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Shareen said, “Do you think we could visit the Ildiran sanctuary domes?”

Del frowned. “It’s a sanctuary and a colony. Tamo’l is very dedicated, but the misfits…” He shook his head and patted Shareen on the shoulder. “Don’t be in a hurry, my sweet. You’re not ready for that yet.”



Though Xander and Terry preferred to check new places off their planetary list, Ulio was one of their favorite stopping points. Ulio was also the place where the two had met, which made it worth visiting again for their own reasons.

OK piloted the Verne across open space, but as soon as they reached the active hub, Xander took the controls. The different types of ships and traders, both human and Ildiran, always made the Ulio transfer station, trading hub, and repair yard vibrant and hectic.

Xander guided them in, keeping his eyes open. Sometimes it was a strategy game just to find a place to dock in the haphazard structures. Officially, the rule was first come, first served—which sounded fair and polite, but in reality, it turned Ulio into a spaceship free-for-all.

The transfer hub had no formal administrator, political affiliations, or security enforcement. It was simply a gathering point in space for travelers who wanted something, or wanted to get rid of something. An example of organized anarchy that somehow worked.

Over the past two decades Ulio had become a place where ships could refuel or make repairs, where traders could exchange cargo, where passengers could secure transportation with no questions asked. The conglomeration of ships was like a flea market, a swap meet, a jamboree, and a trade show located in a small, unimportant system in the blurred boundaries between the Confederation and the Ildiran Empire.

Ulio had begun as an unincorporated, unregulated, and untaxed scrapyard. Entrepreneur Maria Ulio had lost everything on Boone’s Crossing when the hydrogues destroyed that colony, but she cobbled together enough money to buy some wrecked Ildiran warliners and EDF battleships after the end of the war. She got many of the wrecks for free, on the condition that she haul them away from habitable planets where they were a navigational hazard. Salvage or scrap, no one else saw much value in them.

As a first step, Maria Ulio had patched and repaired two of the hulks so they could support inhabitants, then she looked for refugees whose homes had been destroyed by the hydrogues, the faeros, or the Klikiss. Plenty of people fit the bill. She offered them a place to live, so long as they helped her repair other salvaged ships she brought there.

Even the Roamers were impressed with Maria’s operations, and so they brought other ships in need of repair. Some were fixed up and converted into space habitats; intact engine components were stripped out and used in other vessels.

Traders began to stop at Maria Ulio’s hub. A few ships simply parked there and stayed, finding it easier to sell and exchange wares at a central point, rather than flying back and forth across the Spiral Arm. Roamers brought their business as well, and word began to spread.

The Solar Navy sent damaged warliners and teams of Ildiran mechanics to work alongside the renowned Ulio engineers to observe and learn. After a while, Ildiran traders began to stop at Ulio as their giant ships did business with the Confederation.

Then, when she was fabulously wealthy, Maria Ulio simply packed up her old ship. She tasked the engineers to recheck her stardrives—which had not been operated for fifteen years—dusted off her vessel, bade everyone farewell, and simply flew off. No one had heard from Maria since, but her legacy remained. In the five years of her absence, Ulio ran itself and grew even larger.

Terry had spent most of his teenage years at Ulio. He’d met Maria several times, and the old woman took him under her wing when he arrived as a twelve-year-old, asking to help with the repairs. She gave Terry a pep talk when he asked if his handicap would be an insurmountable problem. Maria had just laughed. “Most of those ships don’t have gravity turned on anyway. You won’t need to use your legs except to fill out your pants.”

“Why would I need to fill out my pants?” he asked.

“Because it makes the pockets easier to reach. Better access to your tools. You’ll figure it out.”

She had assigned Terry to a team that needed an extra hand, and he drifted around inside stardrive engines, skinny enough to fit in tight crawlspaces; he often suited up and went outside to help patch hulls. It took his coworkers the better part of a week to notice that Terry couldn’t use his legs…

Now, the Verne arrived at Ulio’s main hub, a pair of cobbled-together Ildiran warliner hulls that looked as if the two ships had collided and fused. By now, Xander knew which of the permanent facilities maintained artificial gravity “for the convenience of patrons” and which ones maintained au naturel microgravity. Out of consideration for Terry, Xander exclusively patronized the weightless units.

By sheer luck, a spacecraft was detaching from a docking unit just as they arrived, and Xander accelerated the Verne to capture the spot. Another ship raced in, and a stream of curses ricocheted through the comm system when Xander reached the dock first. “Have a nice day,” Xander said and clicked off the comm.

OK transmitted their cargo manifest: fully charged power blocks of various sizes and capacities fresh from Fireheart Station. The information went into the bidding board, which all traders could access. Many ships simply hung around Ulio and watched the board like vultures waiting to pounce on unusual items. Vagabond travelers could also put up requests for passage to particular worlds, offering to work aboard ship to avoid the standard fee, but they often waited at Ulio for a long time. There wasn’t much work to be done on a routine passage, and most captains had a compy or two to handle the more unpleasant tasks.

Led by OK, Xander and Terry floated into the main hub. Terry was at ease propelling himself along, and Xander followed, while the compy preferred to use the magnetic traction of his synthetic feet.

By habit, they went to the observation lounge and star balcony where they had met. The two found themselves a good seat next to the wall of interlocked crystal, where they could watch the ships come and go. After clipping themselves to the table, they ordered drinks from the server compy.

OK was proud to announce, “Multiple bids have come in. Every one of our power blocks has been claimed for the asking price. Two bidders were so enthusiastic about our highest capacity units that they drove up the price. Our profits will be five percent higher than anticipated.”

“Excellent,” Xander said. “Let’s celebrate and spend that profit on a vacation.”

Terry gave him a skeptical look, then turned to accept their drinks as the server compy returned. “We’ll never take a vacation. You won’t let me.”

“Our work is a vacation. But I could treat you to a place we’ve never seen before.” Xander called up their list on the datapad he always brought with him. “Checking off places one at a time. It’s good to have a big, long-term project you can sink your teeth into.”

Terry leaned over to look at the list, scrolling through the names of planets and star systems. “Since we’ve got more than we can possibly visit in a dozen lifetimes, why don’t we pick someplace pleasant?”

“If you insist.” They debated the merits of various worlds and whether they could convince Xander’s parents that a trade expedition would be worthwhile to Kett Shipping. They finished their first round of drinks and sent OK to fetch a second while they watched the graceful ballet of space traffic.