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The virtinst package provides virt-install, which allows creating virtual machines from the command line. Finally, virt-viewer allows accessing a VM's graphical console. Network Configuration

Just as in Xen and LXC, the most frequent network configuration involves a bridge grouping the network interfaces of the virtual machines (see Section, “Network Configuration”).

Alternatively, and in the default configuration provided by KVM, the virtual machine is assigned a private address (in the range), and NAT is set up so that the VM can access the outside network.

The rest of this section assumes that the host has an eth0 physical interface and a br0 bridge, and that the former is connected to the latter. Installation with virt-install

Creating a virtual machine is very similar to installing a normal system, except that the virtual machine's characteristics are described in a seemingly endless command line.

Practically speaking, this means we will use the Debian installer, by booting the virtual machine on a virtual DVD-ROM drive that maps to a Debian DVD image stored on the host system. The VM will export its graphical console over the VNC protocol (see Section 9.2.3, “Using Remote Graphical Desktops” for details), which will allow us to control the installation process.

We first need to tell libvirtd where to store the disk images, unless the default location (/var/lib/libvirt/images/) is fine.

virsh pool-create-as srv-kvm dir --target /srv/kvm

Let us now start the installation process for the virtual machine, and have a closer look at virt-install's most important options. This command registers the virtual machine and its parameters in libvirtd, then starts it so that its installation can proceed.

virt-install --connect qemu:///system  

               --virt-type kvm           

               --name testkvm            

               --ram 1024                

               --disk /srv/kvm/testkvm.qcow,format=qcow2,size=10 

               --cdrom /srv/isos/debian-6.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso    

               --network bridge=br0      


               --os-type linux           

               --os-variant debiansqueeze

Starting install...

Allocating 'testkvm.qcow'             |  10 GB     00:00

Creating domain...                    |    0 B     00:00

Cannot open display:

Run 'virt-viewer --help' to see a full list of available command line options.

Domain installation still in progress. You can reconnect

to the console to complete the installation process.

The --connect option specifies the “hypervisor” to use. Its form is that of an URL containing a virtualization system (xen://, qemu://, lxc://, openvz://, vbox://, and so on) and the machine that should host the VM (this can be left empty in the case of the local host). In addition to that, and in the QEMU/KVM case, each user can manage virtual machines working with restricted permissions, and the URL path allows differenciating “system” machines (/system) from others (/session).

Since KVM is managed the same way as QEMU, the --virt-type kvm allows specifying the use of KVM even though the URL looks like QEMU.

The --name option defines a (unique) name for the virtual machine.

The --ram option allows specifying the amount of RAM (in MB) to allocate for the virtual machine.

The --disk specifies the location of the image file that is to represent our virtual machine's hard disk; that file is created, unless present, with a size (in GB) specified by the size parameter. The format parameter allows choosing among several ways of storing the image file. The default format (raw) is a single file exactly matching the disk's size and contents. We picked a more advanced format here, that is specific to QEMU and allows starting with a small file that only grows when the virtual machine starts actually using space.

The --cdrom option is used to indicate where to find the optical disk to use for installation. The path can be either a local path for an ISO file, an URL where the file can be obtained, or the device file of a physical CD-ROM drive (i.e. /dev/cdrom).

The --network specifies how the virtual network card integrates in the host's network configuration. The default behaviour (which we explicitly forced in our example) is to integrate it into any pre-existing network bridge. If no such bridge exists, the virtual machine will only reach the physical network through NAT, so it gets an address in a private subnet range (

--vnc states that the graphical console should be made available using VNC. The default behaviour for the associated VNC server is no only listen on the local interface; if the VNC client is to be run on a different host, establishing the connection will require setting up an SSH tunnel (see Section, “Creating Encrypted Tunnels with Port Forwarding”). Alternatively, the --vnclisten= can be used so that the VNC server is accessible from all interfaces; note that if you do that, you really should design your firewall accordingly.

The --os-type and --os-variant options allow optimizing a few parameters of the virtual machine, based on some of the known features of the operating system mentioned there.

At this point, the virtual machine is running, and we need to connect to the graphical console to proceed with the installation process. If the previous operation was run from a graphical desktop environment, this connection should be automatically started. If not, or if we operate remotely, virt-viewer can be used to run it:

virt-viewer --connect qemu+ssh://root@server/system

root@server's password:

root@server's password:

When the installation process ends, the virtual machine is restarted, now ready for use. Managing Machines with virsh

Now that the installation is done, let us see how to handle the available virtual machines. The first thing to try is to ask libvirtd for the list of the virtual machines it manages:

virsh -c qemu:///system list --all

 Id Name                 State