The words hung in the air for a while before they were obscured by the whisper of leaves. 'I defend Existence. When it is attacked, I strike back.'
'They took something-'
'They stole from Existence. They attempted to control the very essence of everything for their own aims. And in doing so, they caused disruption… and suffering… and death… the opposite of life.'
Mallory's mouth was dry. Power lay everywhere; a scratching feeling at the back of his mind hinted at some tremendous consciousness circling him. His dread began to flourish again. 'There are good men who are suffering. If I return what's been stolen, will you leave them alone?'
'If wrongs are righted.' The quality of light in the Green Man's eyes became more intense. 'You have it in your power, Brother of Dragons.'
Mallory flinched; was this mysterious quality in him so powerful that even such a force acknowledged it?
'You are part of me,' the Green Man said, answering his thoughts, 'and I am part of you.'
Mallory began to search those troubling eyes, but snapped his gaze away as they began to suck him in. He felt as if he was staring into a vast ocean of intelligence, one that stretched to infinity; unknowable, dangerous in its alienness, one that could swallow him whole in an instant, so that he would be lost to everything as if he had never existed. Worse than that, it knew him, knew his deepest secrets, his worst fears, appeared to want something of him; or wanted him to want something of himself.
'You have a choice,' the Green Man said. Mallory had the strangest feeling he was talking about something other than the matter at hand.
'If you call off your army, let me get back into the cathedral… I'll do what I-'
'You have it in your power, Brother of Dragons,' the Green Man interrupted. There was a lull; a rustle moved through the vegetation. 'This is your time,' he continued. 'There are two paths before you. Everything hangs in the balance. Your choice, Brother of Dragons. Your choice.'
Again, Mallory could tell he wasn't talking about the cathedral and the stolen relic. 'I don't know what you mean,' he said desperately. But another voice at the back of his head appeared to be telling him that he did, but it was lost, driven back, as always.
The Green Man only smiled.
Mallory had no idea what happened next; it was as if a light was switched off, but things continued to go on in the dark. The next thing he knew he was back in the church in Knowlton with Sophie standing beside him. It was daylight, but it felt as though days had passed. Where there had been a thaw before, the snow lay thick across the whole landscape, frosted in place. For a moment, they stood, still lost to the place they had been, but gradually it faded, like the wind across the fields, until it was almost as if they had never been there.
'What happened to you?' he said, dragging her into his arms with a force born of euphoria, and love.
'What happened to you,}' she replied, also giddy with her renewed life. 'I saw the Green Man.' 'So did I.'
They stared at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing.
'They had it all wrong from the start — Cornelius, Stefan, all of them,' Mallory said, as they walked across the henge in the bright sunlight. 'He was the good guy and they'd badly wronged him-'
'It was more than that, Mallory. In their language, they sinned against God… my god… Existence… nature. They thought they had a right to take anything. That everything was created to be bent to their will, for the ends of their religion. Nothing else mattered but what they believed. And now they're paying the price.'
Mallory remembered the Green Man's eyes and shivered. 'It felt as though he was… more than he was. Does that make sense?'
'In ancient times, pagans believed there was one true God, so far removed they couldn't know anything about him, and all the other gods were aspects of him, symbolising different facets.' She looked up at the blue sky. 'It feels like the solstice.'
'Time's strange in… those places.' Mallory wasn't really aware of the vocabulary to describe the experience. 'How do you know?' 'I just… feel it.'
They paused at the gate, enjoying the sun on their faces, despite the cold. 'We have to go back, then,' he said.
'It's down to us to put things right. For… Existence.' She leaned over and gave him a kiss.
'I can't believe we're alive. I never thought we would be.' He took the measure of himself inside. 'Everything's changed.' 'Then we'd better not throw it away,' she said.
Chapter Sixteen
'How lamentable it is that men blame the gods for their troubles, when their own wickedness brings them suffering over and above that which Destiny decrees for them.'
The gates of the cathedral remained closed, but they bore the innumerable scars of the vicious attacks inflicted during the time Mallory and Sophie had been away. Now they only hung by a thread; one final push could have broken through. Repairs didn't appear to have been carried out for some days.
In the twilight, the place looked mournful and desolate. No guards patrolled the walls, no sounds of activity came from within. Mallory stared at the imposing gates apprehensively, afraid of what he might find. The killer of Cornelius, Julian and Gibson was still loose, but it was a more personal fear that was eating away at him. The past felt hard at his back; his time of running was nearly done.
Salisbury was unusually quiet. The people had retired to their homes early, as if anticipating something awful. Even the pubs were deserted, their doors open forlornly, casting candlelight across the frozen pavements. But the Green Man had kept his word: his forces were nowhere to be seen.
'You should stay here,' Mallory said to Sophie as he craned his neck to survey the top of the wall.
'Can I weep gently until you come back, as well?'
'Sarcasm is a very unattractive quality.'
'So is being an asshole. You can waltz off waving your little pigsticker; just don't forget who has the real power around here.'
'It's not what you've got, it's what you do with it.'
'Yeah, yeah, that's what all men say. Have you ever noticed how women smile tightly when they hear it?' She examined the gates closely; although they were insecure, any attempt to break them down would attract too much attention. 'Any idea how we're getting in?'
'Well, you know, there's a thing called foresight.' From under his cloak he brought out a length of rope he had picked up from one of the houses they had rested in on the day's trek back from Knowlton. He tied a noose in one end and then took five attempts to throw it on to one of the defensive barbs protruding from the top of the wall. He hauled himself up easily, then dropped quietly on to the walkway. One brother trudged lamely through the snow near the cathedral. Quickly, Mallory hauled Sophie up and they climbed down the ladder into the compound.
As they hurried to the shadows at the base of the wall, Sophie grabbed Mallory's arm and held him tight. 'Look!' she said.
On the far side of the cathedral, near the eastern wall, five stark, black scarecrows rose from the snowy wastes. Two were failing to do their job, for three large birds were fluttering around them, cawing discordantly. Mallory dismissed the sight quickly, but his eyes were drawn back by the muttered expression of shock from Sophie. And then he saw truthfully.
'No,' he said in disbelief. 'They wouldn't.'
But Stefan had clearly given in to the madness of his religious zeal. Snow began to fall lazily, casting an eerie, dreamlike quality across the scene. The five crucified figures didn't move.
Sophie tugged at Mallory's arm, but with his new eyes he was transfixed. One of the figures looked familiar in some subtle shape of head or limb, despite the dusting of frost and snow that made all five seem like siblings. He shook Sophie off and began to run, slowly at first, but as the horror rose up in him towing the guilt behind, it became a sprint. He didn't care if anyone saw him, didn't think anything at all apart from what a truly terrible person he was and how he'd never, ever be anything else.