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Gabe stood next to Hannah watching amused as I hovered over Wes. Wes was laying on his side snoring a thin layer of drool had formed on the corner of his mouth. I startled when I turned and saw I had been caught.

“Enjoying yourself,” Gabe questioned.

“I. I… was checking on everyone we’ve been practicing a lot lately,” I responded weakly.

“You are taking their gifts while they sleep, you do realize that is so creepy right?” Gabe sneered.

“Gabe, don’t jump to conclusions maybe Layla was checking on everyone,” Hannah remarked but sounded doubtful.

I walked past Gabe and Hannah stopping when I was sure unwelcome ears weren't listening. Gabe and Hannah followed me and stopped walking when I did. Hannah glanced around nervously and Gabe shuffled impatiently.

“Gabe is right, I have been practicing my ability while everyone sleeps. It is difficult for me to get a grip on the energy and then control it with everyone is around. When everyone is sleeping I can take the energy and not hurt anyone in the process,” I carefully explained.

“Why didn’t you tell us? We wouldn’t judge you, we are all in this together,” Hannah acknowledged.

“I’m not sure everyone is going to be happy when they find out. I mean, come on I take others gifts,” I blurted out.

It felt good saying it out loud although the way Hannah glared at me made me second guess my decision to tell them.

“Let me make sure I am understanding you correctly, your gift is to take our gifts?” She reviewed.

Gabe smirked at me with his annoyingly cocky smile. Hannah failed to understand how my gift could possibly be useful. I could hear far away screams make their way through the warehouse. The screams had become sounds we had grown accustomed too.

“It is late and I am tired. I’m going to hit the sack. We can discuss this some other time,” I said yawning and stretching. I wanted to add effect in case they aren’t convinced. I soundlessly made my way to my bed. I avoided sleep like a plague. It was always the same. Dreams turned into unwanted nightmares. The same faces each night calling out to me. They would beg and plead for me to find them and help them. I was always scared in the dreams. I would run away each time. I laid in bed awake contemplating my options. I knew how the nightmare would play out. I decided I would not allow myself to run away. I would stay when the people came towards me. I closed my eyes and prayed like hell this wouldn’t end like all those, “Nightmare on Elm Street” movies I used to watch with my best friend.

The air is warm against my skin. The sun is shining in the sky and there isn’t a cloud in sight. I am warm and the sun feels incredible today. That’s it, I’ve decided I will never leave this glorious place. I open my eyes and see a brown haired girl of maybe seventeen years old standing a few feet in front of me. She is wearing a torn white dress with dull red stripes running down the front. At closer inspection I realize her hair is tangled into wild knots and she is missing one of her diamond stud earrings. She is a beautiful girl with piercing brown eyes. She opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. She appears to be a bit frantic. She speaks but is unable to communicate. She takes a step closer to me. My eyes leave her and take in my surroundings.

I am standing in the field again, only the sun isn’t unbearable this time. My eyes do a quick scan of the ground and I sign in relief knowing I’m not being consumed in fire. I also notice there are others here too. There are people standing and sitting around the perimeter of the field.

“Layla, we need to leave.” The girl speaks directly to me. Her voice deep for a girl.

She takes another step closer to me. I gaze at her and see the red stripes aren’t part of the design on her dress. At closer inspection I see that it is red blood streaks. She takes another step forward and this time I take a step back. Her eyes aren’t a brilliant brown like I thought, they are a dull gray and her skin is a familiar white. Her lips are still moving but they are predatorial movements. She snaps her teeth together and her jaw cracks loudly. I turn away from her and start to run but it is pointless, I am surrounded.

I move away from the girl and remember that I have been here many times, in fact every night in my dreams I enter this same field. I stop and turn back to face the girl, I am shaking with fear but remind myself this isn’t real. The girl tilts her head and takes another step towards me. God, she looks real! She opens her mouth and lets out a horrific scream. I cover my ears, blood starts to make its way out of my eyes, ears, mouth and nose. I wipe my nose and stare in disbelief, how can this be a dream when it feels so real? The girl takes a predatory stance and then lunges at me. The contact sends excruciating pain throughout my whole body.

“Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!” I scream out.

The girl's face inches from my own, her jaw cracks and chomps in failed attempts to bite my face. She smells putrid, I use every muscle in my arms, neck and back to keep her from sinking her teeth into me. Who am I kidding, I use every muscle in my entire body to hold her back. She is unbelievably strong and I know I cannot fight her off much longer. My muscles weaken and all too soon they abandon me. I stare unblinking at her withered face. I know this face! I have seen it many times. It is my face. Only it cannot be my face. I watch the girl’s mouth open as she comes at me, I close my eyes and wait for the pain.

A warmth spreads across my face and the girl falls off of me, I open my eyes but the sun is radiating and blinding. I can’t see anything for what feels like ages but is only moments while my eyes adjust.

“Layla,” a voice calls.

I focus on two figures approaching. I get to my feet and am astonished to see Silas and Gabe in the field.

“Jesus Layla, what the hell were you thinking?” Silas yells.

“Why are you angry Silas. This is only a dream,” I state cooly, although I don’t know that I believe it.

“If it’s a dream then how are we here? Are we dreaming too?” Gabe snides in.

The sun hides behind a big fluffy cloud and then like in a dream the sky shifts becoming dark and mean looking.

“Crud,” Gabe gulps, “We need to get the hell out of here.”

Screamers close in once more, the dream starting over. The same girl less than fifteen feet away stare’s in our direction. The screamers open their mouths and let out screams that make the three of us drop to our knees.

“I’m not waiting around to find out if this is real or a dream,” Gabe commands.

He grabs Silas’ and my arm, we fade away before the screamers attack.

Day 71:

I leapt out of bed and inspected myself. No cuts, wounds or evidence that my nightmare was real. Thank god I thought, walking to Silas’s bed. He wasn’t in it. I felt a sudden panic but I remembered he often woke early. He would go to the cafeteria to hydrate. I headed to the cafeteria but was disappointed when he wasn’t there. I continued to search for him. I checked the locker room but was not well greeted when I entered without knocking. My mind was preoccupied and I wasn’t thinking when I burst in. I found three adult men naked. One was shaving and the other two were standing and conversing. I mean how many people stand around talking naked, that is disgusting. I knew I would be forever scarred. I continued my search and ran to the doctors quarters. My pulse quickening with each passing minute. I self noted Gabe was also MIA.