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Kierkegaard, S^ren 196

The Concept oflrony with Constant

Reference to Socrates 196 Fear and Trembling 196 King, Martin Luther 2 knowledge 35-7, 38, 41, 46


Laertius, Diogenes see Diogenes

Laertius Lavater, Johann Kaspar 189-90 le Bas, Jacques Philipe 171 Levinson, Paul The Plot to Save

Socrates 221 Libanius 151 Apology 151-2 Silence of Socrates 151 Lucian 138-40

Death of Pelegrinus 139-40 Luther, Martin 162 Lycon 79-80 Lysias 82


Macaulay, T. B.

epigraph 1, 225 McPherran, Mark 34 Manetti, Giannozzo 159-60 Marguerite of Navarre 157 marriage Roman 131, 135 Socrates 95-6, 109, 137, 154-6, 203

Martyrdom 5

Christianity 148, 150 Mauthner, Fritz Xanthippe 207 Maximus of Ephesus 151 Meletus 79-80 Mendelssohn, Moses on the death of Socrates 188-90 Phaidon 188-90 Middle Ages Socrates as suffering sage 152-6

Mill, John Stuart On Liberty 2,


Millman, Dan

The Journeys of Socrates 216 Sacred Journey of the Peaceful

Warrior 216 Way of the Peaceful Warrior 216 Milton, John Paradise Regained 162, 163 Minato, Nicolo The Patience of Socrates with His Two Wives 155-6 money

selling wisdom 43-6 Montaigne, Michel de 165-9, 178 Apology for Raymond Sebond 165 On Cruelty 167, 168 On Diversion 166 On Physiognomy 167 Montuori, Mario 8 Monty Python's 'Philosopher's

Drinking Song' 9-10 morality 34-5, 46-51

Hegel's view of 195 Mosely, Walter Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned 219

Walkin' the Dog 219 music

compositions inspired by Socrates 215


Nehemas, Alexander 8, 42 Nero 130-31 New Testament

death of Jesus 142-4 Nicander Alexipharmaca 14, 15, 225 Nietzsche, Friedrich 7, 9, 235 Birth of Tragedy 197 The Gay Science 198 on the death of Socrates 198-9 Twilight of the Idols 198 novels

portraying 'Socrates' 217-21 Nozick, Robert 37


oracle of Apollo at Delphi 6,

36-7, 67, 148 Origen 148


paganism 149-51 pain in death 142, 147 paintings

depicting Socrates 13, 64, 85, 153, 154, 160-2, 163-5, 170-8, 213-17 Palissot, Charles 179 Pelegrinus 139-40 Petronius 134 Phaedo 78, 80

Phillips, Christopher Socrates' Cafe: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy 218


Socrates' 27-51, 226 Plato 11, 84 account of Socrates' death 12 -15

Apology 36-7, 38, 43, 76-7, 103,

104, 108 compared with Socrates 200 creation of 'Socrates' 89-92 Crito 63-6, 102, 103, 115 Defence Speech of Socrates 38 Drinking-Party 10 Euthyphro 30, 33-4, 102-3 Phaedo 9, 12-13, 16, 30, 102,

103, 104-18, 122-4, 200 Phaedras 2

relationship with Socrates


Republic 39, 99, 100 Socratic dialogues 3, 9, 33,

44-5^ 92-3^ 95-114 230-3^ Symposium 10, 87, 113, 226 Theory of Forms 100, 105, 106 Platonic love 87 Plutarch 135-6 essay 'On the Daimonion of

Socrates' 136 Life of Cato 119 poison 5, 8-9, 10-16, 225 politics

Athens 52-60 Socrates' 58-60 Polycrates 97 Accusation of Socrates 4 Prosecution of Socrates 82, 91 Popper, Karl The Open Society

and Its Enemies 202 Protagoras 28, 29, 43, 75 prudence 48


Regnault, J. B. Socrates Tears Alcibiades from the Embrace of Sensual Pleasure 194 religion 28-35

