelves. As he walked back, Linda swept her sweater up over her head, freeing her nicely formed breasts. The man's eyes bugged out and his cock twitched.

"Are these shoes waterproof?" Linda demanded.

"Ah, yes, yes, they are, as a matter of fact.." mumbled the salesman, peering quizzically at one of the tags.

"Good. Now I'm gonna suck you, and you're gonna love it. But, and this is a big but, no coming in my mouth. If I taste even the tiniest drop of your spunk before I tell you to cum, then out you go and you'll be shooting all over your pants. Got that?"

"Yeah, sure, I guess so." Who wants to look a gift blow-job in the mouth, right?

Linda sat on one of the small stools, and motioned him over. He walked up to her, and she leaned forward and fed his still-hard cock into her mouth. Linda prided herself on her cocksucking talents, and it wasn't long before she had the man groaning and moaning in pleasure. She stroked his shaft as she mouthed the tip of his cock, wetting him down with her saliva. All the time she sucked at him, she keep looking at him, looking for that fateful sign of the impending orgasm.

While one hand stroked and massaged his balls, the other felt for one of the leather shoes. Linda kept on sucking the man's cock, dragging it into her mouth, rolling her talented tongue around the head, squeezing the shaft with her lips.

Finally the man started to shudder. "Oh jeesuz I'm gonna cum in a sec" the man grunted. Linda looked up at him. She whipped his cock out of her mouth just as she felt the vein begin to pulse, just as he closed his eyes in ecstasy. Pumping his prick with one hand, with the other she brought the shoe up. Aiming his cock right into the inside of the shoe, she jerked the man to an orgasm. Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! right into the soft leather lining of the shoe, spit his cock's load. Linda milked him off, every drop of the large load collecting in the heel of the shoe as she tilted it back. Finally he was empty.

Linda looked at him. "Bet you never saw a girl do this before." she said calmly and quietly. Then staring him right in the face, she tilted the back of the shoe up to her mouth, and let the entire puddle of semen flow directly across her lips into her mouth. As the shoe emptied, Linda lifted it above her face, letting the last few drops drip out and land with a small plop on her cheeks and chin.

"Ummmm, my favorite. Cum ala Giorgio." She dropped the shoe back into the box. "I'll take them. Don't bother wrapping them." He was too astounded to say anything, but nodded his head. Linda picked up the shoes, the suede boots, and tossing the sweater back over her head, walked back out into the front of the store as if nothing had happened. As she walked past one elderly matron looking at rubber-soled shoes, Linda couldn't help herself. She slid one finger along her cheekbone, sliding the small drops of sperm there together until they made a noticeable shiny trail on her face. The older woman looked at her and gaped in horror.

Linda grabbed Kate's arm and they rushed out of the store, dissolving in a fit of giggles and laughter like school girls.