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Farid moved away from the noisy crowd outside the bus and went up to the great gate by himself. It seemed to him more impenetrable than the high stone wall that made the monastery look like a castle. “Mother,” he heard himself whisper. “Mother, where are you? Mother!” He felt abandoned as never before, and knew that tears were running down his face.

“What’s the matter with you?” His father’s voice brought him back to reality.

“I want to go home,” he said, and looked at his father through a mist of tears.

“Pull yourself together. You’re not a baby now,” his father replied quietly.

Farid picked up the smaller case and followed him.

Although it was high summer, musty, cold air met them when a tall man opened the gate. He was smiling like a lunatic. His large, shaven skull was covered with scars. The man had hands like shovels sticking out of his habit, which was much too small for him. The black of its fabric was worn grey on the shoulders and elbows.

“We’re to see Abbot Maximus Haddad. The bus was …”

“He’s expecting you,” the man interrupted Elias brusquely, and went ahead. Elias Mushtak made his way after him with the heavy case, panting. They went along endless corridors, until the man stopped outside a door on the second floor. When Farid had caught up, the monk knocked and pushed down the door handle without waiting for a reply. Then he stepped aside to let the two new arrivals in.

“Put the cases down and come in. Brother John will see to them,” said the abbot, coming out from behind his large desk. “Monsieur Elias, what a pleasure for me to greet the son of that great hero George Mushtak.”

That took Elias’s breath away. He had expected anything, but not to find that his father’s reputation had come all the way to this monastery. Farid was surprised that the abbot was so young, forty at the most. He imagined abbots as old men with snow-white beards and bent backs. This man was athletic, bursting with health, and had a thick, black beard. His face was friendly, his voice melodious. He spoke classic Arabic, but Farid detected a slight Lebanese accent.

“Forgive us for arriving late, the bus …” began Elias, trying to apologize.

“Oh, dear me, yes,” the abbot interrupted, “we know about the dangerous roads, we’re glad you managed to get here at all today. The parents of seven other new pupils have put off their journey for the time being, in view of the situation. Today is Thursday. Your son can rest until Sunday evening. The intensive French language course begins on Monday. He can attend that from the start. Regular school lessons don’t begin until October, and they will be given in French.”

“We’re happy that you have accepted Farid. My wife and I appreciate it. I studied in a monastery in Damascus myself as a boy, and those were the best days of my life, although cut sadly short. I’m sure you remember the tragic end of the Jesuit monastery,” Elias added quietly.

“How could I forget? A black day for Christianity and the whole of civilization. My uncle died in the fire. He was the librarian there.”

“What? Father Antonios Haddad … your uncle?” said Elias in amazement.

The abbot nodded. “What a small world it is! You knew my uncle, while as a student in the monastery here I prayed for a hero called George Mushtak who saved a Christian village. And that man was your father. May God bless his soul.”

“Thank you,” whispered Elias in subdued tones. Farid noticed the mask of humility that his father always assumed when he was speaking to churchmen.

Only now did the abbot turn to Farid. “Welcome, my son,” he said, shaking his hand with a powerful grip. Then he asked them both to sit down, and seated himself with his back to the big windows. Through the window on the left, Farid could see the grounds and the mighty trees with their branches rising to the monastery walls. The sun was still shining brightly, but was visibly sinking towards the distant line of the horizon.

Abbot Maximus addressed Elias again. “We try to educate our pupils and novices well. They can continue their studies later in Rome and Paris, and do good service to Mother Church. As you know, we have excellent connections with the Jesuits in both those cities, and we thank God’s grace that to date we may count twelve bishops, two patriarchs, three cardinals, fourteen theologians, and a world-famous doctor of medicine among former students at this monastery. Those with talent have a duty. With the help of God and by his grace, your son Farid will put his talent to the service of Christianity, just as his grandfather did.”

The door opened quietly, but the abbot merely looked up briefly and went on with his remarks about talent and duty. A thin man brought in a tray with two glasses of water. Elias was so spellbound by what the abbot was saying that he jumped when the man, who was insubstantial as a ghost, politely handed him the water.

Farid smiled at the skinny monk. He was about forty, and the abbot called him Brother Gabriel. Farid took his glass and put it down on the little table between the two armchairs where he and his father were sitting.

The monk remained by the door, attracting no attention. Farid thought that the man had an aura of kindness and calm about him. Suddenly he heard Maximus Haddad’s voice rising a little. “Your son Farid,” he said solemnly, and from his tone it was clear that the interview was coming to an end, “will now be our son and brother, and will be known as Barnaba.”

The abbot stopped for a moment, as if guessing at the surprise that both Elias and his son felt at this moment. He smiled, and cast a glance at the page of a fat book lying open in front of him. “In the monastery,” he went on, in a slightly lower voice, “all the pupils bear saints’ names. Farid is a good Arabic name, but unfortunately no saint ever bore it.” He glanced quickly at Farid. “Not yet, anyway,” he added, smiling, pleased with this idea. “And a new name is the symbol of a new life. Farid will remain as a memory in his parental home, and Barnaba comes into the world here. Barnaba because today is June the 11th. And that, as we know from this book of saints, is the day of Barnaba. He was one of the first Christian martyrs, a friend and companion of Bulos, founder of the Church. His name in Aramaic means Son of Comfort. How lucky you are, my dear Barnaba,” he concluded, smiling at his new pupil. Farid felt neither lucky nor comforted. What a weird name, he thought.

Only weeks later did he discover that Barnaba was one of the early Christians, and had spoken up to the disciples of Jesus on behalf of Bulos, known as Saul to the other Christians. They distrusted Bulos. Later Barnaba and Bulos did missionary work together for a while, but finally they fell out with one another and went their separate ways.

“And now,” he heard the abbot proclaim solemnly, “your son Farid will leave you, and as Barnaba, a pupil in this monastery, he will enter the fields of Jesus Christ, whose devoted servant he is to be.”

Farid felt paralysed by fear. He hadn’t expected the parting with his father to come so soon.

“A room in the guesthouse has been reserved for you,” the abbot told Elias, offering his right hand in farewell. “You are welcome here for tonight. Tomorrow a bus leaves very early for Damascus.”

The abbot came out from behind his table, and now placed his hand on Farid’s head. Farid stood perfectly still, but his heart was thudding. Elias Mushtak wiped away his tears with his handkerchief, which was already drenched in sweat after the journey.