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But occasionally shapes other than octahedrons are found: triangular macles, cubics, tetrahedrons, and complex or irregular shapes. These are used for “fancy” cuts — anything that isn’t a round brilliant. Marquis, heart-shaped, cushion, pear, oval, emerald and the latest in-vogue cut: the princess.

The stone Vimal was to cut was an elongated complex — a round-edged rectangle. It was, like all rough, not transparent but somewhat milky; only through cutting and polishing does a diamond become clear. But it was still possible to grade a diamond at this stage with some accuracy and Vimal knew that when finished it would be colorless G grade clear, rated VS1 — very slight inclusions, which meant that its few imperfections would be invisible to the naked eye. A superb stone.

Vimal glanced at Mr. Nouri and then the plot — a computerized image of the diamond on the monitor next to them, which showed how to most efficiently cut the stone.

Generally a piece of rough is cut into two or three pieces, and algorithms, developed over the years, will produce highly accurate plans for finishing the stones.

Because this diamond was large — seven carats — and of an unusual shape, the plotting software had come up with instructions for cutting it in four places, creating five individual diamonds, each destined for a round brilliant cut. Mr. Nouri had drawn the cuts with red marking pen on the stone itself.

“But you can redraw them,” Mr. Nouri said, offering the marker. “See? This is why I need you, Vimal. There is no room for error. One mistake will cut the value of the finished stones by a quarter. Maybe more. I can’t do it. Nobody who works for me can do it.”

Vimal lifted the stone to his face once more, flipped down the loupe. “A pad. A damp pad.”

Mr. Nouri handed him a gauze square — similar to what Adeela had used to treat his wounds. With the pad Vimal cleaned the red lines off and again studied the stone closely.

Every block of stone, Michelangelo wrote, has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. Vimal believed this, and it applied to diamonds just as it did to marble or granite.

He took up the marker. Though his heart pounded, his hands were as steady as the stone he was drawing upon. Eight fast lines.


Mr. Nouri stared. “What is this?”

“That’s the cut.”

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

“This.” He indicated the lines.

“What cut is that? I don’t recognize it.”

“I’m not separating it.”

Mr. Nouri laughed. “Vimal.”

“I’m not.”

The diamantaire grew somber. “But I paid so much for it. I need five stones to recoup the cost.”

“Five brilliants like any other five brilliants. They’ll add nothing to the world.”

“Add to the world,” the man mused sardonically.

“It has to be a parallelogram.”

“A parallelogram?”

“Think of it as a trapezoid, with parallel sides.”

“I know what the shape is. I studied mathematics at university. It simply has no place as a diamond cut. There’s no market for it.”

“You will never see a stone like this again,” Vimal said.

Mr. Nouri’s shrug said, So?

“No, I won’t separate it. I’ll only cut the parallelogram.”

“I’ll find somebody else.”

“Yes, I’m sure you will.”

Vimal set the stone down and rose.

A rueful smile spread across Mr. Nouri’s face. “I will pay you two thousand to separate it like I’d planned.”


“Two thousand five hundred.”

Vimal started to turn. Then he stopped and leaned down, his face close to the older man’s. He whispered, “Take a chance.”

And thought: So timid with my father, so bold here.

“What?” Mr. Nouri asked.

“I know your work. I know the work of your son and the other cutters here. You’re all good. You create diamonds that your customers love — the newlyweds and the wives and the husbands and parents and grandparents. You make them happy. And you’ll be able to make them happy again and again — with thousands of other round brilliants. But this once, with this stone, do something different.”

“Business is business, Vimal.”

Yes, it certainly is, the young man thought. “I should go.”

When Vimal was five feet from the door, Mr. Nouri said, “Wait.”

He looked back.

“You think this is best, this cut?”

“It’s the cut this stone deserves, I can’t say anything more than that.”

Mr. Nouri shook his head, as if trying to process this comment. Then he stuck his hand out.

Vimal said, “Still, twenty-five hundred?”

A nod.

The men shook hands.

Vimal asked, “Where can I work?”

Chapter 20

Got your text,” Lincoln Rhyme said.

The man lying in the bed glanced up with a brief but glowing smile. Surprise too.

“Lincoln. You came. I mean in person. I just... Just wanted to chat. Phone call I was thinking.”

“Barry.” Rhyme directed his chair closer.

The complicated bed was in a room deep in the bowels of a complicated hospital complex on the East Side in Midtown. It had taken some minutes to find the place. Much color coding. It didn’t help a lot.



Barry Sales shifted a bit, tucked under excessively washed sheets and blankets. He found a wired remote control, pressed a button and rose into a sitting position, thanks to the hydraulic mattress. The man was in his late thirties. His skin was pale, his brown hair thinning.

His eyes game but hollow.

Rhyme wheeled closer yet. Both men nodded a greeting and Rhyme at least couldn’t help but grin at the irony, which Sales acknowledged with a smile of his own. The criminalist wasn’t able to shake Sales’s hand because his only working limb was his right. He couldn’t use his left.

And Sales’s left limb was the only one that remained after a firefight that had nearly killed him.

Rhyme looked around the room. He absolutely did not want to be here. There was not a single memory of medical venues that didn’t trouble, or torment, Lincoln Rhyme since the accident years ago. There’d been accommodation, there’d been a fierce punching down of recollections, there’d been stoic acceptance. But he would have avoided hospitals forever, given the option.

But this wasn’t one.

Sales had been a colleague of his years ago when Rhyme was running the crime scene operation for the NYPD.

Sales had been a star. He’d stay on a scene, walking the grid, for hours after any other forensic cop would’ve released it.

Rhyme hadn’t been happy when Sales had decided to move to general investigative work... but he’d followed the man’s career and learned that, even at a young age, he’d soared to a senior spot in Major Cases and then, after leaving the NYPD, led a suburban police department to distinction.

Rhyme said, “Do they have a bar here?”

“Jesus, Lincoln,” Sales said. “Never change.”

“Theorize after a drink. Analyze sober.”

“Sadly,” Sales said, “the hospital sommelier has the day off.”

“Fire the son of a bitch.” Rhyme nodded to Thom, who produced two bottles of iced tea. That is, they were labeled tea. The contents looked suspiciously more golden, like, say, single-malt whisky. The aide set one bottle on the sideboard and opened the other.