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He grabbed my hand and Silas’. Silas held Julias hand. Tom made his way towards us. He cried out, a mixture of screamer and human gone mad. Blood dripped from his eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

“Come here!” Tom hissed.

We faded out of the warehouse and landed with a hard thud out front of the facility. I couldn’t lift my head. My whole body was shaking. I curled into a ball and cried. I should have listened to Zola. She warned me and I didn’t listen and now she was dead. All the soldiers gone and it was my fault. When would death rest?

Day 120:

The cafeteria that had been set up for the party sat empty. The facility was eerily quiet and still. Dr. Mills died early this morning. It was a quiet and quick death. His death was bittersweet for me. I did, however, feel sad for Julia, even though he wasn’t her real father; he had loved her and raised her as his own. Shortly after Dr. Mills passed Quinn joined him in death. The loss of Quinn was a terrible pain each of us felt but Lucy struggled the most. She wouldn’t leave his side and her grief and pain was unbearable. She screamed out for Quinn but he was gone. He was the kindest and gentlest man I had ever known. He brought light to the darkness this world had become. He didn’t deserve to die. The sadness and loss of lives was taking a toll on everyone.

I found Julia in the laboratory. It was strange knowing she was my sister and having a connection with her made the situation even odder. She was clearly upset when I entered. She threw a microscope across the room and pounded her fists on a work table. She grabbed her fathers computer screen and chucked it to the floor. I noticed small drops of blood fall from her nose.

“You are sick?” I choked.

Startled, she regarded me, “I am dying like the others.”

“Dr. Mills injected you when you were a child. You should be immune,” I trembled.

“Dr. Mills injected me with a different strain of the virus. The thirteen of you were injected with strain T2218. The injections took place before Dr. Nickel’s released the virus that turned the population into screamers. The virus that caused the screamers was called T4172. There was 0.01% of the population that was immune to the virus. The 0.01% immune systems of the non infected were weakened by the first virus. When Dr. Nickels released the infected screamers with the second virus, we didn’t stand a chance. Dr. Mills then tried to counter the second virus with N4142. He knew at this point he was grasping at air but he had to try. Unfortunately it was too late. It is airborne and we don’t know what the long-term effects will be . I’ve been working with Silas and teaching him everything I can but I fear it won’t be enough. I’ve shown him where all the files are stored,” she drifted off.

“Is there any possible way to fix this? Is there any hope?” I begged.

I watched Julia search frantically around the lab before she focused on me.

“No, there is no hope for the humans. You know we never even got to know each other. All these years and I had two sisters,” she said blood tears fell down her pale cheeks.

“It doesn’t seem fair but what is fair in a world full of pain and death,” I replied.

“You and your group have to keep moving forward. Find the strength inside you and keep moving. The world will be your canvas and although I don’t agree with what Dr. Nickels has done; maybe he was right and the humans time has come to its end,” Julia muttered.

Julia coughed hard and the fight in her left. She fell back into a chair and her body sagged. The virus dug its claws into her and pain spread across her face.

“Silas!” I yelled.

Julia placed her hand on mine. I felt hot wet tears fall from my eyes.

“It’s alright Layla, I am done here. I am thankful I had the opportunity to meet you,” she coughed and blood sprayed from her mouth, “When I found out I had not one but two sisters I had to find you. I needed to see you for myself and when I saw you and how brave you were I was happy. You have fought for what you believe is right and fair. I admire you for that,” She coughed again.

“Go get Silas. He loves you very much and will always be there for you,” She smiled weakly.

I stood and raced to the exit. I had to find Silas. I wanted to save my sister. I had already lost one. I couldn’t lose her. I made it halfway down the hall when I saw Silas. I opened my mouth and started to form words when a loud and all to familiar boom echoed through the halls. My eyes widened in horror, realization sunk in. My chest tightened and my head shook involuntarily. I turned away from Silas and dashed back into the lab but it was too late. My sister jerked on the floor and blood spilled from her head and spread across the white tiles. I screamed out in frustration and hurt. Everyone died and I couldn’t take it anymore. I sobbed on the floor with Silas holding me. Only this time Silas sobbed with me. Death was taking its toll on him as well. We stayed crying on the floor for what felt like hours. We must have cried ourselves to sleep because when we woke it was evening.

Silas and I were thirsty and found water in the main quarters. Lucy sat curled in a ball sleeping on a sofa chair. Gabe was by her side. Addy and Olyvia approached with care.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Addy said.

“We need you to come outside with us,” Olyvia ordered.

The four of us walked to the front entrance where we found Sara and Nate standing at the gate.

“Do you hear that?” Nate asked.

We listened quietly and heard the screams far away.

“I thought the screamers were dying?” Nate questioned, concern on his face.

“They said the screamers are dying but no one knows when or how long for it would take,” Silas explained.

“Their screams aren’t hurting my ears and they sound different,” Nate added.

“Maybe it’s because they are too far away,” Silas stated.

“I don’t think so. Something doesn’t feel right,” Olyvia added, “Can’t you feel it in the air?”

I closed my eyes and searched for something, anything different then it hit me. The screams were screams of pain, not rage. They didn’t hurt my ears the way the screamers screams did. Nate was right something was happening. Maybe the screamers were dying somewhere out there in the world.

“I guess only time will tell what is happening to the screamers. I think we should stay here and wait it out,” I stated.

“Good idea,” Nate said.

We started to make our way back into the facility when we heard something hit the gate. We turned and saw a figure walking into the gate repeatedly. I slowly approached the figure. Over and over they walked into the gate. The figure came into view and I felt sick. Zola meekly cried out when I approached.

“Help me,” she whimpered.

“Zola,” I cried.

Silas and Nate held me back from getting too close. I fought against them.

“Let me go. I have to help her,” I cried.

“That isn’t Zola anymore,” Silas whispered.

“Layla, help me,” she screamed.

She closed her fingers around the fencing and frantically shook it. She looked like a wild animal. Clumps of her once beautiful red hair were missing from her head. Her skin was a sickly green and I realized she had chunks of skin missing from her arms and neck.

“How can she be talking to us if she is a screamer?” I cried.

“I’m not a screamer,” she yelled, “I was attacked by a bunch of crazy people. I’m not infected. Let me the hell in.”

I didn’t know what to do. I had made too many wrong choices. I didn’t want to make anymore. There were so little of us left.

“I’m sorry. I can’t let you in,” I wept.

“You stupid bitch! Then we'll tear this goddamn fence down and eat you alive,” she laughed in a mad and crazy way.