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“I'm going to come.” I panted.

“Not allowed,” Jae grunted as he thrust into my ass. I reared back to meet him, more friction, and I was about to spiral.

Just as my body began to tighten, Davenport cleared his throat, and suddenly I was left alone and shivering on the sheepskin rug

“Hey!” I protested, but Warren knelt down and kissed me, settling my back against the floor; he slid between my legs and thrust inside me, right to the hilt. My eyes fluttered closed, but I saw the circle of men around me, touching themselves to the sight of Davenport thrusting inside me and rubbing my clit with his thumb. My juices were still shining on Hart's member.

When Davenport tensed, and I felt him harden inside of me, I could not keep my orgasm at bay any longer. It washed over me like a tide, stealing my vision and clamping down every muscle in my body.

Davenport collapsed on top of me. Both of us shimmering with sweat. He pushed my hair away from my neck. “You have scars on your neck. The stars,” Davenport whispered. “Does that mean you're a Hunter now?”

I laughed nervously. “I’m actually something else. It's a long story.”

Hugo reclined back, his erection was an obvious pipe, visible through his trousers. My feet began to move before I had made a conscious decision. Swaggering to my incubus, naked with cum dripping down my inner thigh, I straddled his hips and brushed my hair over my shoulder.

“Howdy, neighbor,” I whispered with a giggle. Hugo looked bemused as he brushed his knuckles against my cheek. “Get it? Because we're neighbors?” I added with a wink.

I rocked and seated myself on his restrained boner, getting comfortable. Hugo had frozen.

“What?” He blinked slowly.

“I'm your neighbor. Or I was. Number 35. You were 36, right?”

Hugo swore under his breath, and his eyes rolled to the ceiling. Jae burst out laughing, gripping his sides. Hugo let out a resigned groan.

“We had a bet going.” The incubus explained. “I said my neighbor had to be a drug dealer. Davenport said, prostitute.”

“What did Jae think?” I was confused.

The Nephilim gasped with his hilarity, and wiped a tear from his eye. Unable to speak.

Hugo ducked his head, all evidence of the confident and magic-drunk incubus was gone as he mumbled. “I don't want to say. It's so cheesy.”

“You have to tell me!” I bounced, demanding with glee.

Hugo closed his eyes as if in pain. “You used to get a lot of packages. Jae and I opened one once.” His hands gripped my waist, and his knuckles moved the underside of my breasts. “It was full of pornography and toys. Jae said that if I ever met the woman that made that order, we’d be a match made in heaven.”

Magic trailed up my spine like a hot tongue as I threw my head back and laughed with abandon. “A match made in Hell, you mean.” I said.


1 year later

The armored van swayed from side to side as it ate up the dirt path leading away from the compound. I pushed my finger into seam of my tactical vest, and pulled the heavy material away from my skin.

I had affected a human facade for the mission, wearing deep black skin, and dark eyes. My hair floated, but I was unable to control it; at least my team of newbie Hunters wouldn't shoot me on sight.

I sat in the passenger seat, swiping through the file on the specifics of the mission, my tablet jolted every time we drove over a bump.

Purgers, mindless scavenger Demons, who collected food for Beezelbub, had escaped through one of the Folds, and were running riot in Homndel Park, New Jersey.

Purgers were what humans would call 'not a dog'. There was something strange about them. An off-ness that was hard to pinpoint. They might have four legs and a canine head, but it was only when you got closer than you realized that their skin didn’t fit right (they often stole skins to wear) and their eyes were empty and hollow.

Beelzebub was the King of the Sixth Circle, of Gluttony and Excess. He was reed-thin, skeletal, and always hungry for food, sex and life. Purgers were his servants and they collected his sustenance.

How the Purgers had gotten into the Human Realities? Unknown. They were stupid on the best of days.

It was my job to open the planes and send them back to Hell. If they tried to hurt anyone? I had a semi-automatic rifle in the weapons trunk with a rude word painted on the pistol grip in lucid pink.

“I can't believe commander Davenport put her in charge of this mission.” One of the Hunters whispered from the back of the vehicle. My senses had vastly improved since I had been gifted my powers again, able to pick up on the tiniest sounds even over the roar of the engine.

“I hear that she's fucking all of Team P.” Another goaded, and the men in the van snickered.

“As long as we don't die, I don't care.” One of the women snarled.

“She’s only here because she's his girlfriend.”

I lowered my head and smirked. The mission was going to be fun.

As we disembarked from the filthy van, each of the Hunters were covered in pieces of gore and wearing expressions of horror. We had taken care of the Purgers without an issue. I had made a competition of it.

My team was new. Green. Setting them loose in a forest teeming with a horde of beasts that wanted to drag them into Hell had been a good way to show them what being a Hunter was all about.

They were a little chewed, and only the female Hunter, Brandy, had managed to kill one of the Purgers. My new team had caught a glimpse of my true form. I decided, that as their commanding officer, that needed to fear me.

I turned to address the ragtag crowd with a stern expression. Wide eyes and fearful flinches greeted me.

“Good work.” I quirked a brow. “Go shower.”

A dog yipped in excitement as Hart rounded the corner with Dixie. I squeaked with glee and bounced on my heels, my serious demeanor gone in a blink. Every Hunter looked on in disbelief as I raced towards Callum and threw myself into his arms. Dixie hopped up and tried to get in on the action as I planted a big wet kiss on his lips.

“How was your first mission?” he asked with a tiny smile as he glanced over my shoulder at the limping group of Hunters.

“They said I was only leading a team because I was sleeping with Davenport.” My expression was wicked.

Hart's eyes widened minutely. “Is there any permanent damage?”

“All psychological.” I said cheerfully.

Our fingers twined as we held hands and walked along the path, led by an enthusiastic Dixie. The trail was dark enough that Hart used the flashlight on his cellphone.

Floating lights shone through the gaps in the trees as Jae's cabin greeted us. Rebuilt after the fire, with extra rooms for all of us, the awning was dotted with hundreds of lights, slowly blooming and then fading like will o'wisps.

“What are those?” I whispered in awe.

“Christmas lights.” If Hart was surprised by my question, he did not show it. “Do you know what today is?”

“If you're referring to the birth of Yeshua, we're going to have a philosophical debate that will just bore you.” I grinned a toothy grin.

Hart chuckled and shook his head. “That’s next week.”

“Then I have no idea what today is.” I chirped, glancing at the porch as Hugo peeked around the front door.