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Others came running towards the fence. There were lots of people and they didn’t appear to be screamers. They yelled out and cursed at us. We backed away from the fence and darted into the facility. Nate locked the door when we entered.

“I don’t think that is going to keep them out for long,” Silas said, staring at the gate.

“We need to get the others. We have to leave,” I trembled.

We didn’t argue. We ran and found the group. Thankfully everyone was gathered in the living quarters living room.

“We have to leave now, no questions,” I yelled.

Screams and voices yelled from outside. Everyone gathered in a tight circle.

“We are going to do this together. Everyone think of the bunker at my house,” I demanded.

We took hands knowing we had to work together. We faded out of the facility and our feet met the solid floor of the bunker. I released hands and reached for the light. The room once again came to life and the safety of home filled me with ease. Everyone was safe. We all teleported together and we made it. I grabbed a jug of water and handed it to Gabe. He appeared exhausted but seemed proud at the same time. Our abilities were developing into works of art. I glanced around the bunker and found the twelve to all be exhausted and in need of rest. I know I was wiped and sleep was sounding like a great escape from all the death and trouble the world had thrown at us.

Day 125:

The screamers had cleared out of the basement and we repaired the house the best we could during day time hours. At night we heard the screamers lurking around outside the house. They were most definitely changing each day. Their screams were less painful on our ears and they weren't moving as fast as they were before. In fact they were moving slowly. They didn’t run at all, even when worked up they moved more like turtles then leopards. The bunker was crowded with thirteen of us crammed into small living quarters but it was our only option for the time being. We had a few heated debates on weather to go back to the facility or to the warehouse but each discussion ended with us staying put. We were all drained from seeing so much illness and death. Each time we thought things couldn’t get worse they did. We all needed time to reset and find a way to move forward but we didn’t know where to begin. Silas and I decided we should at least check on the people at the facility in the comas. No one wanted to go with us except Gabe.

The day was sunny and warm. The air was thick with death and humidity. The combination was nauseating. It was quiet outside, everyone needed some air after the long nights in the bunker. We spread out and kept mostly to ourselves. Silas, Gabe and I held hands and faded away from the backyard and into the main entrance of the facility. I didn’t want to look at the gate or fence. I didn’t want to know if the infected people had gotten through because if they had that meant the screamers would have access too. Instead I kept my eyes on the entrance.

“Why didn’t you teleport us into the room with the patients?” Silas questioned.

“I didn’t know what state the people would be in,” Gabe whispered nudging Silas.

“Oh right,” Silas replied meekly, “Layla, if you would like to wait out here Gabe and I will go in and check.?”

“It’s ok guys,” I stated, trying to sound strong, “I am prepared that my father is probably no longer here. I need to see for myself.”

We entered through the dreadful entrance and cautiously made our way into the area where the coma patients rested. Upon entering I had tried to prepare myself for the worst. I had hoped the beds would be full and the machines would be beeping quietly. Instead alarms sounded in a panicked manner. All that remained on the beds were bloody sheets. It was evident the sleeping people had been torn apart and in some cases dragged to the floor where they meant their final resting place.

My heart sank as I walked to where my father rested only days ago. Now the bed lay empty. Rusty colored splotches were the only indication that my father had once been here. I hoped death had come quickly for him and the pain was minimal. I glanced at the pillow and saw something shiny, hidden poking out from under the pillow. I moved the pillow to reveal a small gold chain necklace. I lifted the chain up and examined it closer. A small skeleton key slid down the chain. I stared at the key and wondered what it went to. I slid the chain necklace into my pocket. I had seen all I needed to see here. I knew my entire family was gone. I felt my body quake.

“Gabe, let’s go home,” I spoke.

“I agree, let’s get out of here,” Silas added.

We gathered and went to take hands when a loud bang sounded behind us. We all turned in unison and saw Zola standing in a hunched position by the exit.

“I knew you would come back,” she hissed, her voice thick with liquid and blood.

“Zola?” I choked.

“I have a gift for you,” she spit and threw a body towards us.

A man stumbled forward and landed hard on the floor. He was wearing a hospital gown.

“Dad,” I cried.

Silas pulled me back and took my hand. Gabe locked his fingers around my free hand.

“Layla?” A quiet voice echoed.

The man glanced up and stared at me. His eyes begging. He was clearly sick. His skin was grey and a steady stream of blood left his mouth and nose. He reached his hand towards me.

“I love you dad,” I cried.

“Wait, Layla,” he begged, crawling towards us.

“I need to tell you, I’m sorry baby girl. The key… remember. You need to remember." He dropped his head to the floor.

We faded away but not before I saw Zola dart forward and attack my father. We were back and standing in the field. The field where I had been so many times before. I wanted to cry but my tears were dried up. Silas walked over and stood next to me. Gabe stood on my other side. I turned my head and watched Hannah, Greg, Lucy, Sara, Wes, Addy, Sally, Olyvia, Nate and Jacob make their way to where we stood in the field. We formed a line, looking out into the world. A world that not so long ago had been filled with humans. Hustling and bustling around like busy bees. They worked, played, built incredible structures and created endless wonders. They loved and were beautiful beings, but they had a dark side too. They lived but didn’t see what was before them; right in front of them. They consumed, wasted and destroyed. At some point the bad outweighed the good and here we stand now. Although all the humans are gone and the screamers are fading, we are the new species. The thirteen of us are all that is left. Our human traits still linger but as the days pass we discover we are nothing like the humans were. We do not consume and destroy. We do not hold hatred in our hearts and we are not bound by religion or beliefs. We are connected to each other. We did what we could to save humanity but in the end people were their own demise.

The End