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"Kazz! You're in the hut! There's the bear! Kill it, Kazz! Kill it!"

Snarling, Kazz grabbed the phantom spear with both hands and thrust it.

'' Ayee! Ayee!'' And a gabble of harsh sounds followed. Burton, having learned his native language, understood them.

"I am the Man-Who-Slew-The-White-Tooth! Die, Hairy-One-Who-Sleeps-All-Winter! Die, but forgive me! I must, I must! Die! Die!"

Burton spoke loudly. "Kazz! It's run away! The bear has run out of the hut! Besst is safe now!"

Kazz stopped thrusting the spear. He stood upright now, looking from side to side.

"Kazz! It's a few minutes later. Kazz! Besst has left. You're in the hut now! Inside it. You've nothing to fear! You've entered the hut, and there is nothing to be afraid of! But who else is in there with you?

"Kazz! You're in the hut a few minutes after you saw that Spruce had no mark on his forehead. Who else is in the hut with you?"

The Neanderthal had lost his fierce expression. Now he looked dully at Burton.

"Who? Why, Monat and Pete."

"Very good, Kazz. Now... who first spoke to you there?"

"Monat did."

"Tell me what he said to you. Tell me what Frigate said, too."

"Frigate never said anything. Just Monat."

"Tell me what he said .... what he is saying."

"Monat says, 'Now, Kazz, you will remember nothing that took place in this hut. We will talk a minute and then we will leave. After you leave you will not remember going into the hut or leaving it. Everything between that time will be a blank. If anyone should ask you about this time, you will say that you don't remember. And you will not be lying because you will have forgotten everything. Isn't that right, Kazz?' "

The Neanderthal nodded.

' "Also, Kazz, just to make sure, you will not remember the first time I told you to forget that you had mentioned to me and Frigate that we had no marks. Do you remember that time, Kazz?' "

Kazz shook his head. " 'No, Monat.' "

He gave a drawnout sigh.

"Who sighed?" Burton said.


It was evidently an expiration of relief.

"What else is Monat saying? Tell me what you are saying, too.''

" 'Kazz, when I talked to you that first time, the time just after you had told Frigate and me that we had no signs, I also told you to tell me whatever Burton said about meeting a mysterious person. By that I mean someone who might call himself an Ethical.' "

Burton said, "Aah!"

" 'Do you remember that, Kazz?'

" 'No.'

" 'Of course not. I told you not to remember that. But I now tell you to remember it. Do you remember it, Kazz?' "

A silence of about twenty seconds followed. Then the Neander­thal said, " 'Yes, I remember now.'

' "Very good, Kazz. Now, forget it again, though what I told you then still is a command. Isn't that right?'

" 'Yes, that's right.'

" 'Now, Kazz. Has Burton ever said anything to you about this Ethical? Or about anyone, man or woman, who claimed to be one of those who brought us back from the dead?'

" 'No, Burton-naq never told me anything like that.'

' "But if, in the future, he does tell .you, you will come to me at once and tell me. You will only do this, however, when no one else is around. Where no one can overhear us. Do you understand that?'

" 'Yes, I understand.'

' "If for some reason I am not available, if you cannot get hold of me because I am dead or gone on a journey, you will tell Peter Frigate or Lev Ruach, instead of me. Do you understand?' "

Burton said, in a low voice, "Ruach, too!"

" 'Yes, I understand. I will tell Peter Frigate or Lev Ruach instead of you.'

" 'And you will tell them only when no one is around, where no one else can overhear you two. Understand?'

" 'Yes, I understand.'

' "And you will not tell anyone else about this, you will only tell Frigate, Ruach, or myself. Understand?'

" 'Yes, I understand.'

" 'Very good, Kazz. That's fine. We will go now, and when I snap my fingers twice, you will not remember this or the first time. Understand?'

" 'Yes, I understand.'

" 'Kazz, you will also... oh, oh! Someone's calling for us! No time for an excuse now. Let's go!' "

Burton had to guess what this last remark meant. Monat must have been about to tell Kazz what he should say if anyone asked him what the conversation had been about. That was a lucky break for Burton. If Kazz had had a reasonable story, then Burton would never have become suspicious.


Burton said, Sit down, Kazz. make yourself comfortable. You sit there for a minute. I'm leaving. Monat will be coming in, and he will talk to you."

"I understand."

Burton walked out of the hut and stood for a minute. He should have posed as Monat when he first started the session. That might have overcome Kazz's resistance more quickly, and Burton would not have had to resort to the trickery of the bear and Besst.

He re-entered, and said, "Hello, Kazz. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Monat. How are you?"

"Great! Very well, Kazz. I'll take over from where your friend, Burton, left off. We'll go back to that first time I talked to you, just after you had noticed that Frigate and I had no marks on our foreheads. You now remember that time, Kazz, because I, Monat, tell you to do so.

"You will go back to the second after you had told Monat. Are you there?"

"Yes, I am there."

"Where are you, Monat, and Frigate?"

"We are near a grailstone."

"What day, or night, is that?"

"I do not understand."

"I mean, how many days was it after Resurrection Day?"

"Three days."

"Tell me what happened after you spoke to them about the lack of the mark."

Kazz, speaking in a monotone, described the events immediately after. Monat had said that he and Frigate wanted to speak to him privately. They had walked across the plain and gone into the hills. There, behind a giant irontree, Monat had fixed his eyes upon Kazz's. Without the use of any mechanical devices, without even informing Kazz what he was doing, Monat had hypnotized him.

"It was as if something dark flowed from him to me, something dark and overpowering."

Burton nodded. He had seen Monat demonstrate this power, this "animal magnetism" as it was known in Burton's time. He was a stronger mesmerist than Burton, which was one reason why Burton had never permitted the Arcturan to attempt hypnotizing him. In fact, Burton had taken precautions against getting caught unawares by Monat. In an elaborate self-hypnosis, he had told himself that he must never allow himself to be mesmerized by Monat. However, Monat could be powerful enough to break down that command, so Burton had been extremely cautious about being alone with him.

That forearming had been based on the fear that Monat might stumble across the time when he had been visited by the Ethical. That was Burton's secret, one he wanted no one to know. He had had no idea then, of course, that Monat was one of Them.

He wondered if Frigate was also an expert hypnotizer. The fellow had never given any indication that he was. However, he had refused to let Burton try mesmerism on him. His plea had been that he could not endure the thought of losing his self-control.

Kazz remembered that, during the course of the session, Monat had remarked to Frigate about the Neanderthal's ability to see the symbols.

" ' We never knew about that. We'll have to tell HQ as soon as we get a chance.'"

So, Burton thought, Monat and Frigate were in communication from time to time with the Ethicals. How did they manage that? Were prearranged landings of the flying machines, which Burton had once glimpsed, one method of communicating? Those machines which flickered into and out of visibility as they flew along?