Auric Bridge: The passage that connects Kaerleon to the mainland. Constructed by the Aelon, it is a wonder of the world.
Badlands: the deadened plains bordering the Dragonspine Mountains and separate Epanos from Aceldama.
Barrens: the foothills and surrounding terrain that borders the Dragonspine Mnts.
Bruallia: a kingdom east of the Dragonspine, reputed for their military might and savagery. Their standard is a red dragon against a black or white background. Once a nation of scattered tribes until they united under the warlord Darroth Basilis, who became their first king. Main religion is Divinity.
Brumar: a trading city in Norland, once captured by Jolgeirr Arnmoor in the Winter Rebellion.
Cannias Mountains: a small mountain range in Kaerleon.
Destine: a free city bordering the Sea of Sand, exporting porcelain, woven rugs, and baumwole fabric along with many other exotic wares.
Dragonspine Mountains: a sinuous mountain range that separates the kingdoms of Leodia from those of Bruallia and Komura. Composed mostly of dark flinty rock with jagged peaks, its sinister appearance encourages many superstitions and dark tales about monsters and evil forces said to inhabit the passes.
Edinia: an abode of the Aelon, now known as Halladen.
Epanos: a large kingdom bordering Norland, Leodia, and the Great Steppes. Its standard is an eagle battling a serpent against a yellow background. Rule is matriarchal, with every Queen passing her title to her first female daughter or relative. The main religion is an offshoot of Divinity, with Divia being the equivalent of Deis as a Mother Goddess. Main exports are wine, agriculture, and fine arts.
Erseta: the name of the known world. In legend, Erseta is simply one stratum of a multi-layered world.
Ersetla Tari: the legendary underworld, where the dead await their judgment for their actions in life. In other lore it is a realm of ever-shifting Thresholds that traverse time, space, and reality.
Everfell: the world in between dreams, where time does not exist. Reportedly the creation of every mind in existence, but its true nature is a mystery. Thresholds and Blueshift Rings are used to physically enter Everfell, and those with training and focus can experience varied visions, including the past and glimpses of the future.
Gaelion: an island notorious for piracy and savage outlaw clans.
Glacia: The ruling stronghold of Norland, built deep in the Norland Alpens.
Great Steppes: a massive region of grasslands and prairie, independent of any ruling kingdom. Inhabited by various castes of nomads that constantly clash over territories and feuds. Wisent fur, horse breeding, leather curing and hide bartering are main sources of income.
Halladen: originally called Edinia, it is the central location of the Sha and perhaps the first city built by the Aelon. Either name can be translated as the Hidden City, also called the Heart of the World by the people of the Steppes. It lies in a circle of mountains called the Godseye. No violence is allowed inside by penalty of death. The realm is guarded fiercely by the Mandru as no one can gain entrance without invitation.
Hasreul: the capitol city of Jafeh, and one of the oldest cities in the Empire.
Hazelwood Forest: a sprawling region of ancient woods in Runet.
Honguo: a land far beyond Komura and Bruallia across the Eastern Wilds. Accessible by a trading road known as the Dragon Route.
Jafeh: a wealthy kingdom often in contention with Leodia, coerced into a peace treaty in what is called the Assassin Wars. Their sigil is a rising sun over a golden wreath against a green background. The main religion is Parsicism, a monotheistic, deeply philosophical religion. Main exports are spices, seafood, and precious jewels.
Jangala: a sweltering region of tropical jungles, swamps, and marshes. Inhabited by small villages that export baumwole and rice.
Kaerleon: An island that serves as the capitol of Leodia.
Khelios: Once the most magnificent city in the world, destroyed in the Battle of Khelios by the armies of Talan the Dawnrider and Anko the Shadow Prince.
Komura: a kingdom east of the Dragonspine and south of Bruallia. Their sigil is a winged lion with a bearded man's face against a red and white striped background. The kingdom is on friendly terms with Leodia, receiving unofficial aid in their efforts to suppress Bruallian advancement. Their religion is polytheistic, accepting the worship of many gods, though most worship a chief pantheon as the 'official' gods of the land. Major exports are fabrics, especially silk and velvet, along with jade and other precious stones.
Leodia: the ruling kingdom in Erseta. Leodia boasts the greatest military might of all kingdoms, with a dynasty of kings and legendary knights renowned in lore and song. The empire grew from the island of Kaerleon and expanded to conquer its neighbors and establish fealty from surrounding kingdoms through military pressure or trade treaties. Their standard is a golden lion rearing against a blue or black background. The main religion is Divinity.
Letega: a trade town straddling the borders of Parand and the Great Steppes. Constructed by High Lord Tyros Malgard before he was deposed by Marcellus Admorran. Now an established post for trade and travel across the Steppes.
Narak: in legend, a fiery realm of burning hells where the damned are tormented forever.
Nolavani: the realm where the Aelon dwell after departing from Erseta.
Norland: the northern kingdom of Erseta. Their standard is a roaring white bear against a black background. Norlanders once notoriously raided their southern neighbors by land and sea, and were almost solely responsible for several kingdoms uniting with Kaerleon to form Leodia. Norlanders worship a pantheon of gods headed by Wortan, the chief god. Their main exports are furs, timber, ships, steel, and amber.
Paladelle: a beautiful city in Leodia renowned for its wondrous gardens and groves.
Parand: the wealthiest city in Leodia. Boosted by mines of gold and silver, Parand rose quickly as a center of wealth and prestige, establishing itself as bustling center of trade and fashion. Once ruled independently by a faction of powerful Houses, it became a province kingdom of Leodia in exchange for military protection from raiders and marauders.
Royan: a region in Kaerleon previously owned by the Lucretius dynasty. It was gifted to Marcellus Admorran by Regnault Lucretius as a reward for becoming Champion of Kaerleon.
Riallo: once a powerful city built at the foothills of the Dragonspine. Destroyed by Stygan's forces in the Age of Chaos.
Ravynna: a region in Bruallia. Their society is unique as it is completely dominated by women, from tribe heads to warriors.
Sea of Sand: the region at the southernmost bottom of the kingdoms. A blistering desert of high winds and shifting dunes. Somewhere beyond lies the ancient city of Hikuptah.
Acolytes: disciples of Stygan the Dreadlord, charged with manipulating events on Erseta to his advantage. Often Gifted with uncanny powers.
Aelon: the race of powerful beings said to be the caretakers of the world, the teachers and liberators of mankind from a dark world of enslavement by fierce and brutal creatures in the time period known as the Age of Enlightenment. Gifted with extraordinary powers and near immortal lives, they used their collective energies to raise mankind from a state of helplessness and blindness into a society like their own. In time many of the Aelon became infected by the greed and lusts of mankind, as well as drunk on their own power, which led to the Aelon being forced to return to their own world and leave humanity to be governed by the Five Sages. (See Exodus)