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You should definitely read the semanage(8) manual page, even if the command's syntax tends to be similar for all the concepts which are managed. You will find common options to all sub-commands: -a to add, -d to delete, -m to modify, -l to list, and -t to indicate a type (or domain).

semanage login -l lists the current mapping between user identifiers and SELinux identities. Users that have no explicit entry get the identity indicated in the __default__ entry. The semanage login -a -s user_u user command will associate the user_u identity to the given user. Finally, semanage login -d user drops the mapping entry assigned to this user.

semanage login -a -s user_u rhertzog

semanage login -l

Login Name                SELinux User              MLS/MCS Range

__default__               unconfined_u              s0-s0:c0.c1023

rhertzog                  user_u                    None

root                      unconfined_u              s0-s0:c0.c1023

system_u                  system_u                  s0-s0:c0.c1023

semanage login -d rhertzog

semanage user -l lists the mapping between SELinux user identities and allowed roles. Adding a new identity requires to define both the corresponding roles and a labeling prefix which is used to assign a type to personal files (/home/user/*). The prefix must be picked among user, staff, and sysadm. The “staff” prefix results in files of type “staff_home_dir_t”. Creating a new SELinux user identity is done with semanage user -a -R roles -P prefix identity. Finally, you can remove an SELinux user identity with semanage user -d identity.

semanage user -a -R 'staff_r user_r' -P staff test_u

semanage user -l

                Labeling   MLS/       MLS/

SELinux User    Prefix     MCS Level  MCS Range        SELinux Roles

root            sysadm     s0         s0-s0:c0.c1023   staff_r sysadm_r system_r

staff_u         staff      s0         s0-s0:c0.c1023   staff_r sysadm_r

sysadm_u        sysadm     s0         s0-s0:c0.c1023   sysadm_r

system_u        user       s0         s0-s0:c0.c1023   system_r

test_u          staff      s0         s0               staff_r user_r

unconfined_u    unconfined s0         s0-s0:c0.c1023   system_r unconfined_r

user_u          user       s0         s0               user_r

semanage user -d test_u Managing File Contexts, Ports and Booleans

Each SELinux module provides a set of file labeling rules, but it is also possible to add custom labeling rules to cater to a specific case. For example, if you want the web server to be able to read files within the /srv/www/ file hierarchy, you could execute semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "/srv/www(/.*)?" followed by restorecon -R /srv/www/. The former command registers the new labeling rules and the latter resets the file types according to the current labeling rules.

Similarly, TCP/UDP ports are labeled in a way that ensures that only the corresponding daemons can listen to them. For instance, if you want that the web server be able to listen on port 8080, you should run semanage port -m -t http_port_t -p tcp 8080.

Some SELinux modules export boolean options that you can tweak to alter the behaviour of the default rules. The getsebool utility can be used to inspect those options (getsebool boolean displays one option, and getsebool -a them all). The setsebool boolean value command changes the current value of a boolean option. The -P option makes the change permanent, it means that the new value becomes the default and will be kept across reboots. The example below grants web servers an access to home directories (this is useful when users have personal websites in ~/public_html/).

getsebool httpd_enable_homedirs

httpd_enable_homedirs --> off

setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs on

getsebool httpd_enable_homedirs

httpd_enable_homedirs --> on

14.4.4. Adapting the Rules

Since the SELinux policy is modular, it might be interesting to develop new modules for (possibly custom) applications that lack them. These new modules will then complete the reference policy.

To create new modules, the selinux-policy-dev package is required, as well as selinux-policy-doc. The latter contains the documentation of the standard rules (/usr/share/doc/selinux-policy-doc/html/) and sample files that can be used as templates to create new modules. Install those files and study them more closely:

zcat /usr/share/doc/selinux-policy-doc/Makefile.example.gz >Makefile

zcat /usr/share/doc/selinux-policy-doc/example.fc.gz >example.fc

zcat /usr/share/doc/selinux-policy-doc/example.if.gz >example.if

cp /usr/share/doc/selinux-policy-doc/example.te ./

The .te file is the most important one. It defines the rules. The .fc file defines the “file contexts”, that is the types assigned to files related to this module. The data within the .fc file are used during the file labelling step. Finally, the .if file defines the interface of the module: it's a set of “public functions” that other modules can use to properly interact with the module that you're creating. Writing a .fc file

Reading the below example should be sufficient to understand the structure of such a file. You can use regular expressions to assign the same security context to multiple files, or even an entire directory tree.

Example 14.2. example.fc file

# myapp executable will have:

# labeclass="underline"  system_u:object_r:myapp_exec_t

# MLS sensitivity: s0

# MCS categories: <none>

/usr/sbin/myapp         --      gen_context(system_u:object_r:myapp_exec_t,s0) Writing a .if File

In the sample below, the first interface (“myapp_domtrans”) controls who can execute the application. The second one (“myapp_read_log”) grants read rights on the application's log files.

Each interface must generate a valid set of rules which can be embedded in a .te file. You should thus declare all the types that you use (with the gen_require macro), and use standard directives to grant rights. Note, however, that you can use interfaces provided by other modules. The next section will give more explanations about how to express those rights.