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Kate and Linda spent a quiet few weeks reliving their recent adventures. Nothing too exciting happened to either of them, since, in real life, sexual escapades tend to run in cycles. You have a great couple of weeks, then a few barren ones. Then things start to perk up again. Kate was looking forward to the upcoming Halloween holiday, she loved dressing up in sexy exotic costumes and wandering the neighborhood, watching the children run shrieking from house to house. She wondered if any of the neighbors realized that the woman dressed in the micro-skirt, tall stilletto heels and heavy makeup was their neighbor Kate. She even talked Linda into going out with her that evening. Kate's husband was out of town on a business trip for several days, and Linda's mate went across town to play poker with some buddies. Once again, the ladies who loved cum were on their own.

"Lin, I just know you'll love this – it's so much fun to walk around the neighborhood all dressed up and seeing people's reactions to us. They'll never know its us!"

"I hope you're right, hon, if this gets around Roger'll kill me!" her friend responded, only slightly humorously. The ladies spent the afternoon before Halloween night getting their hair and fingernails done, both of them luxuriating in the splendor of the salon they went to. Their every need was catered to as they sipped champagne and strawberries. Linda, on a dare, even had the young beauty parlor girl trim her pubic hair back, until just a small patch wove it's way on top of her mound, and her pussy lips were completely bared. Linda allowed herself a mini-orgasm as the cute young girl carefully trimmed and shaved her sexual regions. The girl was not as embarrassed as Linda might have thought – as she finished, she leaned forward and gave Linda's crotch a loving swipe with her tongue, pausing to diddle her clit just long enough to let Linda know that she was turned on herself. Linda picked up her head between her hands and kissed her warmly.

The ladies anxiously awaited nightfall. In their part of the country, the sun set quickly, and the night, though seasonally cool, was not at all unpleasant. Kate was wearing a very short, tight skirt that rode far up her thighs, a tiny cotton halter top, and high red heels with stockings. The tops of the stockings just barely hid beneath the hem of the skirt, and if Kate bent down or sat, a nice expanse of creamy thigh was exposed, under the sensous red garter strap. She loved dressing like that. Linda wore short shorts that seemed painted on her trim buns, and spent several minutes trimming the crotch up until her panties almost peeked through the seams. A lacy, almost see-through blouse and a black lace bra completed the outfit. Linda purposely wore the dark bra under the white blouse, so that interested viewers could see exactly what she was so proud of. Her legs were bare, but she also wore heels, though not so high as Kate's.

Finally, they were ready. Leaving Kate's house excitedly, they walked several blocks down one broad avenue, then zigged and zagged their way until they were far enough from their homes to be safe from really familiar prying eyes. Then they just tagged along with the kids going from door to door, taking care to stay far enough away so that the random parent out with his or her children wouldn't become suspicious. They loved to see the kids dressed up in their costumes – there were darling little princesses, fierce pirates, kung-fu warriors, Ninja turtles, and of course, a surfeit of Batmans and Dick Tracys. As the night passed, the number of young kids on the street seemed to dwindle, and Kate noticed that the age of those out now seemed to have increased to the mid-teens. She saw one young girl who couldn't have been more than 15 dressed like the most exotic streetwalker she had ever seen, complete with spandex pants, stilletto heels and garish makeup. "How could her mother send her out like that!?" she wondered to herself. "Oh, well, I guess they're growing up earlier than ever…"

The women didn't notice that a small group of boys had seemed to pick them up, and was following them wherever they turned. They didn't seem to be deliberately tailing them, though, so they weren't too worried. Every few minutes, Kate or Linda would turn and sneak a quick look back at the pack of kids, each time seeing the number increase by three or four bodies. At one point, there seemed to be close to twenty or twenty-five kids following them, nearly all boys or young men.

"Kate, I don't know about this, I think we'd better head back. I don't like the looks of that gang back their behind us. Whaddaya say we head for home, eh?" The words were hardly out of her mouth when, with a suddeness that took their breath away and almost made Kate stumble in her shoes, three older teenagers appeared on the sidewalk just ahead of them. They were rough looking, boys about 17 or 18, with jeans and wild looking tee-shirts on. The three boys spread across the sidewalk, effectively blocking their paths.

"Well, what have we here" sneered one, "looks like a coupla hookers out for a quick trick or treat!" His buddies laughed and chortled at his wit. "How's business, girls, getting any tonight?"

"Hey, we're just out to have some fun, and we're NOT hookers!" spoke Kate sharply, but she was ignored. The three walked slowly towards them, and Linda turned to see the entire gang that was following them close up. Within seconds, they were surrounded by almost thirty laughing, leering teenagers, mostly boys, but Kate notices some rough-looking girls along with them.

"Hey, babe, nice tits" a voice rang out, causing cheers and giggles.

"What say we head back to our party house and take care of you" spoke another voice from the shadows. This was greeted with clapping and choruses of "Oh, yeah, that's the right thing" and "Let's give the bitches a Halloween to remember" and other lewd comments. Kate reddened and clutched at LInda's arm for support.

"What are we gonna do!" she whispered to her friend, "These guys look tough. And there's nobody else around! What're we gonna do?"

Before Linda could respond, her question was answered. Four of the biggest, strongest looking guys came up, and each pair grabbed the two housewives and pinned their arms to their sides.

"I think we should have a good ol' fashioned gang bang!" said one. He seemed to be the leader, if judging only by his swagger and size. "We're gonna take you ladies over to our secret little hiding place, and have some fun, eh guys?" Cheers rang out. Quickly, hands covered their mouths, and Kate and Linda both felt handkerchiefs or bandanas wrapped around their eyes, quickly blocking out their vision. The strong arms still held their arms pinioned to their sides, and Kate suddenly felt hands roaming over her tits and pawing at her legs. "Jezzus this bitch's got nice tits!" rang out one young voice, and Kate felt herself blush furiously. The nerve of these kids, grabbing her and Linda! The wives felt themselves being led down one block and up another, down another and across a third, then cutting across what felt like several lawns and yards. They had no idea where they might have been. They could have been dozens of blocks from their own homes, or they could have been one street away. Finally, they felt the hands push/pull them up a short flight of stairs and across a porch, then through a swinging screen door into a musty, smoky smelling room. The house smelled of beer and smoke and other odors that Kate and LInda could only guess about.