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Sure  enough,  cameras  were  stealing  into  view  in  ones  and  twos.  There  was  a  flash, then another. Their  shock gave  way  to tabloid voyeurism.

In    no    time    the    entire    cast    was    blazing    away    with    eight-hundred-dollar point-and-shoots.  Motor  drives  made  an  insect  hum.  The  lifeless  flesh  flared  in  their artificial  lightning.  Ike  moved  out  of  frame,  and  welcomed  the  corpse  like  a  savior.  It was unbelievable. Famished, cold, and lost, they  couldn't have  been happier.

One of the  women  had  climbed  the  stepping-stones  and  was  kneeling  to  one  side  of the nude, her head tilted sideways.

She looked down at them. 'But he's one of us,' she said.

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Us. You and me. A white man.'

Someone else framed it in less vulgar terms.  'A Caucasian male?'

'That's crazy,' someone objected. 'Here? In the middle of nowhere?'

Ike  knew she was right. The  white flesh, the hair on its forearms  and  chest,  the  blue eyes,  the  cheekbones  so  obviously  non-Mongoloid.  But  the  woman  wasn't  pointing  to his   hairy   arms   or   blue   eyes   or   slender   cheekbones.   She   was   pointing   at   the hieroglyphics painted on his thigh. Ike  aimed his light at the other thigh. And froze. The  text  was in English. Modern English. Only upside down.

It  came  to  him.  The  body  hadn't  been  written  upon  after  death.  The  man  had written  upon  himself  in  life.  He'd  used  his  own  body  as  a  blank  page.  Upside  down. He'd inscribed his journal notes on the only parchment  guaranteed  to  travel  with  him. Now Ike  saw how the lettering wasn't just painted on, but crudely  tattooed.

Wherever  he  could  reach,  the  man  had  jotted  bits  of  testimony.  Abrasions  and  filth obscured some of the writing, particularly below the knees and around his  ankles.  The rest  of  it  could  easily  have  been  dismissed  as  random  and  lunatic.  Numbers  mixed with  words  and  phrases,  especially  on  the  outer  edges  of  each  thigh,  where  he'd apparently  decided  there  was  extra  room  for  new  entries.  The  clearest  passage  lay across his lower stomach.

'"All the world will be in love with night,"' Ike  read aloud,'"and pay  no worship  to  the garish sun."'

'Gibberish,' snapped Owen, badly spooked.

'Bible talk,' Ike  sympathized.

'No, it's not,' piped up Kora. 'That's not from the Bible. It's  Shakespeare.  Romeo  and


Ike  felt  the  group's  repugnance.  Indeed,  why  would  this  tortured  creature  choose for  his  obituary  the  most  famous  love  story  ever  written?  A  story  about  opposing clans. A tale of love transcending violence.  The  poor  stiff  had  been  out  of  his  gourd  on thin  air  and  solitude.  It  was  no  coincidence  that  in  the  highest  monasteries  on  earth, men endlessly obsessed about delusion. Hallucinations were  a given up  here.  Even  the Dalai Lama joked about it.

'And  so,'  Ike  said,  'he's  white.  He  knew  his  Shakespeare.  That  makes  him  no  older than two or three  hundred years.'

It  was becoming a  parlor  game.  Their  fear  was  shifting  to  morbid  delight.  Forensics as recreation.

'Who is this guy?'  one woman asked.

'A slave?'

'An escaped prisoner?'

Ike  said  nothing.  He  went  nose-to-nose  with  the  gaunt  face,  hunting  for  clues.  Tell your journey, he thought. Speak  your escape.  Who shackled  you with gold?  Nothing. The  marble eyes  ignored their curiosity. The  grimace enjoyed its voiceless riddles. Owen had joined them on the shelf, reading from the opposite shoulder. 'RAF.'

Sure enough, the left deltoid bore a  tattoo  with  the  letters  RAF  beneath  an  eagle.  It was right side up and of commercial quality. Ike  grasped the cold arm.

