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“We’re testing kelp extracts and mineralized slime as a palliative for some of our worst cases,” Tamo’l said. “There’s been a blossoming of a rare kelp strain, and that gives the mixed-breeds a strength they didn’t have before. They can never be cured, but they can thrive here, even love like normal people.” She looked around with obvious satisfaction. “Kuivahr is more than just a last hope for hopeless cases—this is their home. They are victims of the breeding program, as so many of us are. They just paid a higher price than most.”

She showed him her extensive medical treatment facility with special wards for tending the numerous breakdowns of the misbreeds. When one of the misfits died, even the body was studied in order to help the others.

The misfits did not fill him with disgust so much as fascination. Not pity, not sympathy. Tom Rom only cared that they might be useful to Zoe Alakis.

Getting down to business, Tom Rom opened the satchel he carried. “My employer has authorized me to offer a substantial fee for your data.” He revealed a glittering kaleidoscope of prisdiamonds, enough to make anyone in the Confederation gasp with astonishment.

Tamo’l was appreciative. “I understand that this is a great treasure, so I will accept it and put the funds to good use.” She looked at him with her large eyes. “But Ildirans don’t value wealth the way humans do. If your employer makes a breakthrough that could help my misfits here, I hope she will share.”

“I will tell her that.”

He knew the very thought was absurd.



Before Orli reported to Kett Shipping for her new job, she did her homework. DD helped her track down the records and specs of the Proud Mary—the ship she would be flying.

Orli had worked so long at the compy facility on Relleker that she’d forgotten a great deal about piloting a ship. Before marrying Matthew and settling down, she had traveled far and wide, often flying with Captain Kett aboard the Voracious Curiosity or Captain Roberts on his Blind Faith. She was certainly competent, and she could learn—or relearn.

Even so, when she delivered the formal paperwork to Tasia Tamblyn and Robb Brindle at the Kett Shipping headquarters, Orli wanted to make a good impression.

After Orli entered the offices on Earth, Tasia shook her hand. “You’re very welcome here, Captain Covitz.”

Orli was at a loss. “Captain? I’m just submitting my application. I haven’t been—”

Robb scanned her application. “Of course, you’re accepted. You can fly a ship right? Looks like you have plenty of experience.” He tapped the screen.

Tasia said, “Rlinda recommended you, and it’s her company. I understand you’re already slated for the Proud Mary?”

DD piped up, “Captain Kett suggested the Proud Mary might be an appropriate ship for us.”

“She’s refueled, ready for a shakedown cruise,” Robb said. “Will you need a copilot? I can assign one of our shipping experts to show you the ropes, if you like.”

Orli couldn’t control her smile. “I have DD.”

The compy added, “Captain Kett said there were enhanced piloting and engineering modules for me to upload if it became necessary.”

Tasia called up ship records, toggling past image after image. Each vessel had a different hull configuration, some with additional engines or expanded stowage pods. “Kett Shipping currently has forty-seven ships. Rlinda owns fourteen of them outright—including the Proud Mary. Robb and I own four, and the others are privately owned by their individual captains, who have contract arrangements with us.”

“If those captains own their ships, what do they get out of being part of Kett Shipping?” Orli imagined that if she owned her vessel, she’d want to be independent, fly from place to place, pick up whatever cargo she liked.

“Insurance,” Robb said. “Steady work, a safety net, repairs and rescue, and prices negotiated through the clout of Kett Shipping.”

Tasia grinned. “And the pleasure of working with us. That’s our biggest selling point.”

“We are very pleased to work with you,” DD said.

“Good. Let’s go take a look at your ship.”

When one of their pilots complained that he’d been cheated on an agreed-upon fee for a shipment, Tasia hurried off to deal with the minor emergency, while Robb took Orli to the company hangar. DD strutted along beside them.

The Proud Mary was a small cargo ship with a comfortable cockpit, a compact stateroom just big enough for Orli, and a well-organized cargo hold. She wouldn’t be hauling any huge loads, but the ship could make niche runs to specialized markets and planets that saw little regular trade.

She ran her gaze along the hull. “I like it.”

Robb nodded. “Proud Mary’s a good ship. Mary Coven flew her for us seventeen years, and before that she did black-market runs in the last four years of the Elemental War.”

An odd sour smell clung to the upholstery. Robb sniffed. “Mary Coven had her quirks. She liked to smoke a tobacco pipe, spent a fortune replacing air filters, but she claimed it was worth the expense.”

The captain’s chair was frayed at the corners, the armrests patched with polymer strips and adhesives. Some of the paint on the control panel was worn, and spots of alloy films had been rubbed away; labels on several controls had been marked over with fresh tape and handwritten identifications.

“Looks like she did a little custom rewiring,” Orli said.

“Those are fixes, but the ship checks out, fully functional. If you want, I can reupholster the seats, give the interior a repaint and a freshening up, but I don’t think Rlinda will pay for an upgrade of the control modules.”

Orli stared at the cockpit, imagining the other captain who had spent so much time inside the ship, an independent and adventurous woman who was free to go where she wished and not afraid to do it. So different from her own situation with Matthew and the Relleker facility.

“That won’t be necessary. New control modules have their bugs too, and this ship’s got history. She’s proved herself.”

Robb grinned. “If I hadn’t approved you before, Captain Covitz, you just passed the test. That comment shows you know enough about piloting. You and the Proud Mary will get along just fine.”

“I am very excited, Orli Covitz,” DD said in a completely deadpan voice.

She sat in the pilot seat, touched the controls, settled into the cushion. It felt right. She wanted to do this.

Robb said, “We’ve got a small shipment ready to go to the military base on Mars. Nothing fancy. It’ll be a quick trip, take you no more than two days, but it would be a good shakedown, if you want to practice.”

“I’d like that very much. DD, how do you feel about being my copilot?”

“I look forward to my new role, Orli.”

She ran her hands along the arms of the pilot’s chair and flicked on the power systems, verifying that the fuel supplies were full, the energy levels optimal. “All I need is a course to set and a cargo to deliver.”

The flight was smooth, quiet yet exhilarating, and it let her forget. Orli felt as if she had shed her skin and become a brand-new person, no longer just a shadow of herself in the aftermath of Matthew’s change of heart. Orli wasn’t defined by him anymore; she was a ship captain now, and DD was at her side.

The simple delivery from Earth to Mars was one of the most satisfying things she had done in a long time.