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I’d been skimming off the top for a while now, stashing the cash, because I knew this day had to come, sooner or later. I didn’t get to the magical four million, because I had to look after Sharp and Palmer, but I wasn’t too far away in the end and I don’t need to be flash out here. I just want to keep my head down and live a real life.

You see I always knew it would never be over for me until I was finally dead. Well, I’m a dead man now right enough, but that was the easy part. Want to know the tricky bit? Staying dead. That’s the act I’ve got to pull off; for me, for Sarah, for our little girl.

I said we were like magicians in our firm, making people look the other way while we pull off our trick and that’s just what Sarah and I have done. There’s an art to that; distraction, misdirection, sleight of hand.