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“No one is coming after anyone,” Kate insisted. “I can guarantee you that.”

“You can’t guarantee this, Kate,” I said.

“I can tell you one thing, Lynn Roseworth…” Roxy leaned on the table. “I’m not afraid.”

“Well, I am.”

“Tell them, Lynn.”

I looked from Roxy to my girls and sighed. “I don’t even know where to start.”

“Oh hell,” Roxy said, sitting down at the table. “Start with the damn aliens.”


Complete silence was so rare in the house that I was surprised by the noises that surfaced in the sudden stillness of the room. I’d never noticed, even in the deep of night in Tom’s frequent absences, how the pantry door slightly tapped against its wood frame when the heat kicked on; how the holly bush outside the east kitchen window flicked against the pane; even how the energy-efficient bulbs that were now so dramatically expensive at Target hummed in the black chandelier above the dining-room table. But I heard it all in that moment. The air even seemed unsure what to do, as if no one was bothering to breathe.

It was in the silence that sprung from my daughters’ astonishment, hearing me tell of my work with Steven Richards, that I knew I would not share everything. That would be for Tom and Tom alone.

“You… were a UFO researcher?” Kate asked at last.

“I told you, I wasn’t a Researcher, at first. I was only an office manager.”

“It’s going to take me a minute,” Stella said. “The guy who kidnapped William studies UFOs? And you used to be his assistant? And you went to his motel room tonight? What did he tell you?”

“He said… he was going to tell me what really happened to William. He doesn’t have William.” And what happened to William happened to me, as well.

“What do you mean ‘What really happened’?” Kate asked. “That William… was abducted by aliens?”

When I didn’t respond, Kate shook her head. “Mom, come on. Mom, are you kidding me?”

“Give your Mom a break, Kate,” Roxy scolded. “She’s been through a lot.”

“I know Steven isn’t responsible.”

“How could you possibly know that, Mom?” Kate walked to the edge of the table. “And do you care to elaborate on why he has such an obsession with you and this family?”

“Watch that East Coast tone when you talk to your mother, Kate Elizabeth,” Roxy warned.

“I know we’re not getting the whole story, Mom,” Kate said.

“I had to do whatever I could to try to find William.”

“Are we talking about getting answers from UFO researchers?” Kate asked.

“What if it helps us find William? And I can’t live with someone being punished for something he didn’t do—”

“Jesus Christ, Mom,” Kate said. “Why do you want to protect this man so much? Are you even listening to what you’re saying?”

“I saw the reports once, I knew them inside out. I worked hard on those cases, I made the connections. I wasn’t just some housewife—”

“Is that what this is all about? Trying to reclaim some past independence?” Kate said. “My God, Mom, you will ruin Dad. You will ruin this family—”

“I will not let this family be ruined.” A sob caught in my throat. “Don’t you see why I had to do this? Losing William, and Brian in the state he’s in now, will hang over us forever.”

“Mom, this is over.” Kate circled the table and knelt, unsuccessfully trying to get me to look at her. “You have to get it together. William… could be dead. We have to prepare for that. Listen to what the police are saying. To what the FBI is saying. I know you don’t want to let go of William, none of us do. They said they found his clothes….”

“It’s not the truth. It’s not the truth even if Steven is charged. Even if he’s convicted. It’s not the truth.”

“Fine, Mom, fine. Buy into their crazy shit—”

“Kate, back off,” Stella said.

“I won’t back off. Good God, Mom, you aren’t even crying! William is dead—”

“He’s not dead! Steven said he knows where he is—”

“Don’t you dare say that to Anne or anyone else. I will not let your delusions give her irrational hope or make us the laughingstock of the country. Do you know what they’ll say? ‘Oh, that poor wife of Senator Roseworth, she’s so distraught she’s lost her mind.’”

“Jesus, are you always in PR mode? Have you ever known this woman to be delusional? Ever? For one moment in our entire lives?” Stella asked.

“Did you ever know that our Mom believes in aliens?” Kate motioned to me. “Or that she had an affair on Dad?”

“Kate Elizabeth!” Roxy stood.

“It’s so obvious. I’m done here.” Kate walked across the room and grabbed her purse. “But know for damned sure I’m not letting you do this, Mom. No fucking way.” She walked out and slammed the door.

“Go after her, Stella,” I said softly. “Let her smoke a bit, but don’t let her drive. She’s too upset.”

“I’m going to tell her where she can shove those cigarettes.” Stella lifted her coat from where it hung on a chair. “I have to be honest with you, Mom—this is really… hard to understand.”

She obviously wanted to say more, but instead walked out the door.

I stood and looked out the window. Stella chased after Kate, her hands rubbing her arms. “Clash of the Titans, there. Daddy’s girl versus momma’s girl,” Roxy said, coming to stand beside me. She put her hand on my shoulder. “Lynnie, you have to rest,” she whispered.

“I can’t—”

“It’s not a suggestion. Time to take an Ambien, or maybe one of Anne’s Xanax, if she left one lying around. I’m not kidding, Lynn. Tomorrow is going to be tough when word comes out about Steven. You are going to have to get some sleep.”

“How can I sleep? How can I sleep knowing what’s about to happen?”

“You don’t know what’s about to happen.”

“I have to tell Tom. He has to know.”

“In time you can tell him everything.”

“There isn’t time, Roxy. Don’t you see? They’re going to plant evidence in Steven’s house, to try to prove William is dead. How can I live with that?”

“Plant evidence? Really? Oh Lynn, why would they do that—?”

“They’ll arrest you for drug trafficking. They know about your basement.”

“What?” Roxy said in astonishment. Seeing my horrified look, she forced a smile. “So I’ll become a folk hero in East Nashville, big deal.”

“They’ll send you to prison!”

“Oh Christ, Lynn, I’m nearly seventy. They won’t prosecute me. Plus, even if they do, I’ll be out in a few days anyway. Some Colorado attorney will swoop in and save me.”

“I can’t live with that!”

“Well, I can’t live with you having a heart attack or a nervous breakdown, which is where you’re headed if you don’t get some rest. It’s been a terrible night, and there’s nothing you can do now. I’ll stay with you—”

“No, go home. I’ll call you in the morning.”

“I suppose I better go home and destroy the evidence.” Roxy rubbed her eyes. “I’ll go play referee with the girls. You, take some good legal drugs and knock out. Understand?”

I nodded, watching Roxy pull on her gloves, point towards my bedroom and then step out the door.

I slowly ascended the stairs to the dark bedroom. On the edge of the bed, green eyes flashed. The cat had all but vanished in the commotion, but Voodoo decided it was safe to resurface. As I laid down, he approached in the darkness and nuzzled my hand. I softly scratched his neck.

After several minutes, I heard Roxy’s pickup drive away. I didn’t hear the door to the house open, which meant the girls were still at it.