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"In other words they fear that if he is not promoted he will promote himself?"


"They are right in that. He said as much to me yesterday. He is as avid for glory as a pirate for loot Unless he is given the command of an Army in the field I rate him capable of overturning the Government"

"I agree. That is why we are contemplating letting him go off to England."

"Surely to lose the Fleet and fifty thousand men is an expensive way to placate him?"

"We might not lose them, but gain a great triumph over our enemies."

"You might be crowned Paul I of France in Rheims Cathedral, but that is equally unlikely. Why not give him another Army? Give him the Army of Italy. It is that after which he really hankers.

"No." Barras shook his head. "To do so would be too dangerous. You cannot have forgotten the lessons that the Romans taught us. In a dozen instances their victorious Generals turned their legions about and marched on Rome. If we gave Buonaparte the Army of Italy or the Rhine that is the risk we should run. At any time he might decide to oust us and make himself First Magistrate. But the Army of England would be a different matter. If he succeeded in conquering the island we would make him Proconsul of it. That would keep him busy for a long time to come, and we should have nought to worry about"

"You will if you adopt his plan. When he has lost his Army and the Fleet, it is you and your colleagues who will be called to account for it. You'll be lucky if you get as far as the guillotine. Tis more likely that the people will tear you all limb from limb."

"It is a Government's business to take such risks. All decisions which may lead to major victories or defeats are gambles."

"One does not gamble sous against louis d’or. Ask some of the emigres who have lived for several years in England if I am not right. Those stubborn islanders will fight to the last ditch. If you could land a quarter of a million men in a week the thing might be done; but that is utterly impossible. Again, Buonaparte's pet theory is that given anything near equal numbers the side which uses its artillery more skilfully will always win a battle. Within three days of landing he'll have run out of shot."

"No. He plans to seize the arsenal and cannon foundry at Portsmouth."

Roger gave a contemptuous laugh. "That cannot be done over­night. He must land on beaches out of range of the forts. To reach the Hampshire coast his men must be conveyed over near a hundred miles of sea. Nine-tenths of them will stagger ashore helpless as children from sea-sickness. They'll be hard put to it to defend themselves even from the local militia for the first twenty-four hours; so the garrison at Portsmouth will have ample time to set its house in order. Should the port appear likely to fall, you may be sure that they will blow up the arsenal and the foundry before Buonaparte can capture them. And what then? Within a week every man in Southern England will have armed himself and be on the march. Like a countless pack of wolves they will fall upon our troops, and from sheer weight of numbers drive them back into the sea."

"It is a grim picture that you paint; but I think you over pessimistic. In any case, this enfant terrible must be given active employment of some kind; and what alternative have we?"

"Give him the Army of Italy, which he so much desires."

"I have already told you that Le Directoire are averse to doing so, and their reason."

During the lengthy consideration that Roger had given to the whole subject the previous evening, he had foreseen that the Directors might be afraid of entrusting Buonaparte with an Army which could be turned against them: so he had thought out a scheme which would, perhaps, overcome their objections. Having, he felt, got Barras into the right frame of mind to consider his idea seriously, he said:

"I think there is a way in which you could make reasonably sure of Buonaparte's fidelity."

"I should be much interested to hear it."

"You will be aware that for the past year he has been subject to a most powerful urge to get married?"

"Yes. He has now set his heart upon Josephine de Beauharnais, and is wooing her with the impetuosity that he displays in everything."

"Exactly; and she is a chere amie of yours. Everyone knows that she is greatly indebted to you, and it is even said that the house in which she lives is your property. How far would you trust her?"

"To almost any length. She is a sweet-natured and honest creature. Out of gratitude for all I have done for her, I feel confident that she will ever use such influence as she may have in my interests."

"From what I know of her myself, and all I have heard, I supposed as much. I suggest that you should bind her still more strongly to you by persuading her to make what can hardly fail to turn out a brilliant marriage. Give her as a dowry the command of the Army of Italy for Buonaparte, Then he will be bound to her and you will have someone in the closest possible relation to him who will put a curb on his ambitions should they threaten the authority of the Directory."

Barras considered for a moment. "It is a most ingenious scheme; but before it could be put into operation there are several objections which would have to be overcome. Firstly, she does not love him."

"That is what makes the plan all the sounder. If she did she could not be trusted; as things are she can. Somehow we will persuade her to accept him."

"Perhaps that could be done. But the Army of Italy is not mine to give. Carnot was greatly impressed by Buonaparte's plan for the destruction of the Austrians, so might agree; but Rewbell is the stumbling-block. He would certainly refuse, as he has several times expressed the opinion that Buonaparte is getting too big for his boots and that we shall be well rid of him if we send him to England."

"If you can win Carnot over, Letourneur will follow his lead, and that will give you a majority."

For a further quarter of an hour they discussed the plan in detail. At length Barras said: "Then I will see La Belle Creole tonight, and if you will call upon me at the same hour tomorrow I will let you know the result of our talk."

That evening Roger attended Madame de Chateau-Renault's salon, as it was there he had first met Josephine, and he felt that, now she had become such an important pawn in his game, he would do well to develop her acquaintance. His hope of finding her there was realized, and having engaged her for some time in conversation he remarked that he had heard that she had two very beautiful children. She replied with becoming modesty, yet her pride in them was evident. He then said how fond he was of young people, and asked permission to call upon her so that he might see them. Her consent was readily given and she invited him to take tea with her the following day.

Next morning, eager to learn how his plan was working, he waited as arranged on Barras. The Director told him that matters had not gone too badly, then he said:

"To be the wife of the Commander of the Army of Italy is a position which any woman might envy; and Madame de Beauharnais is much tempted by the idea. But she is still troubled with grave doubts, and she did not disguise from me that she was greatly worried about some other matter. What it is she would not confide in me, but I've a shrewd suspicion that Citizen Fouché" is at the bottom of it. Not once, but several times, she dragged his name into our conversation and begged me to get him made a junior Minister, or give him some other consider­able post that would rescue him from the poverty and disgrace into which he has fallen. But he is a rogue and mischief-maker of the first order, and I had to tell her frankly that I'd lift not a finger to help him.'?