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chased by thieves/cops, 78–79

cleaning banknotes, 42–43

concepts redefined, 116–17

conquering space and time, 66–69

dance instructor murdered, 139–40

dead beggar and vomiting, 35

de-virginizing Consuelo, 144–45

the dog brings a stone, 169–70

earthquake, 43–44

entry into world of poetry, 89–91

family seen as a trap, 37, 60

family strictures thrown off, 81, 83–85

father’s small penis seen, 44–46

field trip from school, 35–37

first meeting with Lihn, 114, 116

forgiveness with his family, 93–94

high jump competition, 47–48

humiliated as a Jew, 46–47

imagination chosen as a path, 69–70

imaginative techniques conceived,


indicating shoplifters to Jaime, 39–40

leaving for Paris, 125–27, 171–72

Lefevre’s Tarot readings, 239–40

lime tree hacked with ax, 88–89

Luz as his angel, 110–12

magic mirror episode, 237–39

meditative concentration deepened, 77

meetings with Parra, 100–101,


one-tooth landlady, 34–35

Parra puppet made, 96

path found in blown book page, 66

photographs burned, 49, 50

poems written, 42, 46–47, 91, 107, 384

poetry discovered, 41–42

pride of the drunkards, 38–39

puppet making, 92–93, 96, 110

reasons for birth considered, 86

Rebbe on basic rights, 60–62

return to parents after Stella, 109–10

self reimagined, 64–66, 77–78,

79–80, 82–85

shame about penis, 36, 46

sister’s crotch visited at night, 80

spider contemplated, 75–76

with Stella Díaz Varin, 96–109

surrealism discovered, 85

taken out of school, 38

Teatro Mímico formed, 162, 165

violin coffin, 40–41

weight gain, 40

worms emptied on parents’ bed,


See also poetic acts; theater

Zaratustra performance, 179, 181