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Part of her wanted to ask him to extend their agreement, or ask him his opinion of changing it from just an arrangement to a formal relationship.

But she also didn’t want to appear clingy, or torpedo things with him before their full time was up, either. On top of that, he’d had several crazy weeks at work and several times stated how he enjoyed their time together as a way to put work out of his mind.

She didn’t want to ruin that for him.

I should wait until the end of things. If he wants to change things up sooner, he’ll tell me. He’s the Dom.

* * *

Shayla nervously paced her living room Saturday morning until she heard Tony’s car pull up next to hers and shut off. She didn’t even let him reach the front door before she had it open and was waiting for him.

He smiled as he stepped in and shut the door behind him.

Then he pointed to the floor.

Without hesitation she dropped to her knees and kissed both of his feet then the backs of his hands before nuzzling the front of his slacks.

As always, his bulge hardened immediately, making her smile.

She looked up at him, his smile making her wet. He stroked the top of her head. “Such a good pet,” he softly said.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“We have fifteen minutes before we need to head to their hotel. Panties off.”

She swallowed hard but complied immediately, standing and pulling them off. When he held out his hand for them she placed them in his palm.

He took hold of the nape of her neck the way he always did, gently but firmly, and marched her over to the couch. He sat, then patted his lap. “Face down, pet.”

More moisture flooded her pussy as she knew what was coming. Damn him! But it wasn’t anger churning her guts, it was need.

When she was settled on his lap, her head toward his left so he could spank her with his right hand, he carefully balled up her panties. “Open, pet.”

She did. He tucked them into her mouth before his left hand settled firmly on the nape of her neck, his fingers hooked around her collar. His right hand pulled up the skirt of her sundress, exposing her ass and thighs.

His smooth, low tone helped stoke her desire. “I think my pet needs a nice, warm, red ass before she takes me to meet her parents,” he said. “Because I want my pet to remember who she belongs to. I think my pet wants that, too. Don’t you?” His right hand stroked her ass.

She desperately fought the urge to rub herself against his thigh. She’d be wet enough as it was after the spanking. She mumbled, “Yes, Sir,” around the panties.

“Ask me for it.”

If she didn’t leave a wet spot on his slacks, it would be a miracle. “Please spank me, Sir,” she mumbled around the makeshift gag.

His warm chuckle only fanned the flames. “That’s my good girl.” When his right hand fell still, she braced herself for what would come next. Sure enough, the first blow fell, hard and fast and stinging and making her glad for the fabric in her mouth to chew down on to stifle her cry so she didn’t scare the neighbors.

He spanked her hard, stopping every few strokes to squeeze and soothe and caress the flesh of her ass before starting again, over and over, until she sobbed into her hands, which she’d tightly clenched together against the pain.

And yet safewording didn’t cross her mind.

When he stopped and gently patted her rump, she gasped, relieved and disappointed that it was over so soon. “Sit up, pet.”

She did, the panties still in her mouth.

“Hold up your skirt for me.”

She did, and he immediately laughed. She felt her juices running down the inside of her thighs. He reached between her legs and coated his fingers in them. Then he pulled the panties out of her mouth and replaced them with his fingers.

She eagerly sucked them, wishing it was his cock in her mouth, wishing she could spend all day worshipping his cock and that they didn’t have to go meet up with her parents.

What is wrong with me? She craved it, wanted it.

Needed it.

“Such a good girl.” She looked into his eyes and wished she could melt into them. He seemed to pierce through to the center of her being with that look.

Be a slave? Hell, she’d give up everything just to spend the rest of her life receiving that look from him. To please him.

To make him happy.

To hear him tell her she was a good girl.

His good pet.

I understand.

He cocked his head a little. “Are you all right, pet?”

He pulled his fingers from her mouth so she could answer. “Yes, Sir.”

“Why do you look sad?”

“I’m not sad, Sir. I just wish we had more time so I could take care of you.”

He looked down at his lap, where his slacks were tented. “I’m sure I have a wet spot of my own,” he said. “But that’s okay. I’ll be sure to make you work extra hard for it later.” He caught the front of her collar with his finger and pulled her down so he could kiss her on the forehead. “Go clean up, pet.” He handed her the panties. “And you may pick out a fresh pair of those to wear.”

She hurried into the bedroom to grab another pair of panties. Then into the bathroom to clean up. She couldn’t help but turn and hike her skirt to look at the marks.

Yep, the sweet, hot stinging she still felt in her ass was displayed not only by red handprints, but by little purple and blue blood welts, too.

She caught sight of her pleased grin in the mirror and froze. What is wrong with me?

She thought about it. I’m the happiest I’ve been in my life doing this.

“Three minutes, pet,” he called from the living room.

That shook her from her thoughts and she hurried to get ready.

He had to stop by the bathroom too before they left. At the front door, he unbuckled her collar and handed it to her to put in her purse. “Ready, pet?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“How’s the butt?”

She smiled. “Warm and tingly, Sir.”

“Good. Just what I was going for. I’m sure your clit is nice and warm and tingly now, too, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m horny.”

He grinned. “Say it for me, pet. You know I love hearing you say it.”

She blushed, but didn’t look away from his gaze. “When you spank me, Sir, it makes me horny.”

“Aw, such a good girl. I know it does, pet. Spanking your sweet ass makes me horny, too. Don’t worry. If you’re a good girl today, I’ll give you another spanking later, before I use the strap-on on your freshly spanked ass. You’ll like that, won’t you?”

She sucked in a breath as a new flood of moisture pooled between her legs. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

He laughed. “What’s the matter, pet?”

“I’m horny, Sir.”

“I know.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “That’s the point.”

She settled into his passenger seat, fully aware of her freshly warmed ass. He glanced over at her with a grin as he backed out of the parking space.

“Doing okay there, pet?”

“Yes, Sir.” She wiggled a little into her seat.

He noticed and let out a little laugh. “Good girl.”

* * *

Shayla decided it would be easiest to introduce Tony as her boyfriend. Which, to her, surprisingly felt right. She felt nervous about seeing them, worried what they might think.

Not that it matters. He’s not really my boyfriend.

Even though I wish he was.

She blinked. Where’d that come from?

She needed to remember to keep her head on straight. Which might be hard to do with her freshly spanked ass distracting her. She wouldn’t be one of those clingy, needy women Tony didn’t like. If he wanted to keep things going, no doubt he’d speak his mind.