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ideas from Pachita, 281, 289–91

imitating desired qualities, 344

individuality of treatments, 319–20

for invasive mother, 329–30

Mystical Cabaret, 327

for names, 332, 335, 392

need for parental love and, 349–50

for parental abuse/neglect, 331–34,


for perfectionism, 342–44

for physical illnesses, 324–26

for “possessed” persons, 334–35

psychogenealogy, 310–11

relieving guilt, 331, 341–42

requirements for, 312–14, 348–49

responsibility of, 320

role playing before parents, 327–28

roots in family tree, 305–10, 335–36

rules for advised acts, 327

for self-worth, 330, 340–41, 385–87,


sexual acts in, 322–24, 336–37

shifting images, 340–42

small acts prescribed for safety,


for social neuroses, 345–46

with son Axel Cristóbal, 328–29

for suppressed feelings, 332

time saved by, 348

touching a woman’s chest, 314–16

undoing predictions, 337–40

unexpected synchronicities in,


See also psychoshamanism

psychomagical correspondence, 393–402

chewing on hair, 397–98

getting past prostitution, 399–400

giving partial fulfillment, 397

lesbian attraction to mother, 398–99

letter to absent parent, 400–401

the lost color red, 395–96

milk bath for the eyes, 396

sexual invalid, 401–2

stealing to heal the heart, 393–94

symbolic conversation, 394–95

psychoshamanism, 377

for boy in coma, 362–64

bypassing defenses and fears, 380–81

defenses and the need for, 351–54

examples of, 372–80

healer’s state during, 380

imagination in, 382, 384

magical setting for, 371

for Moebius, 364–66

operating in another’s name, 370–71

operating on the phantom body, 371–72

power of the “now” in, 380, 381–82

superstition eliminated from, 370

for woman abused by priest, 358–59

See also initiatory massage;



changes due to, 93–95

of family members, 93, 94

learning to make, 92–93

making after Stella, 110

of Nicanor Parra, 96

of Racz, 111–12

Roncal’s dance, 138–39

show of Lorca play, 125

TEUCH puppet theater, 140–42

TEUC puppet theater, 153

Racz, André (painter), 111–12

Rebbe, 11–12, 20–21, 37, 50, 60–62,

plate 11

Rialland, Chantal (writer), 335–36

Rogelio, Don (Rabid Healer), 299–300

Roncal, Virginia (dancer), 138–39

Sabina, María, 235, 266

Said, Don Carlos (healer), 300–302

Santiago de Chile (pantomime), 245


Castaneda’s, 262–65

charlatans, 293–302

Ichazo’s, 252–62

machis, 282, 355, 356–58

move to psychoshamanism from,


Pachita’s folk magic healing, 269–93

superstition needed for, 289

See also magic; psychoshamanism

Soledad (healer), 297–99

Takata, Ejo, 196–98, 215, 247–51, 249


decision to charge for readings, 303–5

Lefevre’s deck, 240

meaning of Tocopilla and, 1–2

Strength image stolen from library, 3


with Alejandro Flores, 153–60

art of theatrical advice, 194–95

awareness due to, 136–37

circus clown stint, 146–53

civil holiness, 143–45

dance performances seen, 137–39

dispensing with actors, audience, and

building, 180, 182

dissatisfaction with realism, 160–61

effectiveness vs. perfection, 154, 156, 157

ephemeral panics, 182–94

firefighter’s burial and, 130–33, 132

with Marceau, 175–76, 178, 180

mime, 162, 165, 175–80, 244

performers in Tocopilla, 128–30

seizure witnessed and, 133–34

singing Chinese Prince and, 134–36

studying emotions, 161

study with Decroux, 173–75

teaching, 161–62

TEUCH puppet theater, 140–42

TEUC puppet theater, 153

Tocopilla, plate 3

childhood house, 5

cultural richness in, 30

meaning of, 1–2, 219–20

performers visiting, 128–30

Toño, Don (healer), 297

Topor, 164, 189, 208

trickery, sacred, 239, 280

Troika, 262–63, 265

Trumbley, Valérie (wife), 179, 303

Uthoff, Ernst (dancer), 138

Varin, Stella Díaz (poet), 96–109

“Viper, The” (poem), 95, 100–101

youth in Santiago

address book tossed, 125, 171–72, 208

ambivalence about leaving, 165

body felt as an alien, 63–64

body seen as an enemy, 76–77

bullied at school, 46, 48–49

burning of family house, 165–68

at Cereceda sisters’ home, 89–93