The Dark Blue Winter Overcoat and Other Stories from the North

The Dark Blue Winter Overcoat and Other Stories from the North
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Язык: английский
Год: 2017
Издатель: Pushkin Press
ISBN: 978-1-78227-383-7
Город: London
Переводчик: Denise Newman
Второй переводчик: Deborah Bragan-Turner
Добавил: Admin 30 Ноя 18
Проверил: Admin 30 Ноя 18
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The best fiction from across the Nordic region, selected and introduced by Sjon—Iceland’s internationally renowned writer.
This exquisite anthology collects together the very best fiction from across the Nordic region. Travelling from cosmopolitan Stockholm to the remote Faroe Islands, and from Denmark to Greenland, this unique and compelling volume displays the thrilling diversity of writing from these northern nations.
Selected and introduced by Sjon, The Dark Blue Winter Overcoat includes both notable authors and exciting new discoveries. As well as an essential selection of the best contemporary storytelling from the Nordic countries, it’s also a fascinating portrait of contemporary life across the region. The perfect book to curl up with on a cold winter’s evening.

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