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"Who said anything about money? We're just a couple of horny gals, and we'd like to kill an hour or two getting our chimes rung. How about it?" Kate looked at Linda incredulously. Here she was, in the middle of downtown, in the middle of the day, propositioning three men for sex!! "My friend here is all tensed up, aren't you honey" she finished, looking at Kate. Kate just looked back at the three men blankly, then nodded her head slowly. This was SO strange! But a delicious thrill ran through her. This was adventurous sex, dangerous sex, sex with a stranger. She'd never dreamed of it.

Linda stood up and motioned for the men to follow her. Kate dropped in behind them.

"I'm Jack, this is Bob, and the tall one's Roger" spoke up one man. Kate was about to blurt out their names when Linda turned and cut her off.

"I'm Gina, and this is Eva" she said conspiratorially, arching one eyebrow at a bewildered Kate. Linda led them into a luckily unsecured office building. She herded them into an elevator, and punched the highest button. "I hope you guys aren't afraid of heights!" she joked. The car clacked and jerked to a stop on the 45th floor. The five stepped out cautiously into the hall, looking about. It was deserted. Linda led them to a steel door that opened up to the brilliantly sunny roof area. They looked around at the various vents, blowers and mechanical equipment positioned randomly on the roof.

"C'mon, guys, over here," Linda motioned, bringing them to one edge of the roof. They looked down over the parapet and gazed for a moment at the street scene below them. "I've always wanted to fuck up on top of a building!" said Linda, smiling. "Line up, guys, and drop 'em." she commanded. Kate was amazed at the way Linda took charge. The three men looked at them, then shrugged their shoulders and peeled down their running shorts. Three large and growing jock-straps stared the girls in the face.

"Hmmmm. Nice cups, guys. Jack, you first" Linda pointed at one man. He peeled the athletic supporter down. His almost fully erect cock sprang up, bouncing and gleaming in the sunlight. In turn, Bob and Roger shed their remaining clothes, standing there in sneakers and pubic hair.

"Ok, here's the story. We want your sperm. That's all. But not in the usual way. We'll only touch you with our hair. We'll wrap it around your cocks and you can jerk off with it, but that's it. And when you come, you have to catch it all in the palm of your hand. After that, who knows?" Linda ordered. Kate knew what was after that…

Jack said "What, no fucking or sucking? That seems like a waste, you know?"

"Hey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. If you don't agree, there's the door." Linda returned. The men slowly nodded in agreement. Linda and Kate walked over to them and knelt in the small semi-circle formed by the young men. The guys started pulling their cocks, and the women leaned forward, allowing them access to their hair. It was strange at first, the men thought, feeling the soft, silky locks around their cocks, but it rapidly grew erotic and sexy. Linda had Bob and Rogers cocks tunneling through her longer hair, while Kate enjoyed the feel of Jack's penis as it rubbed sexily through her scalp. The women leaned back, and Kate pulled her sweater up over her head, baring her chest completely. Linda was quick to follow. The men gazed longingly at the full breasts of each woman, watching in fascination as the four nipples hardened and turned rigid. Kate reached over to tweak Linda's left breast, and Linda turned to her and did the same to Kate's right tit.

"Like this, guys?" Kate spoke for the first time.

"Oh yeah, that's it, rub her nipple, make the cunt hot!" grunted


Kate moaned as Linda's fingers kneaded and teased her aroused flesh. Above them, the men were rapidly rising towards orgasm, stroking their cocks and gazing at the beautiful women at their feet.

"Don't forget guys, come in your hands. Save it all." Linda reminded them.

"Oh, man, this is farfucking out" said Bob, through clenched teeth. "I'm gonna shoot off any second now." He backed away from Linda's head slightly, and started making long strokes down the shaft of his cock. Linda broke her own rule, reaching up to massage and fondle his scrotum. She tickled his balls, urging the warm semen being readied for it's journey up the shaft and out the tip of Bob's reddening cock. Then he quickly brought his left hand around and pointed the tip of his cock at it.

