Tom Allison
The dental assistant_s check-up
"I'll tell you this much, Rachel," Ken Hughes said. "You sure are the prettiest dental assistant I've ever had working on my teeth!"
"Now, now, Mr. Hughes," Rachel said chidingly.
The gorgeous nineteen year-old brunette in the tight white dental assistants uniform shook her head in mock reproval as she continued to fill out Ken Hughes' form. She'd been working for Hankison Dental for the past three months. A week ago, Richard Hankison had finally decided it would be all right if she did some standard X-rays and teeth cleanings unassisted.
Hankison was at the bank now. Ken Hughes was her first customer. He was tall, handsome, and forty-four years-old.
"And I'll tell you something else too, Rachel." Hughes was sitting on the big dentist's chair, with the white bib over his suit. "You sure have got a knock-out body under that tight little uniform you wear!"
"Now, Mr. Hughes!"
Blushing self-consciously, the stacked teenager pushed her long, brown ponytail behind her shoulder and wagged a reproving finger at the client. Secretly, however, his compliment delighted her. One of the first realizations Rachel had ever had about herself was that she was naturally extremely horny and aroused by nearly any mention of sex. Just hearing Hughes talk that way made her feel good about her tight, short uniform. It clung to her slim waist and lithe hips, showing off her nice, round ass and long, lusciously formed legs.
Rachel liked feeling sexy. It made her pussy tingle, and Hughes was helping her feel that way right now.
"In fact, I'll even go farther, young lady." Now Hughes had a real gleam in his eyes, and his frequent downward glances told Rachel exactly what part of her anatomy he was going to compliment next.
"I really don't think you better, Mr. Hughes."
Rachel lined up the gleaming teeth-cleaning tools on the little tray and pushed it up beside the dental chair. But she was really blushing now, and Hughes' glances at her chest made her aware of the enormous size of her tits, of what a huge shelf her super-sized double D-cuppers formed under the uniform.
"I guess I just can't help myself, Rachel," Hughes sighed. He cupped his hands boldly in front of his chest, sighed, and shook his head wistfully. "I'm a tit man from the word go, and you've really got a pair of beauties!"
Rachael just sighed and tried not to smile. Her giant tits! For the past several years, ever since her tits had grown really huge, Rachel had felt as if her whole life revolved around her oversized chest development. The one thing she liked about working for Richard Hankison – a handsome but unscrupulous thirty-three year-man who gouged his patients unmercifully – was that he was too busy thinking about money to worry about her oversized tits.
Rachel had a very nice ass too, a perfect round, plump, pinchable ass that excited most of the guys she'd fucked with. But most of the attention was still directed toward her huge tits.
It wasn't just that her tits were very, very large, it was that they were so firm and round, too. And her nipples were as outrageously oversized as the tits that supported them. Rachel's areolas were a full three inches wide, and so deep-red in color that their shape showed through her custom-ordered brassieres. The teats were really big too – when her tits were excited, the nipples could stick out a full inch.
She could feel them sticking out a little now as she pulled up a chair and checked the order of the tools on the little tray. Being complimented like this always made her pussy get nice and wet and tingly. Rachel was a naturally very horny girl, eager to spread her legs and give her tight cunt to nearly any man who wanted it. She'd gotten into plenty of trouble in the past because of her overdeveloped sex drive, but she doubted she'd ever be able to change, and she didn't think she really wanted to.
The truth was, she was starting to think about fucking Hughes too!
"I'm sorry if I offended you, Rachel," Hughes said politely.
"That's all right, Mr. Hughes," Rachel sighed. "I'm used to it, believe me. Now open wide, please."
Hushes let his head drop back and opened his mouth wide.
Hmmmm, Rachel thought, no tobacco stains. She probed his gums with the claw tool.
"I guess you've stopped smoking."
Hughes didn't answer. Rachel started working on his teeth, carefully wedging the tiny claw tool under his gums. After a few minutes, however, her rapidly moistening pussy got the better of her – she snuck a peak at his crotch.
"Oh, Mr. Hughes!"
Hughes smiled devilishly, closing his mouth and making it impossible for Rachel to continue. The busty teen felt her cheeks getting red. She fidgeted nervously, and found herself staring longer at his dick.
He had a simply outrageous hard-on. She'd given plenty of guys boners in the past, but this was a forty year-old man, and there was something especially exciting and obscene about the way his obviously long, stiff cock was throbbing in his dress slacks.
"I can see what you're looking at, Rachel," Hughes smiled. "Its a real big one, isn't it?"
"I… I… I don't think you should talk to me that way, Mr. Hughes."
"I just can't help it." Hughes shrugged. Then he shocked her again, reaching for his zipper. "Would you like to see it? Maybe then you'll see how horny you make me!"
"Mr. Hughes, please!"
"I think that means yes!"
Hughes winked at her, and then the bold businessman undid his belt buckle and pulled down his zipper.
Tell him to stop, Rachel told herself. But she didn't. Instead she just stood there and watched, her pussy getting warmer and juicier. Her eyes bulged in amazement as Hughes reached into his pants and pulled out an absolutely enormous, naked cock.
"Look, Rachel. Now you can see what my real problem is!"
The prick was a real whopper. Proudly the long, meaty fuck organ stood out of his crotch fur, capped with a huge, bulbous knob that was already sticky with oozing jizz. Before Rachel's eyes the big prick shivered and pulsed, obviously in need of having its balls drained.
"I sure could use a blow job, Rachel," Hughes said boldly. He pushed his hips down in the big dental chair, letting his giant cock throb and twitch over his shirt. "I think I could use that a lot more than a teeth cleaning. Don't you think so?"
"I think you're being perfectly disgusting, Mr. Hughes!"
But Rachel's pussy was getting really wet now, juicing so heavily that she could feel the moistness in her panty crotch. The sight of a big, naked, throbbing boner always had that effect on her. Rachel had a natural love for hard cocks, and looking at a naked pisser in the raw could make her so horny that it was impossible to think about anything else.
Looking at Hughes' boner was having that effect on her right now. Without really being aware of what she was doing, Rachel replaced the claw tool on the little tray. The big dental chair had a broad, well padded footrest. The next thing Rachel knew, she was kneeling on it.
A lewd smile spread across Hughes' face as he guessed he was about to get his cock sucked after all. The busty teen felt too horny to think straight. She shuddered as she reached up, roughly pulling the patients pants down to his ankles. Then she slid her hand up, wrapping her hand tightly around the bloated thickness of his cock.
"You really ought to be ashamed of yourself, Mr. Hughes," Rachel said.
But by then she had already begun jacking the long, fat prick up and down, staring at the knob as she whipped her right hand up and down the stalk. Hughes sighed, grinding his hips off the broad, well-padded dental chair. His big organ responded by growing even stiffer, the knob puffing up and oozing milky droplets of pre-cum.
"Is this making your boner throb, Mr. Hughes?" Rachel panted. "Gosh, you've really got a big one! You're pretty proud of having a big dick, aren't you?"