Renault, Mary The Last of the

Wine 201 Ribera, Jusepe de Philosopher

Holding a Mirror 163-5 Rollin, Charles 171 Romans

view of Socrates 119-40 Rossellini, Roberto Socrate 203 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 173,


Emile 181, 182

Fiction or Allegorical Fragment

on Revelation 183-4 First Discourse (Sur les Sciences

et les Arts) 182 on the death of Socrates 181-4 Profession of Faith of the

Savoyard Vicar 182 Social Contract 181 Rubens, Peter Paul Death of Seneca 132-4


St Johannes Bonaventure 155 Satie, Erik Socrate 215, 236 Scruton, Roger Xantippic

Dialogues 221 self-knowledge 163-9 Seneca the Younger (AD 4-65) 128-9

Suicide 130-4 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 141 Socrates artistic depictions 13, 64, 69,

85, 90, 153, 154, 160-62, 163- 5, 170-78, 193-4, 213-15, 229 asceticism 44, 73-5, 92, 96 celebrity 77-8

charges against 2, 28-9, 32, 88 chatter 81, 118, 120, 148, 192-3,


comic operatic depiction ^55-6

compared with Plato 200 contemporary writers on 89-94

death compared with Jesus' 141-69

dramatic presentations 172, 202-3, 204, 222-3 early life 74

family life 6, 64-5, 95-6, 109, 203

marriage 95-6, 109, 137, 154-6, 203

music compositions inspired by 215

personal relationships 78-88 philosophy 27-51, 226 physical appearance 69, 70-3, 198

politics 58-60 poverty 44, 73-5, 92 strangeness 66-77 trial 1-2, 4, 29-30, 67-9, 79-80

un-Athenian behaviour 76-7 sophistry 28, 43-6

Socrates 43-5, 75-6 Sophocles 114 Sostratus 138

Stafford, R. S. Plato Today 4 Stoics 127-9, 139

Stone, I. F. The Trial of Socrates 185, 203-4 Strauss, Leo 41 Strindberg, August Hellas/

Socrates 200 submission 60-66 suicide assisted 210-12 Cato 123-4, 125-6, 129-30, 191

forced 130-35 Seneca 130-34 voluntary 138-9


Tacitus 130-35

talkativeness of Socrates 81, 118, 120, 148, 192-3, 199 Telemann, Georg Der Geduldige

Sokrates 156 Tertullian 146-7 Thales 27 theatre Socrates in dramatic presentations 172, 202-3, 204, 222-3 Theodosius 149 Theology 28-35 Thrasea 134-5 totalitarianism 200-204 tragedy Socrates' death 196, 197, 199-100

trial of Socrates 1-2, 4, 29-30, 67-9, 79-80

words spoken at 38, 50


van Veen, Otto 154 Vasiliou, Iakovos 42 Verly, Robert In God's Name 220 Vlastos, Gregory 41 Voltaire, Frangois 141, 179, 183 La Mort de Socrate 187 on the death of Socrates 186-8 Treatise on Tolerance 188


West, Benjamin Death of Socrates 170-71 wisdom 36-7 sale of 43-6


Xanthippe 95-6, 109, 137, 154-6, 203

fictional account 205-6, 222-3 Xenophanes 31 Xenophon Memoirs of Socrates 94 relationship with Socrates


Socratic dialogues 3, 9, 12, 30, 32 44^ 94-9^ ^ 229-30

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'Men of Athcns, I respect you and I love you, but I vvill obcy the god rather than you, and as long as I live and brcathe, I will never stop

doing philosophv, not even if I were to dic many timcs over.' Plato, Apology (words snpposcdlv spoken by Socrates at his trial)

Socrates was 'a big chattcrbox, who tried to make himself the tvrant of his country, to dissolve its customs, and to entice its citizens into forming opinions contrarv to law and order.' Cato the Elder, cited by Plutarch, Life of Cato