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CAMPAN, MADAME, Mémoires, 1833

CARON, PIERRE, Massacres de septembre, Paris, 1935; Paris pendant la Terreur, Paris, 1910–58, 5 vols.; La Première Terreur, Paris, 1950

CLAPHAM, J. H., Abbé Sieyès, 1912

COBB, RICHARD, Les Armées Revolutionnaires, Paris, 1961–3, 2 vols.; Death in Paris, 1795–1801, Oxford University Press, 1978; Paris and its Provinces, 1792–1802, Oxford University Press, 1975; The Police and the People. French Popular Protest, 1789–1820, Oxford University Press, 1970; Reactions to the French Revolution, Oxford University Press, 1972; Terreur et subsistances 1793–1795, Paris, 1965

COBBAN, ALFRED, Aspects of the French Revolution, Cape, 1968; A History of Modern France, Volume I: 1755–1799, third edition, Pelican Books, 1963; The Social Interpretation of the French Revolution, Cambridge University Press, 1964

COLE, HUBERT, Fouché: The Unprincipled Patriot, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1972

COOPER, DUFF, Talleyrand, Cape, 1938

CRONIN, VINCENT, Louis and Antoinette, Collins, 1974; Napoleon, Collins, 1971

CURTIS, E. N., Saint-Just, Colleague of Robespierre, London, 1935

DAWSON, CHRISTOPHER, The Gods of Revolution, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1972

DAWSON, PHILIP (ed.), The French Revolution, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1967

DESMOULINS, CAMILLE, Le Vieux Cordelier, Paris, 1936

ELLIOTT, SIR JOHN, The Way of the Tumbrils, Rheinhart, 1958

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FERSEN, HANS AXEL VON, Rescue the Queen: A Diary of the French Revolution, 1789–1793, Bell, 1971

FISHER, JOHN, The Elysian Fields: France in Ferment, 1789–1804, Cassell, 1966

FUNCK-BRENTANO, F., Scèines et tableaux de la Révolution, Paris, 1934

GARNIER, JEAN-PAUL, Barras, Paris, 1970

GAUTHIER, FLORENCE, La voi paysanne dans la Révolution française: L’exemple picard, Maspero, Paris, 1977

GAXOTTE, PIERRE, The French Revolution, trans. Walter Alison Phillips, Scribner’s, New York, 1932

GERSHOY, LEO, Bertrand Barère: A Reluctant Terrorist, Princeton University Press, 1962; The Era of the French Revolution 1789–99, 1957

GODECHOT, JACQUES, La Prise de la Bastille, Paris, 1965, trans. Jean Stewart, Faber, 1970

GOODWIN, A., The French Revolution, fifth edition, Hutchinson, 1976

GOODSPEED, D. J., Bayonets at St Cloud: The Story of 18th Brumaire, Hart-Davis, 1965

GOTTSCHALK, LOUIS, Jean Paul Marat: A Study in Radicalism, Greenberg, New York, 1927

GREENLAW, R. W. (ed.), The Economic Origins of the French Revolution: Poverty or Prosperity, 1958

GREER, DONALD, The Incidence of the Terror during the French Revolution, Harvard University Press, 1935

HAMPSON, NORMAN, Danton, Duckworth, 1978; The Life and Opinions of Maximilien Robespierre, Duckworth, 1974; A Social History of the French Revolution, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963

HEARSEY, J. E. N., Marie Antoinette, Constable, 1972

HERISSAY, JACQUES, Les Journées de septembre 1792, Paris, 1945

HUFTON, OLWEN, The Poor of Eighteenth-Century France 1750–1789, Clarendon Press, 1974

JACOB, L., Les Suspects pendant la Terreur, Paris, 1952

JAURÈS, JEAN, Histoire socialiste de la Révolution française, ed. Soboul, new edition Paris, 1968–72

JOHNSON, DOUGLAS (ed.), French Society and the Revolution, Cambridge University Press, 1976

JONES, R. BEN, The French Revolution, University of London Press, 1974 A Journal of the Terror: Being an Account of the occurrences in the Temple during the confinement of Louis XVI by M. Cléry the King’s valet de chambre together with a description of the last hours of the King, by the Abbé de Firmont, Folio Society, 1955

KERR, WILFRED B., Reign of Terror 1793–4, University of Toronto Press, 1927

LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE, History of the Girondins, 1839, 3 vols.

LATOUR DUPIN, MADAME DE, Memoirs, ed. and trans. Felice Harcourt, introduction by Peter Gay, McCall, New York, 1971

LAFAYETTE, MARQUIS DE, Mémoires, Correspondance et Manuscrits, Paris, 1838,6 vols.

LEFEBVRE, GEORGES, The Coming of the French Revolution, trans. R. R. Palmer, Princeton University Press, 1967; Études sur la Révolution française, second edition Paris, 1963; The French Revolution: From its Origins to 1793, trans. Elizabeth Moss Evanson, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962; The French Revolution: From 1793 to 1799, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1964; Paysans du Nord pendant la Révolution française, Lille, 1924

LENOTRE, G., The Flight of Marie Antoinette, trans. Mrs Rodolph Stawell, 1906; The Last Days of Marie Antoinette, trans. Mrs Rodolph Stawell, 1907; Paris révolutionnarie: Vieilles maisons, vieux papiers, Paris, 1930; Les Quartiers de Paris pendant la Révolution, Paris, 1896; The September Massacres, 1929; The Tribunal of the Terror: A Study of Paris in 1793–1795, trans. Frederic Lees, 1909

LEWIS, GWYNNE, Life in Revolutionary France, Batsford, 1972

LOOMIS, STANLEY, The Fatal Friendship: Marie Antoinette, Count Fersen and the Flight to Varennes, Davis Poynter, 1972; Paris in the Terror, June 1793–July 1794, Cape, 1965

LUCAS, COLIN, The Structure of the Terror: The Example of Javogues and the Loire, Oxford University Press, 1973

LYONS, MARTIN, France under the Directory, Cambridge University Press, 1975

MADELIN, LOUIS, Fouché 1759–1820, Paris, 1930, 2 vols.; The French Revolution, 1916; Talleyrand, 1948

MALLET, BERNARD, Mallet du Pan and the French Revolution, 1902

MARKHAM, FELIX, Napoleon, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1963

MATHIEZ, ALBERT, Les Grands Journées de la Constituante 1789–1791, Paris, 1913; Le Directoire, Paris, 1934; The French Revolution, trans. Catherine Alison Phillips, 1928

MATRAT, JEAN, Robespierre, or the Tyranny of the Majority, trans. Alan Kendall with Felix Brenner, Angus & Robertson, 1975

MAUROIS, ANDRÉ, A History of France, trans. Henry L. Buisse and Gerard Hopkins, third edition, Cape, 1960

MCMANNERS, J., The French Revolution and the Church, S.P.C.K., 1969

MICHELET, JULES, History of the French Revolution, trans. Charles Cocks, ed. with and introduction by Gordon Wright, University of Chicago Press, 1967

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