'Royal Air Force,' he translated.

The  puzzle  assembled.  It  even  half-explained  the  Shakespeare,  if  not  the  chosen lines.

'He was a pilot?' asked the Paris bob. She seemed  charmed.

'Pilot. Navigator. Bombardier.' Ike  shrugged. 'Who knows?'

Like  a  cryptographer,  he  bent  to  inspect  the  words  and  numbers  twining  the  flesh. Line  after  line,  he  traced  each  clue  to  its  dead  end.  Here  and  there  he  punctuated complete  thoughts  with  a  jab  of  his  fingertip.  The  trekkers  backed  away,  letting  him work through the cyphers.  He seemed  to know what he was doing.

Ike  circled  back  and  tried  a  string  in  reverse.  It  made  sense  this  time.  Yet  it  made no  sense.  He  got  out  his  topographical  map  of  the  Himalayan  chain  and  found  the longitude  and  latitude,  but  snorted  at  their  nexus.  No  way,  he  thought,  and  lifted  his gaze across the wreckage  of a human body. He looked back at the map. Could it be?

'Have some.' The  smell of  French-pressed  gourmet  coffee  made  him  blink.  A  plastic mug slid into view. Ike  glanced up. Kora's blue eyes  were  forgiving.  That  warmed  him more  than  the  coffee.  He  took  the  cup  with  murmured  thanks  and  realized  he  had  a terrific  headache.  Hours  had  passed.  Shadows  lay  pooled  in  the  deeper  cave  like  wet sewage.

Ike  saw  a  small  group  squatting  Neanderthal-style  around  a  small  Bluet  gas  stove, melting snow and brewing  joe.  The  clearest  proof  of  their  miracle  was  that  Owen  had broken  down  and  was  actually  sharing  his  private  stock  of  coffee.  There  was  one hand-grinding  the  beans  in  a  plastic  machine,  another  squeezing  the  filter  press,  yet another   grating   a   bit   of   cinnamon   on   top   of   each   cupful.   They   were   actually cooperating. For the first time in a month, Ike  almost liked them.

'You okay?'  Kora asked.

'Me?' It  sounded strange, someone asking after  his well-being. Especially her.

As  if  he  needed  any  more  to  ponder,  Ike  suspected  Kora  was  going  to  leave  him. Before  setting  off  from  Kathmandu,  she'd  announced  this  was  her  final  trek  for  the company. And since Himalayan High Journeys was  nothing  more  than  her  and  him,  it implied a larger  dissatisfaction.  He  would  have  minded  less  if  her  reason  was  another man, another country, better  profits, or higher risks. But her reason  was  him.  Ike  had broken her heart  because he was Ike,  full of dreams and childlike naïveté.  A  drifter  on life's  stream.  What  had  attracted  her  to  him  in  the  first  place  now  disturbed  her,  his lone  wolf/high  mountains  way.  She  thought  he  knew  nothing  about  the  way  people

really  worked,  like  this  notion  of  a  lawsuit,  and  maybe  there  was  some  truth  to  that. He'd  been  hoping  the  trek  would  somehow  bridge  their  gap,  that  it  would  draw  her back to the magic that drew  him. Over  the past two years  she'd  grown  weary,  though. Storms and bankruptcy  no longer spelled magic for her.

'I've  been  studying  this  mandala,'  she  said,  indicating  the  painted  circle  filled  with squirming  lines.  In  the  darkness,  its  colors  had  been  brilliant  and  alive.  In  their  light, the  drawing  was  bland.  'I've  seen  hundreds  of  mandalas,  but  I  can't  make  heads  or tails  out  of  this  one.  It  looks  like  chaos,  all  those  lines  and  squiggles.  It  does  seem  to have  a center, though.' She glanced up at the mummy, then at Ike's  notes.  'How  about you? Getting anywhere?'