Hanathu: a caste dwelling in the Great Steppes. Though fairer in skin than the rest of the Mandru, they are rarely seen without their faces and bodies painted. Their way of life is also closer to the hierarchy of the surrounding kingdoms than the other Mandru.
Harbinger: a sensation that alerts a Sha to an important event.
Huntsmen: bands of humans that hunt akhkharu. Despite being highly skilled, the mortality rate is high in this occupation due to the nature of their adversaries.
Ios Shi: benevolent beings that instructed the Aelon to care for humanity. Much has been lost about their true nature, appearance, and intentions.
Jenera: the universal language used by most of the nations of Erseta.
Jonarr: gargantuan white bears that dwell in the Norland Alpens.
Kamset: a device powered by Elemental and Aetheric fusorbs, allowing the user to communicate visual images and sound directly to another kamset, often across great distances.
Khara: whorls of Eler visible only to one focused with the Other Eye.
Kuang-shi: term used in Honguo to describe the akhkharu.
Levitation: a Craft or Discipline combining Mental and Elemental focus to link to an object and mentally move it. Those especially gifted can use it to levitate themselves, though the ability cannot be used to actually fly.
Majestis: the legendary sword of the Lucretius dynasty. Supposedly forged by Dorran Strongarm, the legendary Elious blacksmith. Said to be unbreakable and always razor sharp, blessed by Deis so that the wielder will be undefeatable.
Mandru: the term used by those outside the Great Steppes to describe the collective castes that inhabits it. It should be noted that the individual castes do not refer to themselves as Mandru. The castes of Mandru are self-sufficient, raising their own crops and domesticated animals. They trade mostly for steel and iron, since few mines exist in the Steppes. They barter hides and furs as well as stone and beaded jewelry. The horses raised in the Steppes are eagerly sought after, a less expensive alternative to the breeds raised beyond the Sea of Sand.
Mandru religion differs from caste to caste, but most believe in many gods, the chief among them a Sky Father, and refer to the earth as 'Mother'. They believe a connection exists among all living things, and create a balance with their surroundings, being haters of waste and needless destruction of the environment around them.
Marset: the god of war formerly worshipped in Bruallia before the nation converted to Divinity.
Matrons: female devotees in lifetime service to Deis, having sworn to a life of celibacy and poverty. These women are highly trained in the arts of healing and medicine, as well as being versed in the verses and laws of the Canos, the Holy Book of Deis.
Meigi: elite assassins from Honguo that sell their services to the highest bidder.
Meister: a wandering entertainer, usually making his fare among the villages and small towns, known for storytelling, sleight of hand, and acrobatic stunts.
Mental: description of Crafts or Disciplines that require a specialized focus and derive from the Inner Mind.
Milkhide: term used by many castes of the Great Steppes to describe outlanders, particularly those of fair skin.
Minstreclass="underline" a master of song and storytelling more often than not found in royal courts, though the less renowned travel from place to place.
Mothros: once called Nemon, the Soul net, the weapon was forsaken by Brandon the Paladin. Anko the Shadow Prince stole the sword soon after, equipping it with a black fusorb that grants its wielder tremendous power, at the cost of the wielder's life-force. Eventually the wielder becomes an empty shell, allowing the fusorb to inhabit the body and take control of it.
Nahgual: term used by those in the Steppes to describe shapeshifters.
Nemon: a sword equipped with a fusorb that captured any foe defeated by the weapon. The wielder could recall the enslaved foe at any time by drawing the sword and focusing. Any trapped by the weapon was bound by the fusorb to aid the wielder in defeating other foes. Brandon the Paladin found the weapon cruel and distasteful and eventually forsook it, freeing those enslaved.
Night Mare: a steed created of Elemental and Aetheric elements, able to traverse between worlds by passing through shadow. Much larger and more powerful than normal horses, they breathe fire, never grow weary and are nearly impossible to destroy.
Nutanbi: a caste dwelling in the Great Steppes. Nutanbi are devoted to peace, often serving as negotiators for the many quarrels between castes in the Steppes. They will only use weapons to defend against attack, being experts at the quarterstaff and other non-lethal weapons.
Ny'lee: a caste dwelling in the Great Steppes. Ny'lee are called Crows by other castes because of their bird worship. They use ravens as messengers and are excellent at hawking. They consider it an honor to be eaten by carrion birds after they die.
Obdura: the paragon of creatures of the night. These are the most animalistic of the Sects, many embracing the Craft of Vizadry to alter their forms. They take their pleasure in the thrill of the hunt, stalking humans for hours in the forests and dark streets and alleys before the bloody kill. Many will torture their prey before finally killing it. The Obdura do not care for the luxuries of man, and will often live in abandoned buildings, caves and underground, some even dwelling in cemeteries. They are often seen alone, as members of the Sect rarely congregate. In their world, there are only two types: hunter and prey. They avoid contact with other Sects, though recognize and respect those of their own kind. They are especially gifted in the use of Shadowmelds.
Oculos: mirror-like devices powered by liquid fusorb crystals, used to send sound and image from one device to another.
Odji: Hikuptian word meaning 'evil one', in reference to the akhkharu and other monstrosities.
Onasho: a caste dwelling in the Great Steppes. Onasho are a warrior society, esteeming battle and war, yet their culture is also linked with respect for caste and family as well. They are expert bowmen on horseback, and excellent wisent hunters.
Other Eye: a term describing the ability to see using the Inner Mind, often in perceiving visions from Everfell or when expanding one's senses to discern what is normally imperceptible.
Paisa: another name for dragon, used by the Steppes People.
Paralysis: a simple Craft used mostly by the akhkharu that stalk their victims, enabling them to completely freeze their victim in fear.
Pongina: massive, shaggy-haired, white ape-like creatures found in the desolate peaks of the most forbidding mountainous regions. Fiercely territorial, they will attack without provocation in response to intrusion. Because of their isolated habitat, such encounters are usually rare.
Pontifex: the official title of the exalted leader of the Church of Divinity.
Pran: the life-preserving energy found in all living creatures.
Qua'lyey: a caste dwelling in the Great Steppes. Qua'lyey are known for their prickly nature and violent temperaments. Shorter in stature than the rest of the Steppe People, they make up for their lack of height by being swift and deadly. They are experts in the use of characteristic curved blades and buckler shields.