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“He better not have forgotten me.” She came forward to kiss Garrison on the cheek, which embarrassed Dale more than it did Garrison.

Sendra Detemer should have been Garrison’s wife; everyone knew that. They were a perfect match, attracted to each other, and the marriage should have joined the two clans. But after he had left Rendezvous with Elisa, Sendra accepted Dale’s marriage proposal. She was smart, pretty, and followed her own interests. His brother knew full well that he was merely the second choice. And now, after what had happened with Elisa, Garrison was painfully reminded of the bad choice he had made.

With Dale standing right beside her, Sendra gave Garrison a gaze full of meanings, regrets, questions, and not-so-subtle flirtation. You could’ve had me, she seemed to be thinking. “And how is your wife?” she asked.

Dale hissed, “Sendra—they came from Sheol.”

She looked mortified at what she had said. “Oh, I’m so sorry!”

Garrison lowered his head. “Elisa wasn’t there either.”

The boy blurted out, “My mother died in an explosion out in space.”

Dale hurried them along, eager to get away from Sendra. “We shouldn’t delay. I let Father know we’re coming, so he’s waiting for us.”

Garrison knew what that meant. “Then we’d better not keep him.”

The clan leader’s chambers had once belonged to the Roamer Speaker, back when this asteroid had been the heart of Rendezvous. Olaf Reeves sat behind his metal desk as if holding court. He did not get up to greet Garrison or Seth; he was too proud for that.

“It’s the prodigal son.” Even here in the small office, Olaf’s voice was booming. “You’re older now—and wiser, let’s hope. You went off looking for Hansa happiness, when you should have been satisfied with Roamer happiness.”

“I was looking for my own happiness, Father. I wanted to do what was right.” But Olaf’s words hit home. Elisa’s definition of happiness—her goals, her success, her drive—had been very different from Garrison’s desire for a fulfilled life, a strong family, close friends. That would have been enough for him, but it had never been enough for Elisa.

Olaf turned toward Seth. “And my grandson, quite a young man. We’ll have a place for you among us. We just retrieved our clan children from Academ, so they can be taught in proper Roamer ways. We even brought a Teacher compy to help.”

Seth brightened. “A compy?”

“We have five total now,” Dale interrupted. “We made sure the fail-safe programming systems are in place.”

Seth looked at his father, disappointed. “But I wanted to go to Academ.”

“I’ll still find a way for you to go there, don’t worry,” Garrison said.

“You don’t need Academ.” Olaf leaned forward, giving his grandson a warmer welcome. “The Teacher compy’s name is BO. She knows a lot about Roamer history—you can join the other children in their independent classes. With us. You’ll do well, I’m sure.”

Garrison felt distinctly uncomfortable. “That wasn’t my plan, Father. We’re getting ahead of ourselves.”

His father’s bushy eyebrows drew together. “Yes, we are. I’m not surprised you spotted the dangers at Sheol, because you’re smart and could see what was in front of your face. We hadn’t heard that you got away… thought you might have stayed with That Woman.”

“I sounded the warning, but Lee Iswander didn’t listen. Neither did Elisa.”

Olaf made a disgusted sound. “That man’s been Goose-headed for years, forgot he’s a Roamer. We are best when we push the limits and survive by the skin of our teeth—that makes us grow, makes us strong.”

Dale said, as if repeating a benediction, “A knife loses its edge unless it is sharpened.”

When Garrison was in his father’s presence, the big man seemed to consider Dale invisible. “Too many Roamers have gone soft on comfortable planets. The romance is gone. They lost something vital. That’s why we’re all pulling out—leaving Rendezvous and making a new home.”

“Leaving Rendezvous? You invested everything here, insisted on clinging to this place even when everyone else pulled out and called you a stubborn fool. Where are you going to go?”

“Far away,” Olaf said. “We’re too close to the stink of Newstation, the Confederation, and all the things that weaken us. One of our clan scouts found an ancient city in space, probably millennia old. It was like a sign. No one’s touched it. We’ll make it our new home.” He leaned forward to encompass both Garrison and Seth with his gaze. “Our home.” He pretended to notice reports on his desk screen, then glanced at the chronometer on the wall. “I understand they’re making repairs to your ship now? We’ll find a place for you to settle in, figure out what your place will be with us.”

Garrison held up his hands. “We haven’t said we’re going with you. Seth and I just came back for a visit, and to ask for a little help.”

“That Woman gave you enough help. The wrong kind. Now it’s time to come home, if you’ve learned your lesson.”

Seth looked lost, and Garrison gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. He remembered the opportunities he had missed while growing up because of his father’s pigheadedness, and he would not inflict that upon his son. “No. We’re not going with you to whatever isolated place you’re taking the clan. Seth needs to grow up in the Confederation, to be part of the future, not part of the past. He’s going to Academ where he can learn with Roamer children his own age.”

A flush rose in Olaf’s cheeks, and his voice became a growl, though it didn’t get any louder. “You’ve already had a terrible lapse in judgment, Garrison. That Woman seduced you, corrupted you. You can be forgiven for making one major mistake, but you’re about to make another one.”

“I’m making a decision. Whether it’s a mistake or not is something we can determine later. Seth and I won’t be following you out to the middle of nowhere just because you’re fed up with the Confederation and with other Roamers. Seth wants to study at Academ, and I think that’s a good choice for him.” Olaf snorted, but Garrison stood straight, feeling his face flush. In the years he’d been gone he had learned a lot about strength. “Did you give the other clan members the chance to make up their own minds? Or are you forcing them to go with you, because you know what’s best for them all?”

“I do know what’s best for them, so their choice is obvious.”

“And the choice is obvious to me too. Seth and I will make our own way, build our own lives.”

Olaf glowered. “Then let the consequences be on your own head.”

This was exactly what Garrison had feared, and he’d expected nothing less. He also knew that argument was useless with Olaf Reeves.

Olaf glanced at his other son, as if just remembering Dale was there. “Tell Bjorn to get Garrison’s ship fixed and fueled so he can be about his important business. The rest of clan Reeves has its own Guiding Star to follow.”



Matthew had asked Orli to meet him at one of their favorite restaurants, a colorful high-end establishment built and run by Rlinda Kett. By long distance, he had made reservations and added a significant tip so they had their favorite table—the one Rlinda always guaranteed for them. That was a good sign, Orli told herself, and she clung to the thought as she got ready, even though she felt a distinct uneasiness about what her husband planned to say.