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Finally, they were pushed roughly into what seemed to be a large living or dining room. Mattresses, dirty, filthy, grungy, smelly mattresses covered one entire corner of the room. Their eye coverings were whipped off, and the wives blinked slowly in the dim light. As they adjusted, they saw what appeared to be a house that had been 50 or 60 percent completed, then never finished. Floors and walls were in, and most doors, but they could see that the trim and finishing was not done. The kids gathered in around them, loudly bustling and jostling the women around. The leader stepped up to them.

"OK. You don't need to know my name, you can just call me Long John. You'll find out why in a few minutes. Me and my friends here are gonna have some fun with you both, and as long as you don't fight it, we'll try not to hurt you…too much." The last phrase was added with a leering grin. He reached out and tweaked the nipple of Linda's right breast, and she shrank back in protest. She couldn't speak through the rough hand clapped over her mouth, but her eyes burned fire at the obnoxious teen. "You may as well not yell or scream or try to get out. We've locked all the doors and windows from inside, and we're blocks away from anybody else. It's nice and private here – that's why we like it. Now my buddies are gonna take their hands off of your mouths, so let's not scream or anything, OK? Or it might be worse for you…". He motioned to the boys holding the women's mouths covered, and they let their hands off, slowly. Kate drew in a full breath.

"Listen you little punk, if you think that Linda and I are just gonna stand by while you do God knows what, well you can just go fuck yourself, you know -"

"NO! We can just FUCK YOURSELF you snotty little bitch! And by the time this evening's over, you're gonna be begging for more, you slut cunt!" the leader screamed back at her. "So shutup and follow orders, and you might just survive." He stomped over to one corner of the room, ordering several sitting teens off the cushions and mattresses. "Ok, everybody back. Just circle around them. Move back, fuckheads, that's it, back.." The group slowly enlarged the circle around the two women, who found themselves the center of attention once again. "Ok. Strip." He said it with such a lack of feeling that at first Kate and Linda didn't even understand him.

"I said STRIP! Get those fuckin' clothes off or we'll do it for you." Kate and Linda looked at each other, and didn't move a muscle. Seconds passed. Neither woman moved. "Ok, Ok, if that's what you want. Joe, Tony, you guys, get these sluts naked and NOW!" Four or five boys leapt at the women, tearing their clothes off like madmen. Kate's skirt was ripped right off her body, and the halter top was pulled roughly up over her head. The crowd whistled and cheered when they saw her in the garter belt and stockings. Linda fared no better, being held struggling while one lad unzipped and pulled her shorts down her legs and pulled them off her ankles. She too soon lost her chest coverings, and within seconds both women were virtually naked. Kate had only her garters and stockings, her panties having been claimed by an unknown male. Linda likewise lost her bra and panties. She kicked her shoes at the boy who called himself Long John.

"Here, have these too you shithead!"

"Now, now, mustn't loose our temper, little girly. Ok, I think for the opening act, it's time for a little sucky sucky. Just to keep things safe, I think we'd better restrain you cunts a bit." He directed Joe and Tony to tie their wrists together behind their backs, not too tightly, but tightly enough so that neither woman could move her arms forward. Long John nodded at them when they were suitably trussed, then glanced at Joe and Tony.

"On their knees. You ladies are gonna kiss every dick in this room, and any of the pussies that want it, too." Male hands pushed Kate and Linda to their knees on the rough hardwood floor. As their knees touched wood, the sound of every zipper in the room being lowered was like a quick buzz saw through Kate's bones. A line of boys soon formed to Kate's left. Each teen had his cock out. Long John stepped back in front of the women.

"OK, guys, take your turns now, don't be piggish, leave some for the guy behind you. Don't cum unless you absolutely have too. There's a long night ahead of us." The first male moved up to Kate and with no warning whatsoever, grabbed her head and shoved his hard cock into her face. Kate tried to turn away, but the strong hands holding her kept her face in line with the cock shaft. Relentlessly it pressed at her lips, but she refused to open them. She could smell the manly odor of the young boy's cock wafting into her nostrils, and despite her fear and despising of the way they were being treated, she found herself beginning to respond. The boy reached down and began massaging her nipple, gently but firmly. Kate was a bit suprised. She looked up at him. 'He is kinda cute…' she thought. Her mouth opened of its' own accord. The cock head tipped past her lips and slid over her tongue. It hardened almost immediately and the boy groaned. He pumped in and out no more than 10 times, then abruptly pulled away with a groan.

"Oh god I gotta stop or I'll fuck her right here." He pulled back from a gasping Kate, letting his overheated cock cool down. He stepped to Kate's right, and offered the cock to Linda. She looked at Kate, then turned to face the boy.

"Ok, you fuckers. If this is what you want, then this is what you'll get. But let me tell you one thing, I'm gonnna fuck the living shit out of each and every one of you assholes here, then I'm gonna walk out of this place and fuck you all forever." Her manner didn't faze the cock staring her in the face. He shoved. She opened. Kate turned to face another cock.

After seven penises had introduced themselves to Kate's lips and teeth, she faced a furry female bush. She had no choice but to lean forward and tongue the slit being held open for her. The girl groaned in pleasure as Kate's tongue found her clit.

"Oh fuck, she knows where to go, she knows…" groaned the girl.

'Of course I do, I'm a woman like you' Kate thought to herself.

After swabbing up and down the slit, which tasted suspiciously salty to Kate several times, the girl moved across to Linda. Kate took this time to turn to her friend and question with her eyes. Linda looked back fiercely, not beaten or humbled.

Linda bent to the pussy in her face. As the girl held it open, she saw the pearly drop of cum start to slide out. "Shit, girl, you've got cum in your pussy!" she started to say. She looked up at the young blonde, who simply winked back at her. Linda bent to the task. Kate thought to herself that the pussy had tasted a bit familiar.

"Yeah, Bobby and I had a quick fuck a few minutes before we found you, and now you get sloppy seconds. HA HA HA." the young girl laughed. "Now clean me out, douche-bag!" Linda touched her tongue to the girl's slit and lapped up the semen that had now started to flow from the girl in force. The more she lapped up, the more dripped and dribbled out of the girl. 'This guy musta cum buckets!' Linda imagined. The sperm tasted tangy and tart to her. It dribbled from her tongue and lips, streaking her chin as it flowed. The girl leaned forward, grasping Linda's head with her hands and pulled her into her crotch, bumping her hips forward, grinding her sex into the other woman's face.

"Oh God yes, suck my clit, bitch, get me off…unh unh" the young woman moaned.

Kate meanwhile had another cock thrust at her, this one large and black, shining in the light. Kate pulled it into her mouth and sucked strongly, beginning to get more and more aroused at the scene. She wished her hands were free so she could reach down and play with her clit and pussy, or that someone else would do it for her. She licked and sucked at the shaft of the ebony prick in her mouth, tongueing around the head and feeling it glide over her lips. All too soon, it pulled from her mouth and the black boy moved down to Linda. Kate faced a thin, rather small cock. She opened up and let it invade her mouth as had the one before. She held steady as the body to which it was attached thrust forward, arching before her. Suddenly she heard Linda choke next to her, and turned her head slightly, just in time to see the black teen's cock spew a load of salty sperm onto Linda's sweaty face. The teen jerked his cock off.