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' "That seemed to stop him for a moment. Then he said, 'Because they think it would be unethical to permit such a miserable, unde­serving species to live forever.'

" They sure don't have a good opinion of us," I said.

" 'I don't either,'' the stranger said. 'But good or bad opinions of humanity, based on en masse consideration, have nothing to do with the ethical aspects.'

" 'How can you love someone you despise?' I said.

" 'It isn't easy,' he said. 'But nothing truly ethical is easy to do. However, this is wasting my time.'

"A bluish fight glowed, and by its light I could see that he had taken his right hand out from under his cloak. Around its wrist was a device larger man a man's pocket watch, and it was emitting the bluish light. I couldn't see what was on its face, but it was also talking, softly, like a radio turned way down.

"I couldn't hear the words, but it all sounded to me like some foreign language I never heard before. And the blue light showed me the globe, which was black and looked glassy. His hand was a big one, broad, but with long, slim fingers.

" 'My time is up,'he said, and he put his hand under the cloak, and the hut was dark again, except for a lightning bolt now and then.

" 'I can't tell you now why I chose you,' he said, 'except to say that your aura shows you're a likely candidate for the job.'

"What's on aura? I thought. I knew what it meant according to the dictionary, but I had the feeling he meant something else. And what job? I thought.

"Suddenly, as if he'd been reading my thought, his hand came out from under the cloak again. The bluish light was bright, very bright, so bright I could hardly see him. But I could see both his hands now, and they lifted the globe off. I though I'd be able to see at least the outlines of his head, maybe something of his features if I squinted hard enough. But all I could see was the big globe above his head. Not the glass globe, because he held that to one side. The thing above his head was whirling, shot with many colors, and was so bright I could see only that.It put out feelers from time to time, feelers that shot out and men shrank back into the whirling thing.

"I don't mind admitting that I was scared men. Well, not really so much scared as awed. It was like seeing an angel face to face, and there's no shame in being afraid of an angel."

"Lucifer was an angel," Frigate said.

"Yeah, I know. I've read the Bible. Shakespeare, too. Maybe I didn't get through grammar school, but I'm self-educated."

"I wasn't intimating that you were ignorant," Frigate said.

Martin snorted, and he said, "You two don't really believe in angels, do you?"

"Not me," Tom said, "But he sure seemed like one. Anyway, I don't think that aura is ordinarily visible. I think he showed me it by means of that thing he wore on his wrist. It suddenly disappeared, and the bluish glow died immediately. Too soon for me to see his face. Another lightning flash silhouetted him men, and I saw he'd put the glass globe back over his head.

"Now I knew what he meant by an aura. I figured from what he said that I had one, too. And it was invisible."

"Next you'll be claiming to be an angel," Martin said.

" 'You can, you must, be of help to me,' the stranger said. 'I want you to start up-River, toward the tower. But first, you must tell this Jack London what has happened here tonight. And you must convince him that you are telling the truth. And get him to accom­pany you.

" 'But under no circumstances are you to tell anyone else that I have talked to you. No one. We Ethicals are few and seldom venture from the tower. But my enemies have agents among you. Not many, compared to you. But they are disguised as resurrectees, and they will be looking for me.

" 'Some day, they may even suspect that I have recruited help from you Riverdwellers. So they will be trying to find you. If they do, they will take you to the tower, unroll your memories, read them, and excise the parts relevant to me. And return you to the Valley.

' "London has a tiger-aura, too. So you must convince him to go with you. Tell him that I will see both of you again, and then he will believe. And you two will learn more of what this is all about.'

"He rose, and he said, 'Until then.'

"I watched him as another flash of lightning outlined his dark figure, the cloak, and the globe. I was wondering if I was crazy. I tried to get up but couldn't. After about half an hour, the paralysis wore off, and I went outside. The storm was over then, the clouds were starting to break up. But I couldn't see any sign of him."

Martin took up the story. Tom had come to him the next evening and made him promise to keep silent about what he was going to tell him. Martin did not know whether or not to believe him. What convinced him that he was not lying was that there was no reason for Tom to make up such a fantastic tale.

The incident had happened, but was it a hoax by some unknown party?

Tom thought about that and men wondered if perhaps London himself was the stranger, playing a joke on him. They soon realized that neither they nor anybody else they knew could have had the glass globe or the instrument he'd used. And how could anybody fake that blazing aura?

The Frisco Kid was getting itchy, anyway. He liked the idea of building a sailboat and going on. Whatever the story was, true or not, it gave him an incentive, a meaning to life. Tom felt the same way. The Tower became for them a sort of Holy Grail.

"I felt kind of lousy leaving Howardine without a word. The Kid wasn't getting along too well with his woman, a tall plain jane with a chip on her shoulder-I don't know what he ever saw in her-so he had no regrets about leaving,

"We scooted on up-River for a couple of hundred stones, and then we started to build our schooner. Nur came along and helped us build it. He's the only original member of the crew still with us.''

Tom, holding his finger to his lips, walked softly to the door. His ear against it, he listened for a moment. Then he yanked it open.

The little Moor, Nur el-Musafir, was standing by the door.


Nur did not seem startled or afraid. He said, in english, "May I come in?"

"Damn right you will!" Tom roared. He did not offer to drag him in, however. Something about the dark little man promised dire results if he were attacked.

Nur entered. Farrington, glowering, was on his feet.

"You were eavesdropping?"


"Why?" Tom said.

"Because, when you three went to the ship, I could tell from your expressions that something was wrong. Peter was in danger."

"Thanks, Nur," Frigate said.

Tom Rider closed the door. Martin said, "I need another drink."

Nur sat down upon the top of a cabinet. Martin downed two shots of whiskey. Tom said, "You heard everything?"

Nur nodded.

Martin shouted, "We might as well stand on a deck with a megaphone and tell the whole world!"

Tom said, "For Chrissakes! Now we got another problem on our hands!"

"There's no more need to kill me than there was to kill Peter," Nur said. He removed a cigar from his shoulderbag and lit it.

"I overheard your women saying they'd be coming back soon. We don't have much time."

"He's a cool one, ain't he?" Tom said to Martin.

"Like an experienced agent.''

Nur laughed, and he said, "No. More like one who's been chosen by an Ethical!"

Nur said, "You may well stare. But you should have wondered a long time ago why I joined you from the beginning and have stuck with you through such a wearying journey."

Martin and Tom both opened their mouths.