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Joos, Kurt (choreographer), 137

Jung, Carl, 212

Kath center, 259–60, 267

Landru, Bernadette (wife), 206–7, 361

Lefevre, Marie, 239–40

Lemaire, Catherine, 368

Lettuce Clown, 147

Lihn, Enrique (poet friend), 115

author’s first meeting with, 114, 116

carnival inspired by, 168

dance recital suggested by, 140

poetic acts with, 117–26

seen in dream, 208

lions, 3, 4, 146, 201–2, 267

lucid dreaming

accepting and receiving in, 229–30

author’s method, 201

author’s study of dreams, 200–201

becoming his own therapist, 221–23

bird man parallels with, 223–25

caring for others, 223

decision to change the dreamer, 220

first experience, 199–200

initiatory phase, 202–5

lucid witnessing learned, 220–21, 231

Parra met in a dream, 242

power dreams, 230–31

power of touch in, 223, 224–25

in the realm of myths, 211–14

in the realm of the dead, 205–11

results match the dreamer, 219

seeing his inner god, 214–15, 218–20

shared therapeutic dreams, 235

timing and order of, 205

treating reality as a dream, 231–35

Lucsic, Yerca (dance instructor),


Luz (angel girlfriend), 110–12

machis, 282, 355, 356–58


charlatans, 293–302

Cristina’s air sculpture, 237

Fu-Manchu makes him disappear,


Lefevre’s Tarot readings, 240

Molina and the magic mirror, 238–39

witchcraft objects of F. S., 269–70

See also psychomagic; shamanism

Maimonides (Talmud master), 284

Maitreya, dream encounter with,


Marceau, Marcel, 173–76, 178, 180

Martinez, Don Arnulfo (healer),


Mattei, Eduardo or Frater Maurus, 142

Moctezuma, Juan López (TV host),

186, 189

Moebius (comic artist), 364–66

Moishe (grandfather), 14, 21, 22, 23,

88, 89

Molina, Chico (polyglot and liar),


Morgan, the gringo, 24–26

Moses, 212–13, 230

names, significance of

Avenida Providencia, 116

changing one’s name, 158

Diego de Almagro plaza, 33–34

exalting one’s own name, 157–59

father-daughter incest and, 349

Jaime, 158

psychomagic for, 332, 335, 392

Tocopilla, 1–2, 219–20

Neruda, Pablo (poet), 87, 95, 124–25, 238

Opéra Panique cast, 209

Oth center, 260–61, 267

Pachita (folk magic healer), 270–91, 271

author healed by, 282–84

baldness cure of, 287–88

Brother respected more than, 275–76

charitable purpose of, 279–80

concerns about meeting, 269, 270–71

daughter Eugenia and Enrique,


death without obedience to, 280–81

dream visit from, 291

eye within triangle from, 273–74

first meeting with, 272–74

gift passed to Enrique, 291

money problems cured by, 288–89

operations by, 274–82

patients who want to die and, 285–87

psychomagic ideas from, 281, 289–91

touch of, 273, 287

unbelievable statements by, 278

Pacifier Clown, 147, 148, 149, 152

Parra, Nicanor, 95, 96, 100–101, 102,


paternal great grand-parents, 13

Path center, 261, 267

phantom limbs, 368–70

Piripipí Clown, 147, 150–53

poetic acts, 117–27

carnival inspired, 168–69

clown shoes, 146

corrections to errors, 123–24

criminal acts and, 140

defined, 117, 122–23

errors in, 121–22

haiku illustrating, 123

before leaving Santiago, 125–27

with Lihn, 117–26

for Neruda, 124–25

Sara’s corset set free, 166–68

Stella as the impetus for, 97

at studio parties, 113–14


author’s, 42, 46–47, 91, 107, 384

Chile permeated by, 86–88

discovery of, 41–42

Ejo Takata’s, 304–5

haiku illustrating poetic acts, 123

Parra’s anti-poems, 95

read for Pachita, 274

Stella’s, 99

unity attained with Chilean, 73–74

Prince (Chinese singer), 135–36

Prullansky, Alejandro (grandfather),

27, 65

psychogenealogy, 310–11


basis in the subconscious, 333

beginnings of, 180, 182

changing Mexico, 346–47

charlatan’s methods vs., 316,


clients unable participate in, 350–54

courses taught in, 333

decision to induce acts, 312

defensive mechanisms and, 351–54

for depression, 344–45, 386

for divorced women, 332

dramatizations to heal a family,


examples of acts, 385–92

for fears and anxieties, 334, 336

for female frigidity, 334

for finding a lover, 330–31