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"You mean he is all right?" He had been prepared, but not for this.

Minchin nodded. "It'll take a while, but the fever is falling away. I'm quite surprised."

"May I see him?"

Minchin stood aside. "He was asking for you in actual fact, Sir Richard." He beamed, and there was a strong odour of rum. "My surgeon's mate must take all the credit. He reads medicine and surgery, morning, noon an' night. He'll make as good a surgeon as many an' better than most, in my opinion! "

Bolitho hurried down the two ladders to the sickbay. After all that had happened it was the best news he could have hoped for.

Herrick looked up at him from his cot and tried to smile.

"You told me we would win, " he said faintly, and closed his eyes.

Allday was grinning, a glass of brandy in his fist; and the surgeon's mate, Lovelace, a pale, rather effeminate young man who had an almost prison pallor as if he rarely left the sickbay, said, "The ship held steady, Sir Richard, so I used the double skin-flap method. It is more severe, but lessens the chances of gangrene."

Bolitho eyed him gravely. "I an indebted to you, and I shall see that you receive mention in my next despatches."

They waited for Lovelace to leave, then Herrick said, "Enjoys his trade, that one." He winced as he moved, but he seemed lucid and composed, as if he had accepted it. As an afterthought he asked, "What of the enemy and that bloody renegade Englishman? I heard that Commodore Keen's convoy has been ordered to stand fast is that true?"

Bolitho said lightly, "Are there no secrets in a ship, Thomas? But you are correct. I thought it best."

He turned as shoes clattered on the companion ladder, and a midshipman's pale breeches seemed to glow in the orlop deck's poor light.

The captain's respects, Sir Richard…" His eyes moved unwillingly to the cot and the bandages where Herrick's forearm had once been.

"We are all agog, Mr. Harris, "

The youth flushed under his admiral's gaze and blurted out, "The masthead has reported gunfire, he thinks to the south'rd."

Bolitho controlled his instinct to hurry to the quarterdeck. It was common enough for masthead lookouts to hear far-off sounds, just as they would see another sail before anybody else. But this was from the wrong direction. Otherwise Tyacke's Lame would have reported it.

"I shall come up." He looked at Herrick. "I cannot say what this means to me."

Herrick watched him thoughtfully, as if he were still grappling with something. But he said, "Is this something unexpected, Richard? Are we a match for them?"

Herrick's we warmed him more than he could have believed possible. He rested one hand on Herrick's uninjured arm. "I have often been a flag officer with only two ships to command. This is the first time I have had one ship with two admirals in charge! "

Allday said anxiously, "I'd best go, sir."

Herrick was becoming drowsy: something Minchin had given him, or perhaps it was due more to Allday's brandy. He said quietly, "I'll not forget, you rogue! "

Allday grinned. "There, sir, your old self already! "

Bolitho found Trevenen and his lieutenants at the quarterdeck rail, each with a telescope as they stared at the eye-watering horizon.

"Deck there! Sail to the south'rd! "

Trevenen looked grim. "We had better clear for action, Sir Richard."

Bolitho wiped his eye with his fingers. Clear for action so soon? Why was he so on edge? Laertes's pale canvas made the tiniest mark on the horizon, with Lame staying well up to windward. In contact, within sight of each vigilant lookout.

Trevenen continued, "A broadside, I think, Sir Richard." He was puzzled, and he could not hide it. "Only one."

"Well, this stranger must have sighted us, Captain Trevenen. She seems to hold her course." He trained his telescope very carefully by resting it on Midshipman Harris's shoulder. It would make a good story for the dog watches, he thought.

"Deck there! She's a frigate, sir! "

Avery said, "But which one?"

Someone murmured, "By God, her captain knows how to make a ship take wings! "

Trevenen barked, "Mr. Monteith, I'd be more than obliged if you would keep such empty observations to yourself! "

The young lieutenant seemed to cringe, but swung away when he saw Avery watching.

Bolitho had heard the exchange. The frigate could be none other than Anemone. In such a short while he had proved what he could do, and he had the confidence to use his initiative whenever he got a chance.

But why Adam? Perhaps Keen had thought it prudent to send him. They were like extensions of himself, his ears and eyes, and the steel in his grip.

Bolitho said, "We will not clear for action, Captain Trevenen." He took a chance. "Let me know when Anemone is within range of our signals. Mr. Avery, come aft with me."

In the cabin Yovell was already leaving, while Ozzard was mixing something to carry to the sickbay. Like Allday, each knew Bolitho's moods, and recognised in him now the need for private conversation with his flag lieutenant.

Avery said, "I am delighted to hear of Rear-Admiral Her-rick's recovery."

Bolitho strode to the stern windows and shaded his eyes to look for Lame's topsails.

"When you came to me and I accepted you as my flag lieutenant, we had a wary agreement with each other. Would you see it that way?"

He stared out at the sea and waited for his vision to blur. He could feel Avery watching him, could sense his unwillingness to speak of what troubled him.

Avery said, "You have my complete loyalty as a King's officer, sir."

Bolitho turned but could see very little in the shadows of the cabin.

"And friendship too, I would hope?"

"I value it more than I can express, sir. But after my experiences, and carrying the stigma of an unjust court-martial, I have been careful in what I say and do."

"In case you lose your position, that rung on the ladder we all envy at times, and which was denied you by the very navy you so obviously love."

Avery heard more cries from the lookout, some bare feet padding overhead as the sails were re-trimmed yet again. When he answered his voice was faraway.

"To keep silent and to do only my duty… I thought it was enough. I had no way of understanding the greater power of Admiralty."

As if from another world, Bolitho recalled Catherine's warning that Sir Paul Sillitoe might be using Avery for his own ends. It hurt him more than he thought possible.

Avery said flatly, "I wrote to my uncle. From Gibraltar, as a matter of fact. He told me things."

"About me?"

Avery stared at him, shocked. "Never, sir! I was merely curious as to why a ship like Valkyrie should be given to Captain Trevenen."

Then you acted wrongly and improperly."

Bolitho wished he could see his face, but after the ocean's mirrored surface the cabin's darkness was like being in a cave.

"I still require an explanation, Mr. Avery."

Avery replied, "I did it because of you, sir, not in spite of you. I had seen how you hated the floggings and privations set upon the people, and you felt helpless to interfere."

Bolitho waited. You saw a man every day, shared a meal or a memory, and all the while you did not know him. Perhaps until now.

"My uncle was well-informed. I suspect he knew when their lordships insisted upon your appointment to Good Hope." He spoke with such anger he could not conceal it. "This ship was Trevenen's reward for false evidence at a court of enquiry. He once served in the frigate Priam, an unhappy ship according to my uncle, with a captain who twice allowed men to die under punishment. Trevenen gave evidence to refute this, and the court of enquiry was only too eager to dismiss the complaints."

"Can I guess the name of Priam's captain?"

"I think you know, sir. It was Hamett-Parker, now Admiral Sir James Hamett-Parker. The one who instigated your appointment here." He sounded out of breath.

Bolitho gripped the edge of the bench seat. "He once made a point of telling me he had never served in frigates."