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‘And Penny?’ I said.

‘Only one here who’s worth a damn,’ Roger said steadily. ‘That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to protect her, but I’m not sure I can. Not sure I know how. It seems to me … that if we have got a killer trapped in this house, they’re going to strike again. That’s what killers do, isn’t it? And I think … the next victim could be Penny. Don’t ask me why I think that; I just do, all right? I can’t be with her all the time; she won’t let me. So I’m asking you to help. Help me watch her, protect her. If you have any idea how much I feel for her, you know how hard this is for me. I don’t know you, don’t even like you much, but I’m forced to turn to you. Because there’s no one else here I can trust. Still; even while you’re watching and protecting Penny, you keep your distance. Because she’s mine. And don’t you ever forget that.’

He swept out of my room, only remembering not to slam my door shut at the last moment.

Penny immediately stepped out of the cupboard, smiling and shaking her head at the same time. ‘Isn’t that just typical of the man? He can be so sweet, and then … so infuriating! I don’t need him, or you, to protect me! I can look after myself!’

‘Never doubted it for a moment,’ I said.

‘I never knew all that stuff about his family … Poor dear. They sound perfectly awful. It does explain a lot about him, though, doesn’t it?’

‘Explains a lot,’ I said, ‘but not necessarily all. What does a man do, when he finally gets all the money he needs to do everything he’s ever dreamed of … and then finds he can’t have the one thing he really wants?’

‘You are not seriously putting Roger forward as a suspect?’ said Penny. ‘He wouldn’t hurt a fly!’

‘They’re always the ones you have to watch,’ I said. ‘How was the cupboard?’

Penny wrinkled her nose. ‘Full of mothballs.’

‘I didn’t know moths had-’

There was another knock at the door. I looked at Penny, and she nodded resignedly.

‘I know; back in the cupboard.’

I waited till Penny was safely hidden again, and then invited in my next visitor. Who turned out to be Sylvia, looking as glamorous as ever. She swayed into my room quite elegantly, as though entering a fashionable salon. She waited for me to get up, and then graciously pretended not to notice when I didn’t. She didn’t sit. She struck a pose before me and fixed me with a cool, thoughtful stare.

‘Ishmael; I have a proposition to put to you.’

‘Oh yes?’ I said. ‘I am flattered.’

‘Down, boy. I am being entirely serious here. I think we should leave this place. Just bundle up, walk out of the house, and go.’

‘Really?’ I said. ‘Just like that?’

‘Why not?’ said Sylvia. ‘What have we got to lose? Horrible place, Belcourt Manor. Wish I’d never come here. It’s not like we’d be leaving behind anything that mattered. We’re not family, or friends, or business partners. I only came here to attend a party! A pleasant Christmas gathering. Good times, with convivial spirits, that’s what I was promised! Not a nightmare like this, where no one trusts anyone. With a killer who could be sneaking up behind us at any time. No; I want out of here. I don’t feel safe in this house. If the cars really aren’t an option, we’ll just have to walk. I’m not an idiot; I can hear the blizzard outside, just like you. But if we prepare ourselves properly and strike out across the fields … Look, I don’t want to do this on my own. But with you beside me, I think we could make it to the next village, and safety. What do you say?’

‘I’m not going anywhere,’ I said. ‘Not until I know who killed my Colonel.’

Sylvia sighed and threw a dramatic glance Heavenwards. ‘Why are the good men always so stubborn? Are you sure I can’t tempt you?’

‘No,’ I said.

‘So, it would appear I’m staying after all,’ said Sylvia. ‘You were the only one I thought might have the guts to make a break for it. Ah well.’ She turned to leave.

‘Wait a moment,’ I said quickly. ‘Who do you think the killer is?’

‘Haven’t a clue,’ she said. ‘I don’t know these people. I barely know Diana. I’d better get back to her. I only popped out for a moment, while she was sleeping. I don’t want her to wake up alone.’

‘But you would have left her here, if I’d agreed to go with you,’ I said.

‘It’s all about survival, sweetie,’ said Sylvia. ‘I’ve always been able to do what’s necessary, to survive.’

‘Tell me,’ I said. ‘Have you heard someone walking up and down, in the corridor?’

She looked at me sharply. ‘I wasn’t sure … I thought I might be imagining it. Have you seen anyone?’

‘No,’ I said.

Sylvia shrugged, bestowed one last dazzling smile on me, and left, shutting the door very quietly behind her.

Penny was immediately out of the cupboard again. ‘What a cow! Ready to just go charging off and abandon Diana, and leave everyone here trapped in the house with a killer! After everything Diana’s done for her! And after everyone here went out of their way to make her feel at home! Survival … Yes, I know her type! I really must remember to say something especially catty and cutting to her over breakfast tomorrow. Look, I have to go, Ishmael. Before anyone else turns up.’

‘Keep your door locked,’ I said.

‘Are you kidding? Of course I’m going to lock my door! I won’t be able to sleep tonight. I’m going to jam a chair up against the door, and then sit up all night with a really absorbing book. While keeping a poker from the fireplace close at hand at all times!’

And with one last quick smile, she was gone. My room seemed so much quieter, and emptier, without her.

I sat and thought, about everything I’d learned so far. I might not be a detective, but everyone else seemed to be going out of their way to help. They all had their own theories and suspicions, their own secrets and surprises, and a need to place the blame squarely on somebody else. I was now in possession of some interesting background information I hadn’t been aware of before, which helped me to understand these people better. But nothing particularly useful. I was still no closer to understanding who had killed the Colonel and why.

There was another knock. I looked at the door. I was getting just a bit tired of visitors. I had to struggle for a moment, to think who was left.

‘Come in,’ I said.

The door opened, and Melanie stepped inside. She shut the door quickly and gave me a brief, preoccupied smile.

‘I can’t stay long,’ she said. ‘Or Walter will miss me. I’ve only just got him settled; I don’t want him to wake up and find me gone. I’ve got Jeeves standing outside his door, with his gun at the ready … I really believed he was just a replacement butler! And a sight better than some we’ve had … You know, you could stand up when a lady enters your room …’

‘I’m tired,’ I said. ‘What do you want, Melanie?’

‘I never knew James. Your Colonel. He was Walter’s son, from long before my time. James belonged to Walter’s life with Diana, and I always stopped listening whenever he started to talk about that. Until he learned not to. I think you should keep a careful eye on Diana. I think she wants my Walter back. And the house, of course. And everything that goes with it. She still thinks of this house as hers. And I believe she’d do anything, absolutely anything, to get what she wants.’