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Temple sat back, sipping his coffee, but unable to hide his smile as he watched Phoebe and Orlando’s reaction. Aria however, just seemed bored with the conversation, instead glancing around the screens with the awe of a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons on a big screen.

“I can’t believe you just saw that,” Diana said as she stared at Phoebe. “I mean, I shouldn’t be surprised, especially here, but sometimes… I admit I often wondered if Xavier was just a good con man. If he cooked up everything and made his inside knowledge appear like psychic ability.”

“Well, now you know,” Orlando said.

“Although,” Phoebe added, “I’d say Xavier’s still a con man. Don’t trust him. Ever.” She turned her glare at Colonel Temple. “Whatever that sphere is, I’m thinking that it’s something that can shield his presence from remote-viewers.”

“Why do you think that?” Temple asked.

“Because I sat in on a lot of sessions where George Waxman and the Morpheus team searched the world over for Xavier, and never found a thing. I think he needed it to block his activities, to hide from us so he could break Nina out of her confinement and go about his mission.”

“If he did all that,” Diana said, “he must have had a larger reason. He must have known…” She waved her hand to the screens. “About this. About what’s going to happen unless we stop it.”

“And that,” said Temple, “ends this uncomfortable discussion. Diana, if you please… the presentation. Tell our guests about your evidence. What you’ve confirmed, what we’ve been looking for.”

“Maybe you should start,” said Diana, who seemed winded as if she’d just run a race in the hottest part of the day. “I need a breather, and I’m guessing that our guests might not listen with an open mind if I start out.”

“We might,” Orlando started, then shut his mouth after a look from Phoebe.

They all took their seats, with Diana moving to the front and sitting by herself. She shot Temple a look and said under her breath. “You could have warned me about this.”

Temple just shrugged. He poured himself a glass of water, then passed the pitcher around. “Okay, we’re going to start with a little Theology 101.”

“Ugh,” said Orlando. “If I wanted to go to Church…”

“Listen. You all know the first verse of the Bible.” Temple stared at them, and when no one spoke up, he said, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

Orlando raised his hand. “Ooh, I know! What is: Genesis, chapter one, verse one?” He tapped himself on the back. “Do I win a Lexus?”

“Nope. Listen, the word used for God is Elohim, which is plural—gods, or more precisely, ‘beings from the sky’. And get this, the Hebrew word for ‘in the beginning’ can have two meanings. Either the literal ‘in the beginning’, or it could mean with the beginning. Or put another way: ‘with what remained of the past.’”

He let that digest. “So what Genesis could be saying is the same as what a lot of other creation myths the world over speak of: Advanced beings—or planets representing gods, or both—battled in the heavens, and their warfare resulted in massive cosmic destruction, reordered the heavens and created new worlds, our own included.”

Diana cleared her throat. “With what remained, the gods created the sky and the earth.” She took a sip of water. “So many creation myths the world over. And so many similar beliefs about a savior as well—one who dies violently and is reborn. And whose blood and body are then consumed by the survivors to either sustain life or to grant eternal life. The Mali tribe has Nommo, who is continually crucified to a tree, his body and blood taken into the earth, creating seeds that feed the people the next spring. There are so many more—Tammuz, Odin, Mithras, Quetzalcoatl, and of course, the original savior-god, Osiris, who was murdered, cut into pieces and sent to the underworld before he rose up and is now situated in heaven—not coincidentally at the destination point for the worthy in the afterlife.”

Temple nodded, but saw that his guests’ eyes were glazing over. “Okay, flash forward a couple billion years—or a half million, depending on how radical you want to take all this. In the more distant history, a huge planet—we’ll call it Tiamat—collided with another body out beyond Mars, and the collision created the Earth and also the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The moon—one of Tiamat’s satellites, remained with the Earth, basically forming a dual planetary system. Tell them Diana, about the moon.”

She stood up, took a deep breath.

But Orlando cut her off. “You’re not going to tell us that we never went there, are you? All that Hanger 18 crap? Because, I’ll tell you—I RV’d a lunar mission once. And it was real, not filmed on any stage.”

“Oh, we went there all right,” Diana said. “But I’m guessing you didn’t see much more than that—a visit and a landing, or you wouldn’t be talking so calmly about this.”

“Maybe…” Orlando said, glancing at Phoebe. “I didn’t ask the right questions, those kinds of questions.”

“It’s okay,” Temple said. “If you had, you would have either gotten the shield or some unwanted visions, things that have made other psychics give up ever working for us again.”

“Okay… I’m not sure if you’re joking or not, but sorry, continue. What’s wrong with our moon?”

Diana took a breath, then started. “Our moon, by all theories, shouldn’t be there. It’s a celestial freak of nature. It’s too large—the ratio between satellite and master the largest in the system, and dynamically impossible to explain. It’s one-quarter the diameter of Earth. The next largest satellite circling a planet is Titan, but it’s only one-eightieth of Jupiter’s diameter.” Diana took a breath. “No theory explains how it could have been ‘captured’. Also its orbit should be elliptical like most captured satellites, not perfectly circular. And for that matter, it shouldn’t be in a perfectly synchronous rotation.”

“A what?” Phoebe asked.

“Our moon is at the perfect distance and rotational speed so that it always shows us the same face. That’s a near impossibility to achieve through chance.”

“So…” Orlando left the question out there. But Diana ignored it.

“For centuries astronomers and stargazers have been reporting unusual things up there—just on the side that we can see. Strange lights, pulses. Objects that seem… geometrical and show up where nothing existed before, like a twelve-mile ‘bridge’ over the Sea of Crisis viewed in 1958. Other strange anomalies include seven obelisk-shaped spires six-hundred feet tall near a gigantic rectangular depression in the Sea of Tranquility.” She took a sip of water. “The seas themselves, the enormous dark areas you can see with the naked eye, are plains of fused soil requiring temperatures greater than forty-five hundred degrees to produce. NASA speculated that ancient cosmic bombardment must have occurred, the equivalent of billions of H bombs.” She rubbed her hands together, continuing without focusing on anything but the table top.

“There have been unusual radio signals coming from the moon, reported early on by Marconi. Nicolas Tesla—more on him later—speculated that someone was up there, and we should be prepared. And the craters themselves—they often defy theoretical models.”

“Like how?” Orlando asked. “I’ve seen pics, they seem normal to me.”

“From down here, maybe. But their depth is wrong. For example, a one-hundred-fifty mile wide crater was found to be only three miles deep. Something that huge, causing such an impact, would have gone much deeper, unless the mantle was some kind of tougher material than anything we could expect. And… the bottom of the crater was found to be convex, instead of the other way around.” Diana shook her head. “So many anomalies, and I’ve barely started.”