"Watch this, I'm gonna cuuuuummmmm!" he groaned. Linda felt his balls tighten up in their sack and watched fascinated as a thick streamer of semen flew from the head of his cock and splattered wetly in his cupped left hand. Again she felt his balls churn, and she squeezed them, coaxing every bit of available sperm out of them. Bob groaned again, and another jet of cum headed for his hand.

"fuckfuckfuck I'm cummmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggg" he groaned through clenched teeth, as the pleasurable shivers ran through this body and were evidenced by the rapidly pulsing cock in his right hand. He pulsed three more squirts of sperm into his hand before his body untensed and he shrank back, emptied.

"Not bad, not bad at all. Let's see what you've got." said Linda. She gently put her fingers around his wrist and pulled his hand towards her. "Hmmm. About an ounce and a half, I'd say. What about you, Kate?" she questioned, turning the palm towards her friend.

"Yep, that looks about right. Nice and thick, too, not so watery and runny as some I've seen," thinking back to the scene at the kitchen only a few hours before.

"Ok, good. Now hold it, man, and don't let it drool away." Bob cupped his hands together, puzzled at the requests, but wondering where this bizarre woman was headed.

Just then Kate felt, rather than heard, the soft squish of Jack's penis as it shuddered and released a jet of sperm across her scalp.

"Ohman here is comes!" he yelled, quickly stepping back and directing his penis towards his other hand. Kate pulled away, brushing the small line of cum from her forehead. She watched, encouraging, as Jack emptied himself similarly to Bob.

"Yeah, go ahead man, cream it all for me, let it go, I wanna see it, I wanna see it" she murmured to him, looking up at his strained face as he forced the ejaculate up and out. His palm filled.

By the time he finished spurting, Roger had joined the spillage going on, spraying one wicked stream over Linda's shoulder before he could position correctly and direct the outpourings of his arousal where it was directed. The two men panted and groaned at the release, sweat pouring off their trim bodies. Kate felt a small trickle of sperm slid down over her eyebrow and drop to her cheek. Finally, the three men stood, palms cupped with their offerings, rapidly shrinking cocks dwindling.

"Now what the fuck are you gonna do?" inquired Roger. "Make us stand here with cum all over our hands?"

"No, silly. We're gonna drink it all down like little birdies!" rejoined Linda. The men looked at her, mystified. As if to respond, she lay down slowly on the tossed clothes, and motioned for Kate to join her. Kate did so, until their heads were right next to each others, legs pointing in opposite directions. "Now, come over here, move your hands to just over our faces, and open up!" Roger moved over to her and knelt down next to her head. Bob came to the top of her head, and Jack went next to Kate. The two women opened their mouths and wiggled their tongues nastily.

"Ok, guys, let 'er rip!"

The men slowly opened their cupped palms. A stream of sperm dropped out, like a warm white shower, dripping quickly into Linda's open mouth. Kate was also inundated with the semen, feeling it drip slowly into her face. On and on the shower continued, line after line, huge dollop after huge dollop of sperm adhering to the law of gravity and dropping from the mens' hands into the faces and open, awaiting mouths, of the bare chested women below them. As they finished, the men moved their hands down, allowing the women to lick and cleanse their palms. Kate squished the sperm around in her mouth. She had gotten just about all of Jack's, a good bit of Bob's and even a drop of two of Roger's ejaculation. Linda had captured most of Roger's, the rest of Bob's and a few drops of Jacks. Share and share alike, she thought. She too swirled the captured cum around her cheeks and over her teeth, enjoying the sensuous feel of the slightly sticky, salty sauce. Finally she swallowed, feeling the mass slide down her throat. Looking over, she noticed Kate had just done the same. The two women kissed, spearing their spermy tongues into each other's mouths, rubbing lips and tits as they shared the men's sperm. Kate reached down and rubbed her overheated crotch, feeling the orgasm begin and rapidly explode all through her body, shuddering with it's force. Linda squealed and quivered the same as her own fingers brought the climax to her.