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Two bonds hung in my chest, hooked to my center. My soul. One vibrated with pleasure. Desperate need but with restrained and delicious feeling. A spider in a glass jar.

One of my Soulbonds was enjoying themselves. I kicked off my bedsheets and stood up. My knees knocked together, as I struggled to reign in the spiraling beginnings of an orgasm.

Was it Remi? Were he and Alicia getting to know each other together at that very second? Images flashed across my eyes. Creamy pale hands raking red nails down a dark, muscular back. Bile rose in my throat. I was going to be sick.

Coupled with the building orgasm, unfurling and ready to strike at my throbbing core, I staggered to the door. Fumbling, like a drunk, I managed to find Hugo's door first. My hands shook as I knocked and waited, my arms wrapped around my chest as I gasped. I shuddered, and then like a switch, my orgasm died.

Someone fiddled with the deadbolt on the other side. Struggling for a second before they pulled open the door. Hugo's face popped around the crack, his cheeks flushed bright red, and his eyes glazed and shifty.

I barged past him, and then looked down to the prominent tent at the front of his pale boxer shorts.

“What are you doing?” He stammered as I ripped his underwear down, watching his cock slap his toned stomach. His ice-blue eyes were wide with disbelief.

“Were you masturbating?” I demanded, swiping my thumb over the head of his cock.

“Hello, Mara, nice to see you.” Hugo's sarcasm stuttered as he closed his eyes and suppressed a groan. I loosened my grip, suddenly aware that I had been holding his cock.

He straightened when he saw my panic. “What’s wrong?” He gripped my shoulders.

I kept my eyes on his. “I felt you.”

Hugo Sinclair flushed a deeper red. “Oh.” His lips parted adorably. “Oh.” He inhaled sharply, and I stretched onto the tip of my toes until my lips pressed against the corner of his mouth.

“You felt me.” He repeated, his hand tangled in the back of my hair as he reverently held my body to his. I melted into his hold as he tasted my lips with slow precision. His erection pressed against my stomach, peeking out from the top of his underwear.

My hand brushed his stomach, and Hugo began to walk backward until he sat on the edge of the bed. Still kissing, I stood between his legs.

My chest heaved when Hugo broke the kiss and brought his forehead to mine. We simply looked at each other without a word. Sharing the same breath.

“Give me a minute,” Hugo whispered. Closing his eyes as if he was in pain.

“Thank you,” I replied, meaning the words from the bottom of my heart. Hugo knew that I didn’t want to go too far in a borrowed body. “There’s always dreams,” I suggested, winking salaciously.

He chuckled. The sound was husky with arousal. His eyes remained closed as I slowly stepped out of his embrace, unpeeling myself reluctantly. His warmth was too addictive. Stepping away from our connection—which felt like puzzle pieces finally slotting into place—was physically painful.

My fingers knitted together as I stood and began to pace.

“When you knocked on the door, you had this look on your face...” Hugo murmured.

“When I felt that...I thought Remi and Alicia were...”

The side door opened, and I blinked, surprised as Remi poked his head through the gap. Hugo grabbed a cushion from his bed and used it to hide his erection. Remi did a double-take.

“Was Remi here this whole time?” My question trailed off as my eyes narrowed. “Was he the reason you were so...”

“No.” Hugo vehemently protested. “We have a double suite, remember?” He shot Remi a look, pleading for the man to agree.

Remi’s eyes gleamed with mischief. “Are you denying our love, Hewey?”

Hugo stomped off, muttering to himself as he bustled over to the chest of drawers to grab a shirt. The incubus glanced over his shoulder as he grabbed his phone and left the room. Remi and I were alone. My fist clenched. Damn you, Hugo. For making me address my problems.

“Wait?” Remi blinked slowly. “Did I interrupt something?”

“No.” I licked my dry bottom lip, still twitchy from my stolen orgasm. “But I think I did.” I tried not to slump with relief that Remi was alone, and not with Alicia.

“I felt something.” Remi glanced at me before turning away. My hand fluttered to my chest as if I could claw our Soulbond from my being.

“Hugo was having some alone time,” I smirked. “You probably felt it come through the bond.”

Remi looked thoughtful. “I didn't realize it was so powerful.”

My body twisted away from Remi, towards the door, and he noticed my unease.

“You’d tell me if there was something wrong between us?” Remi asked, surprising me with how serious he was. His body angled toward mine, without him noticing.

“It’s not your job to worry about me,” I told him as I shifted uncomfortably Marriage meant almost nothing to Demons. Hell was full of adulterers, but I didn’t want Remi to become someone he wasn't.

“We have a Bond.” He scratched the back of his neck. He swallowed as if in pain. “I know it’s not ideal, but I have to do this for my family.”

“I get it,” I said, and I meant it. “I'm okay.” If I kept saying it, maybe it would become true.

Hugo's muffled voice came from the other room before he walked back into the bedroom with a phone to his ear.

“The scouts found something in Maywood,” Hugo informed us. “Davenport wants to check it out.”

I went back to my room and dressed quickly, before rushing to the front of the officer's quarters to find the rest of Team P. Hugo's entire being relaxed as he saw me, the golden aura that he hid for fear of enthralling the populace shone for just a second when he looked at me. Jae quirked a brow as I bounced to his side, forcing my way between him and Hart.

While the rest of the team were dressed in black tactical gear, Hart wore a plaid shirt and worn jeans. His thumbs were in his belt loops as he studied the trees like he expected an ambush any second. His marmalade eyes flicked to mine as he greeted me with a lip twitch, his version of a smirk. Remi stood on the end, arguing with Davenport in a low, hushed tone—everything about their body language screamed secret.

The commander was unmoved. I quickly realized the subject of their conversation when Alicia Greenlea sidled up to Remi, and both men immediately stopped talking.

Davenport greeted Alicia with her surname and a curt nod. Remi's smile was strained.

“What’s she doing here?” I lowered my voice so only Jae could hear me.

“Alicia is a talented Witchling. Having two on the Team will prevent any nasty surprises.” Jae explained.

“Right.” I was skeptical. “Witchlings are liabilities. Every spell puts them closer to death. Why would she even want to come?”

Hugo put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into his side. “Jealous, nightmare?” Hugo kissed my forehead.

“You wish, wanker.” I winked.

“Have you told Remi that his life force is linked with yours?” Hugo asked softly, glancing over to Alicia as the redhead clung to Remi's side.

Jae blinked, and a slow smile lit up his face. “Remi joined the immortal club?”

“He doesn’t know,” I said. Craning my neck to try and hear Remi and Alicia’s conversation. I was nosy, and I felt no shame about that.

“Miss Greenlea is accusing Remi of cheating on her,” Callum Hart informed me. When I eyed him in questioning, he tugged his earlobe to draw attention to his werewolf hearing.