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With her heart racing, she ran to the front door, made sure it was unlocked, and knelt in the foyer.

Her pulse pounded in her ears. It took every ounce of her will to slow her breathing to keep from hyperventilating from her excitement and anticipation.

She startled a little at the sound of his knock and she had to lick her lips before she could speak. “Come in,” she called out, then returned her gaze to the floor, hands on her knees.

The door opened. At first, he didn’t say anything.

The voice she heard made her let out a scream. “Um, Shay?”

She looked up, shocked to see James standing in her front door. “What are you doing here?” She jumped to her feet and grabbed the first thing her hand landed on, her rain jacket, and pulled it on.

He took a step in. “I…Jesus, Shay, is that a collar? I read your articles, but I didn’t think you wanted me to—”

“Get out!” She reached for her umbrella, but realized that wasn’t any cover at all and instead brandished it at him.

“I left you two voice mails the other day that I’d stop by—”

“Get out!”

“Look, can we please talk?”

She was aware of another car pulling up in front of her apartment, parking on the other side of hers. “No!” She thrust the umbrella at him. “Get out of here!”

“I just want to talk to you for a few minutes. Didn’t you get my voice mails? Are you naked for me?”

“No, none of your fucking business, and get the fuck out of here!”

Tony ran up behind James and pushed his way in. “What’s going on?”

She nearly sobbed with relief. “Sir, I thought he was you, I—”

“Sir?” James said, stepping closer to her. “Shay, will you please let me talk to you?”

“James, I told you, get out!”

Tony glared at the man as he stepped between him and Shayla. Tony took the umbrella from her.

“Pet, go to the bedroom. Now. And close the door.” His calm, even tone of voice brooked no argument.

Even though James called after her, she raced through the apartment and into the bedroom, where she closed the door behind her. She sat on her bed, the raincoat still clutched around her, as she listened to the sound of muffled voices. They grew in intensity and anger until she finally heard the front door slam shut.

Then, nothing.

She jumped when the bedroom door opened and Tony walked in. She stood and started to ask him what happened but he snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor.

Without thinking, she complied, shucking the raincoat and letting it fall to the floor as her questions died on her lips.

He stood there as she stared at his shoes and prayed she hadn’t just fucked things up.

* * *

Tony didn’t look at Shayla as she ran for the bedroom. When the man looked like he wanted to go after her, Tony stepped in front of him. blocking his way.

“You set one more foot in this apartment,” Tony told the guy, “and you’ll leave in an ambulance. She told you to get out of here.”

“Who the fuck are you? I just want to talk to her. She’s my fiancée, dammit!”

It didn’t take Tony long to put things together. “Wrong, asshole. She was your fiancée until you screwed things up. She’s my fiancée now. And I’m not going to do something as stupid as lie and cheat and steal from her.” The man’s face fell. Tony knew he’d hit the mark and then some. “What are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to talk to her. I left her messages over the weekend.” He drew himself up, still two inches shorter than Tony. “Look, she told me to come in when I knocked. She was obviously expecting me.”

It took every ounce of his being not to bust out laughing. Shayla had earned a spanking—for not verifying who was knocking on her door before allowing them to come in.

“She was expecting me. I’d just texted her that I would be here in a few minutes. Whatever you want to say to her, you say to me.”

“I have a history with her—”

“You’re damn lucky she didn’t have you arrested is what you are.” He took a step forward, forcing James back toward the door. “You’re also lucky I’m not kicking your ass right now.” From what little he’d heard about James, Tony suspected he wasn’t in as good a shape as he was, although a knit pullover shirt hid the guy’s physique.

“You’re the guy she wrote about, aren’t you? In the articles?”

Tony didn’t budge. “That’s none of your business. Her life is no longer any of your business.”

“I read the whole series.” He looked down at the floor. Tony tensed in case the guy was trying to throw him off guard. “I fucked up, man. I fucked up big-time. I know that. I didn’t think she’d ever want to do any of that stuff. I’d never tried it in real life before. And now she’s collared and calling you Sir?”

“Let me give you a piece of advice. Real men, regardless of whether they’re kinky or not, don’t go hurting their women the way you hurt her. They don’t lie to them, and they damn sure don’t run up fifteen thousand in debt in their name.”

James nodded. “I know.” He pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to Tony. “Here.” It had Shayla’s name written on it.

Tony finally reached out and took it from him. “What is it?”

“I got a loan from my parents. I got rid of the apartment and moved back in with them to save money. It’s everything I owe Shay.”

“I’ll give it to her.” He stepped forward again, and now James was in the doorway. Tony put his hand on the door in preparation to close it.

“Can I say good-bye to her?”

“No. That’s not a good idea. In fact, unless she contacts you, I suggest you don’t ever contact her again. Not unless you want to deal with me.”

“Who are you trying to bullshit? You’ll order her not to have contact with me.”

Tony shook his head. “Again, it’s obvious you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. I suggest you leave BDSM to people who have respect for their partners and quit thinking you have what it takes to be a Dominant. You can’t even control your fucking Internet perving urges. And you’re stupid enough to pay for porn? Seriously? And you’re slimy enough to steal from the woman who loved you and even gave you a second chance when you certainly didn’t deserve it? That’s just…wow.”

He slammed the door shut, forcing James to step back or be hit. Locking it, he stared at the envelope in his hand. It felt like there was more than just a check in it, like maybe a sheet or two of paper as well.

He didn’t contemplate opening it. Instead, he put the umbrella down, turned on his heel, and headed for the bedroom. He fought another urge to laugh when he saw the frantic expression she wore as she tried to speak. But when she immediately shut up and dropped to her knees at his signal, it hardened his cock.

She sooo needs a spanking.

Then again, he had told her to be waiting for him. He’d never expected anyone else to show up, and she certainly hadn’t.

And the smell of whatever she’d made deliciously filled the apartment, making his stomach growl.

He stood before her. “Greeting, pet.”

She immediately kissed his feet, the backs of his hands, and then nuzzled his cock where it strained through his slacks.

“Look at me.”

She did.

Who am I kidding? I’m in love with her. I can’t be mad at her. “In the future, pet, ask who’s at the door before telling them to come in. Especially if you’re naked.”

She nodded, so hard he thought her head might come off.

He held the envelope out to her. “He gave me this to give you.”