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Gassan was nodding, but his eyes were a little glazed.

‘You can use it for fingerprints,’ Kennedy told him, cutting to the chase. ‘It does a million other things, too, but for police it’s a fingerprint machine.’

Partridge looked pained at this oversimplification, but he nodded. ‘Traditional fingerprinting produces an image using oily residues from the skin surface. But those same residues alter the electro-magnetic profile of any object that you touch with your hands. So the Kelvin probe cuts out the middle man and looks at the conductivity of the object’s surface. It creates a map of electrical potential — on which fingerprints stand out like mile-high beacon fires. No need for developing or resolving agents. No need to touch the surface at all, so no danger of destroying or contaminating other kinds of evidence like DNA while you’re looking for a latent print. And you can programme it to recognise and respond to a specific print — your prime suspect, say. It’s like a magic lamp. Except it’s bloody hard to use, because you’ve got to adjust the sensitivity of the reader to a minute degree of accuracy to screen out other kinds of random or systemic variation in the electric field forces. Hence these two enthusiastic young people working their arses off in uncomplaining silence behind me.’

Kathy Sturdy and Will Price looked up, awkward and embarrassed, as Partridge gave them this accolade. They’d unpacked the components of the probe and assembled it beside its steel housing. Now Price was adjusting brackets and screws on its outer case, while Sturdy was taking readings from a small tablet computer that she’d attached to the device via an HDMI cable. Rush watched them, or at least he watched Sturdy, his expression rapt.

The scanning Kelvin probe didn’t look like a magic lamp. It didn’t look like a microscope, either. It looked like an artist’s impression of a vacuum cleaner from a sci-fi pulp published before vacuum cleaners had actually been invented. Every single component looked ramshackle and jury-rigged. The only high-tech thing about it was the image on the tablet PC, which formed and reformed itself out of bright-green grid lines from moment to moment.

Sturdy tweaked the image using virtual slide controls overlaid on it. She did this for a long time, before finally nodding to Price. He took the business end of the device — a scanning head about as long and thick as a foot ruler, attached to a three-metre length of cable — and ran it across a fire extinguisher mounted on the wall beside him.

The screen blanked, the gridlines reassembled themselves and a new image appeared. It was hard to make out what it was. Its planes of coagulated colour defied interpretation, until Sturdy, with a sweep of her hand across one of the sliders, caused the image to zoom out wide, revealing the curved surface of the fire extinguisher.

She zoomed in again and the surface dissolved into level upon level of fractal complexity.

‘Twenty?’ Price muttered to her. ‘Twenty-five?’

‘Twenty-five,’ she confirmed. ‘I’m going to heighten the contrast by half a per cent.’

‘Okay. Shall I hold steady?’

‘No, slow sweep. There. Up. Up by a couple of … stop.’

Price was pointing the scanner at the base of the fire extinguisher. Sturdy tapped and stroked with the tip of her index finger on the virtual controls. The screen blanked and remade itself in squares of a couple of centimetres on a side, settling to a preset level of magnification. Kennedy and Gassan found themselves staring at the raised whorls and ridges of a fingerprint.

‘And Bob’s your uncle,’ said Partridge, with some satisfaction.

‘My word,’ said Gassan, after a pause for genuine awe.

‘But that’s only the first battle,’ Kennedy reminded him — and the students. ‘There are going to be lots of prints in here. We’re looking for a particular set, and we’re going to give you a match in advance. Rush?’

‘Oh. Right.’ Rush reluctantly tore his gaze away from Sturdy. He reached into his pocket and removed a stainless steel fountain pen in a plastic evidence baggie. Kennedy had told him to go for something metallic if he could. The greater the electrical conductivity of a surface, the better the Kelvin scanner worked on it.

She took the bag and handed it to Sturdy. ‘How does this part work?’ Rush asked the student.

‘We find a print on the pen,’ she said, holding the bag gingerly by its corner, ‘and we enter it on the recognition software. Then we set the scanner to ignore anything that isn’t a match. Hopefully we’ll be able to get a full print off the pen, because then we’ve got the widest range for identifying partials.’

Kennedy turned to Professor Gassan. ‘And from that,’ she said to him, ‘we make an action-map of the room. We find out exactly where your intruder went and what he touched.’

‘Although that still won’t tell us if anything was taken,’ Gassan said doubtfully. ‘As we already discussed, Heather, this room is overspill from the British Library collection. We don’t have a catalogue.’

‘You busy, Rush?’ Kennedy asked.

Rush’s head snapped up. ‘Me?’ he said.


‘I … no. I’m good. What do you want?’

‘Go get me a catalogue,’ Kennedy told him.


It took three hours. Nobody at the British Library seemed to have the slightest idea what Rush was talking about when he mentioned the relic collection at Ryegate House. Or else they did, but they didn’t see any reason to let his problem become their crisis.

Finally, a bored clerical assistant found a third-generation photocopy of some pages marked on the first sheet in scrawled handwriting with the single word BOXED. ‘It might be this,’ he said.

It looked right, because it was broken down by room and the rooms were thirty-four to forty-one. It also looked piss-poor, because it was only broken down by room — not by aisle or box. But it was the best Rush was going to get, so he took it and went back to Ryegate House.

He found Partridge and the two students still scanning Room 37 while Kennedy was walking along the aisles laying Post-it notes down on the floor or affixing them to the shelf units, marking up the places where the Kelvin probe had already found matching fingerprints. Professor Gassan seemed to be present in a supervisory capacity — standing in a corner and watching with a mixture of fascination and concern.

Rush gave Kennedy the list and waited for her to fulminate in her turn, but she seemed unsurprised. She just nodded and handed it back to him.

‘Not a lot of use,’ he observed.

‘No,’ Kennedy said. ‘But I’d have been really surprised at this stage to get anything better.’ She glanced across at Sturdy and Price, who’d reached the end of the last shelf unit and were now scanning the further wall. ‘We’re almost done,’ she said. ‘We’ll go over this stuff right here, then we’ll bring our suspect up to the boardroom and brace him. I want you there, Rush — and Professor Gassan, and maybe your boss, Thornedyke. Apart from that, we’re still saying nothing to everyone else until we’ve got the full story.’

‘Okay,’ Rush said.

At the other end of the room, Sturdy looked around at them and waited politely to be taken notice of. ‘I think we’re finished,’ she said.

Kennedy went over and conferred with her, while Rush scanned the room. For the first time, he thought about what it was he was seeing here: a three-dimensional map of the intruder’s movements around this space. Or maybe four-dimensional, since the clustering of the Post-it notes presumably indicated how long he’d spent in each part of the room.

He looked at Kennedy, who had caught his glance and read it correctly. ‘It’s interesting, isn’t it?’ she said. ‘Everything comes back to this one area.’ She indicated the very end of aisle B, where Post-its grew in bristling thickets. ‘Whatever our intruder was interested in, it was definitely somewhere in this stretch. But he didn’t know exactly where.’