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*1 The Chilean term for an individual from the poorest class, who was usually illiterate.

*2 Mantra of the Heart Sutra.

*3 A Chinese game related to dominoes, which uses 144 wooden tiles.

*4 [Dictator of Chile from 1973 to 1990 —Ed.]

*5 Premises or room where zazen, Zen Buddhist meditation, is practiced.

*6 Sectarian movement founded by the author Lafayette Ronald Hubbard.

*7 Elephant trainer.

*8 Sacred Mapuche festival.

*9 [Partido Revolucionario Institucional, the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which held power in Mexico prior to Fox’s victory. — Trans.]

About Jodorowsky and The Dance of Reality Film

Alejandro Jodorowsky was born in Tocopilla, Chile, in 1929. During his career as tarologist, therapist, author, actor, theatrical director, and director of cult films (El Topo, The Holy Mountain, and Santa Sangre) he developed psychomagic and psychogenealogy, two new therapeutic techniques that have revolutionized psychotherapy in many countries. Psychogenealogy served as the background for his novel Donde mejor canta un pájaro (Where a Bird Sings Better), and psychomagic was used by Jodorowsky in the novel El niño del jueves negro (Black Thursday’s Child). Both of these techniques are discussed and explored in his book Psicomagia (Psychomagic), in his autobiography La danza de realidad (The Dance of Reality), and in Métagénéalogie: L’arbre généalogie comme art, thérapie et quète de Soi (Metagenealogy: Self-Discovery through Psychomagic and the Family Tree), written with Marianne Costa. He has also written two books on the therapeutic application of the Tarot: La vía del Tarot (The Way of Tarot), written with Marianne Costa, and Yo, el Tarot (I, the Tarot).

The Dance of Reality, his first film since the 1990 release of The Rainbow Thief, was written, produced, and directed by Jodorowsky. An autobiographical film, it was shot in Chile in his childhood village of Tocopilla as well as Santiago and other southern Chile locations, with cameo appearances by the author throughout the film.

The film was shown at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival and received rave reviews. The Dance of Reality will have its U.S. preview in 2014 at the South by Southwest Film Festival, its premiere in New York City, and will be shown in select cities throughout the United States.


All page number are refer to the print edition of this title.

Page numbers in italics indicate photos.

Aldunate, Lora (magic mirror owner), 238

Almagro, Diego de, 33–34

anti-Semitism, 46–47, 52

Arrabal, Fernando, 164, 189

Bachelard, Gaston (philosopher), 243

Benoit, Jean (sculptor), 243

Bernardo (cousin), 89–90

Breton, André, 172–73, 200, 243–44

Canseliet, Eugène, 214

Carrot Clown, 146, 147, 149, 150

Castaneda, Carlos, 262–65

Cereceda, Carmen, 90

Cereceda, Veronica, 90–93

charlatans, 293–302, 316

Chevalier, Maurice, 177–78

childhood in Tocopilla, 1–31

booger elephant created, 22–23

charity discovered, 7–8

consciousness imagined in all things, 12

death wondered about, 23–27

disappearance by magic, 31–32

holes in his socks, 28

learning to read early, 2

lion cub, 3, 4, 146

loneliness suffered, 19–21

long hair cut off, 27–28, plate 2

love of theater fostered, 130–36

mocked by classmates, 2–3

move to Santiago, 30–31, 32

Pinocchio nickname, 2

Rebbe as advisor, 11–12, 20–21, plate 11

red shoes and Carlitos’s death, 9–11

sardines and seagulls, 4, 7–8, plate 4

scratching Gadfly’s back, 8

shame about penis, 20

suicide attempt, 16, 18

tooth fixed, no anesthesia, 17–18,

plate 5

visit to maternal grandmother, 21–23

words sweetened by Moishe, 14

See also Jodorowsky, Jaime

Claude, Jean (doctor), 303

Confucius, dream encounter with,


Consuelo (de-virginized woman),


Costa, Marianne, 209, 385

Cristina (maid in Tocopilla), 214,


Cuauhtémoc, Brother. See Pachita

Dance of Reality, The (film), plates 1–12


childhood curiosity about, 23–27

as a disease, 354

fear of dying, 170–71

“Intellectual, learn to die!” 198, 215

lucid dreaming of the dead, 205–11

patients’ desire for, 285–87, 349

of son Teo, 172, 208

Decroux, Ettienne, 173–75

Díaz, Stella (poet), 96–109

Donoso, José (novelist), 168

dreams. See lucid dreaming

ego, proper attitude toward, 243

El Topo (film), 194, 195

Emilfork, Daniel (actor), 161–63, 164